Tag: Update
The heir Tuesday Update 29 October 2019
Raj gets up and holds his head. He thinks to reach Preet soon. He drives ahead. Chandar gets close to Mannu. Mannu sees Raj and says Raj. Chandar says [...]
Mehek Monday Update 28 October 2019
Mahek comes to boxing ring and hits it in anger. Coach comes. Shaurya comes and says we will see how good of a boxer she is. Coach says we will see th [...]
Mehek Tuesday Update 29 October 2019
Yuvraj says to Shaurya are you ready? I want you to win. I am a failed boxer tot he work. I couldn’t play for the country but you will. You have every [...]
Fire and Ice Monday Update 28 October 2019
Twinkle says how did you change your finger prints? Rocky smirks at Pallavi. Flashback shows Pallavi seeing paper outside Twinkle’s room, she says why [...]
Kulfi the Singing Star Tuesday Update 29 October 2019
Kulfi the Singing Star Monday Update 28 Oct
Sikander looks at Kulfi, he sees people around playing Holi ,and says enough kulfigo play with othe [...]
The heir Monday Update 28 October 2019
Raj says I will fulfill my promise to Preet. Sakshi asks what promise. Raj thinks I can’t tell Sakshi about Preet and my contract. He goes. Chandar si [...]
Kulfi the Singing Star Monday Update 28 October 2019
Kulfi the Singing Star Sunday Update 27 Oct
Mohendar Bebe cheer Amyra to sing, Amyra sings a song, everyone happy hear her sing, Lovely thanks god. [...]
King of Hearts Saturday Update 26 October 2019
Roshni closes her eyes and recalls the moments spent with Sid. She sees her marriage with Sid, and opens her eyes calling Siddharth. She holds him. A [...]
King of Hearts Sunday Update 27 October 2019
Doctor checking Premal and says he is fine. Premal kisses on her hand. Bansi says my son’s happiness is my happiness. He says you have won by heart an [...]
Game of love Tuesday Update 29 October 2019
Game of love Monday Update 28 October 2019
Omru come for the bid and greet Jai. The man says welcome to the bid, all the bids were compelling, [...]