Tag: Update
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 23 April 2020
Jodha ask moti that jalal was saying that he didnt touch me, is it true? Moti says why not? Why will he lie to his wife, and who can stop him? Jalal h [...]
Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 21 April 2020
its morning, jalal is rubbing jodha’s hand, she get consciousness and jerks her hand, she gets up and ask how i came here, jalal who else can do that [...]
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 20 April 2020
jalal is angry and says not a single word for my people, i will cut your tongue, he picks up his sword, jodha shouts no, jalal stops and looks at her. [...]
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 19 April 2020
Maham is furious And utters her wrath over Jodha. She yells at her for manipulating Jalal for her own wishes . That Jalal had insulted the mughul sult [...]
Deception Monday update 6 April 2020
Naren thinks who is this man in the hospital room. Pooja is about to cut her wrist with knife, when Mr. Kapoor snatches knife from her hand. He asks h [...]
Jodha Akbar Friday Update 17 April 2020
Scene 1
sharif ask who did give that fort, do you have any proof, document or agreement.
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 16 April 2020
Thanks [...]
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 16 April 2020
Jalal ask you are caring for me? She says no but sukanya’s marriage will be at halt, if something happens to you then amer will face many difficulties [...]
Jodha Akbar Saturday Update 18 April 2020
Jodha in veil is going, dadi stops her and ask who are you and why are you going there, she takes off jodha’s veil, jodha says i am doing this to mend [...]
Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 15 April 2020
Rajvanshi says pratap knows how to handle numbers, jalal says one cant trust number. They start playing, jalal has one goti(object), he says sometime [...]
Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 14 April 2020
jalal is seeing the portrait of some raja when jodha comes in, jalal says strange your behavior is changed, you come for my medicine, my food and to g [...]