Tag: Update
Zara’s Nikah Thursday Update 7 January 2021
Kabir says to Zara that this all happened because you were focusing on my competition, you should focus on your work, think about your work now. Zara [...]
Zara’s Nikah Wednesday Update 6 January 2021
Shahbaz says to Kabir that what are you doing here? you are getting in trap of that girl? What is she to you now? Kabir says she is my good friend and [...]
Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update 5 January 2021
Zara says to Kabir that I filled that form as your friend, this is a good competition. Kabir says I dont want to go there, you should have asked me be [...]
Zara’s Nikah Monday Update 4 January 2021
Zara comes home and tells Azra thata Sabina made her meet Kabir.
Kabir tells Imran about Sabina trying to make them friends.
Kabir and Zara meet i [...]
Ring Of Fire Saturday Update 2 January 2021
Ragini walking a drunk as a skunk staggering Anurag upstairs to her room. She is embarrassed and angry with his obnoxious state. She notices that his [...]
Twist of Fate Tuesday Update 29 December 2020 Season Finale
Twist of Fate Tuesday Update 29 December 2020: Aaliya informing everyone that Abhi just remember the things which happened 2 and a half years ago. He [...]
Twist of Fate Monday Update 28 December 2020
Doctor informing Pragya that Abhi is no more and died before he was taken to hospital. He asks ward boy to fill the form and mention brought dead on a [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 1 January 2021
Kabir says to Zara so you came to the concert? SHe says it is my favorite singer’s concert. You should know. He says did you tell me? Zara says I am w [...]
Zara’s Nikah Thursday Update 31 December 2020
Zara comes home with food. Zara asks Salma to come and have food with them. Salma stops her. Zara says its biryani, lets go. Salma prays and says you [...]
Zara’s Nikah Wednesday Update 30 December 2020
Kabir tells Imran that I cant be with Zara, I cant put her in danger. Imran says you love her a lot and you left her to protect her, trust God, he wil [...]