Tag: Sunday Update

1 31 32 33 34 35 61 330 / 610 POSTS
Deception Sunday update 15 March 2020

Deception Sunday update 15 March 2020

Guards stopping Pooja from meeting Mr. Kapoor and says Naren will meet him first. Harish tells truth to Naren and says Pooja took Mr. Kapoor’s name to [...]
Snatched Sunday update 15 March 2020

Snatched Sunday update 15 March 2020

Dadi comes out of vinati’s room and cries. Sanjana says dont worry I have an idea. Shreya and elaichi are working in the kitchen. Elaichi says whats w [...]
Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 15 March 2020

Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 15 March 2020

servant gets clothes for urmi frm her maayka… Urmi says keep it and go…urmi calls her ho,e..mom says did she get the clothes..umri says yes..mom sa [...]
Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 8 March 2020

Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 8 March 2020

Rashmi’s parents are giving rashmi the presents that they have brought for everyone. rashmi is still gloating about how she has gotten urmi lucky by m [...]
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 8 March 2020

Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 8 March 2020

The ladies are awaiting and Jalal is doing the rounds of the stalls , he doesnt like the shoes which Zeenat shows him and then visits the stall where [...]
Ring of Fire Sunday Update 8 March 2020

Ring of Fire Sunday Update 8 March 2020

Power goes off at Shristi’s house. Poonam goes to get candle. Shristi says if Vishu was here, he would have created inverter. Power comes back. Poona [...]
Deception Sunday update 8 March 2020

Deception Sunday update 8 March 2020

Harish asks Pooja to give tamarind to Supriya as she likes it. Pooja says you have to give tamarind to her personally. Mayank thinks he can’t see prop [...]
Snatched Sunday update 8 March 2020

Snatched Sunday update 8 March 2020

Snatched Sunday  8 March 2020: Akash says there was some misunderstanding. Sanyu did you say something to him? AKash says sanyu thought i am doing som [...]
Ring of Fire Sunday Update 1 March 2020

Ring of Fire Sunday Update 1 March 2020

Anurag confront Revati and asks why did she force Chutki kaki to go away, he respects kaaki like her. Vishu also cries why did they let kaaki go. Reva [...]
Deception Sunday update 1 March 2020

Deception Sunday update 1 March 2020

  Rahul says if your bones are broken then how you will take care of him. Neelima says we are just paralyzing him, we have option to kill him. [...]
1 31 32 33 34 35 61 330 / 610 POSTS