Tag: Update
Game of love Tuesday Update 19 November 2019
Pandit says Shivaansh’s would be wife will be one in a million. He says your journey won’t be easy but life will be beautiful, you both will face the [...]
The heir Sunday Update 17 November 2019
Simran calls Rohan. He gets glad hearing her. She says I called you to thank, you said Raj’s truth. He says no, it was my duty, if you need me, you ca [...]
Kindred hearts Sunday Update 17 November 2019
Jia calls Krishna on Arjun’s number. She says yyou have to come home for dinner early. I am acting weird because I am not well. Krishna sees her comin [...]
Made For Each Other Sunday Update 17 November 2019
Pandit saying just Prerna has the right to be called Anurag’s wife, you may discuss the matter and call me if you need help. Mohini gets angry. Prerna [...]
Kulfi the Singing Star Sunday Update 17 November 2019
Kulfi says Ma how can this man be my father, look how he treated me where is my baba. Kulfi hears sikanders recorded songs. Bhola sleeping d exams of [...]
Mehek Saturday Update 16 November 2019
Shaurya is on his way. He looks for Mahek everywhere.
Rashmi gives gift to arish and says pick any you want. Yuvraj says there will be no engagemet. [...]
The heir Saturday Update 16 November 2019
Jagan says you should be ashamed to get them like this. The men get against Mannu as Raj kidnapped them. Raj says Chandar didn’t let her come to panch [...]
Kindred hearts Saturday Update 15 November 2019
Jia sees newspaper. Arjun has been found by police. She runs downstairs to tell everyone. Whole house is decorated with welcome back banners. Jia says [...]
Made For Each Other Saturday Update 16 November 2019
Nivedita asking Anurag to wake up. He says marriage is over, can we skip these functions. She says no, you can’t skip. You created enough drama last n [...]
Kulfi the Singing Star Saturday Update 16 November 2019
Pakhi keeps shouting at Bhola to hold the handle, bholas cycle stumbles by the tree but he climbs over it and tricks Pakhi, Pakhi gets angry, Bhola wa [...]