jalal is angry and says not a single word for my people, i will cut your tongue, he picks up his sword, jodha shouts no, jalal stops and looks at her.. Jalal puts the sword down and remember his promise to jodha that i will not fight first.
Jalal says to fil that thanks jodha as i gave her my tongue not to fight, jalal says to sukanya that you are married and married couple get gifts, i am giving vajendar his father’s life as a gift and i am giving you the fort of ratanpur as a gift, gifts are given not snatched from someone, i wanted show fil with whom he is talking but now i am giving fort with full, he gives sukanya the papers of fort, jodha is happy while mughals are shocked.
Scene 2
jodha comes to jalal, he says world can finish but not your questions, she says if you gave that fort then why you attacked, jalal says if i gave that fort in pressure then it would be my political defeat and this will finish my kingship, secondly i dont give things which are asked without hardwork whether its fort, win or love, jodha says i thought you only believe in winning not in achieving jalal says win is also achieved by hardwork, sweat, blood. Jalal says i gave that fort for the relation i have with you and your family, that fort was earned by your father by the respect he gave to me, and i didnt want people to think that king dont give respect in return of respect,
jodha ask you are king then why our thought matters to you, jalal says dont know but it matters to me, jalal says you didnt ask why that fort is important to me, when i was child, my father gifted me that fort, he took me to roof and says look how far you see the world from here, you will rule that, jodha ask its it is that imp than why you gave it to sukanya, jalal says 2 reason. 1st i have more than how far i saw from fort 2nd i didnt gave that fort to amer queen but the sister of mughal saltnat wife/queen jodha feels awkward and looks at him(bg plays) jodha leaves. Jalal says i gave answer but heq question was valid why her talk matters to me why why?
Scene 3
mughals are on their way to agra, but weather is stormy and cold, jalal says weather is not good so we will stay here, adka says your decision is right, mughal women cant bear this weather, jalal says provide, wood in all tents.
Jodha is taking off her jewelry, jalal comes and looks flirtly at her, he sits beside her, and comes closer to her, jodha is shy, jalal stretch the thread and curtains come down on her bed, he says you forgot that, he goes and sit on sofa, jodha smiles and lies down in bed, jalal smilingly looks at her.
Scene 4
ruks in agra is sleeping, hoshiyar wakes her up and informs her something, she says lets go and make sure soldiers go to jalal. Here jalal gets up and sit on bed, he remembers ganghaur time(ishq hai wo ehsas plays), he keeps looking at jodha who is sleeping peacefully, he tries to side her hairs but cant touch her, jodha turns suddenly and sleep on jalal’s hand, she wakes up and says you here, i told you that we cant share hubby wife relation, outside is stormy weather and you are trying to take advantage of it, jalal says you are thinking wrong i was..
jodha cuts him off and says i am here only bcoz of hamida, i am sharing tent with you only to not upset hamida but now i will not stay here, i am going, jalal says weather is very stormy outside, jodha says inside weather is more stormy.
Scene 5
jodha is sitting outside shivering, jalal says weather is not good lets go, you are mughal wife it doesnt suit you, jodha says i know my place, jalal says ok i will see till when your inside fire will save you from this cold weather, he leaves. jodha is lying outside and gets unconscious due to cool breeze,jalal comes, checks her fever, jalal says she doesnt listen to anyone in front of her stubborn nature. he lifts her in his arms . Jodha blabber dont touch me. he takes her inside.
Scene 6
doctor is taking care of jodha and ask jalal that i want to talk to jalal alone, maham is curious and says we all care for her so says it, doc says i want to talk only with jalal, all leaves, doc says her blood has become cold and to save her life we have to make her conscious, this will happen only when her blood gets warm, only her husband can help her now, moti listens all this, while jalal is shocked, doc, moti leaves and jalal sadly looks at her and thinks one side is jodha’s life and other side the promise i have given to her.
Scene 7
resham informs maham about doctor’s words, maham laughs and remember ruks words that jalal cant love jodha even if God or priests says, resham ask she is haapy at ruks bad fate? maham says no i am happy at jodha’s bad fate. maham says that tonight jalal would make Jodha his And then would lose interest in her as he had won her, Made her his, Now he would lose all interest in her . Maham is happy, adham comes and ask she didnt sleep? she shares this thought of her with Adham khan.
Scene 8
jalal is confused and remembers doctor’s words, he takes off his shawl and sits beside her, he caresses her forehead and is thinking deeply.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 21 April 2020