Omru come for the bid and greet Jai. The man says welcome to the bid, all the bids were compelling, it was tough for us to decide, a unique bid has come and it made it easy for us to decide. Jai thinks I knew Shivaye’s big was lowest, after scoring the lowest bid after reducing it by a rupee. The man says we are happy to announce, that we are giving this project to Oberoi industries. Omru hug. Jai gets shocked. Rudra turns to him and sees him gone. Om says Rudy, tell Shivaye that he won the bid. Jai says my bid was lower than Shivaye’s bid, how did he get the tender. Rudra calls Shivaye and says yes, we got the bid, its the result of revised quotation. FB shows Shivaye stopping Omru and reducing the bid by 10%.
Rudra says I have to say it, your sense of business and instincts are amazing like
me, I m going to Om now. Jai hears him. Rudra goes. Jai says Shivaye has scored this, but the game isn’t over, he got this deal, but he won’t retain it, I will snatch this deal. Shivaye hugs Omru and say well done. Anika jokes and says sweets would be good. Dadi says where is everyone, call them. Bhavya says of course, we should celebrate. Surya reads his letter, dear Kalyani, our pool side date got spoiled, so I have a plan, since you won’t meet me in the house. He comes to kitchen.
Anika says Oberoi industries cracked a big deal, have sweets. He says congrats, I have come to take juice, its a big day for you, go and celebrate with your husbands. Gauri says fine. Anika, Gauri and Bhavya go. Surya says this ginger tea would be for Dadi, can I get some juice. Maid says sure, I will get it. He keeps the chit under the tea cup. He takes the juice. Anika, Gauri and Bhavya give sweets to their husbands. Rudra says we will celebrate in my style, we will be going out for dinner. Gauri says no, we can’t go tonight.
Bhavya says there is Jagrata at Tandons. Om asks what. Shivomru start coughing. Anika says why do you eat quickly like kids, easy… Shivaye says Jagrata was yesterday right. Gauri says no, they have returned from Delhi today. Shivaye signs Omru. Om says Jagrata is tonight, go and get ready. Gauri says there is still much time left. Rudra says time is up, time passes so soon. Shivaye says Tandons are coming from Delhi, they would be tired, let me speak, I m elder, go and help them. Om says yes, its your duty as a good neighbor. Rudra says show the world that Oberois are world’s best neighbor, India’s best neighbor. They make their wives leave. Rudra says Dadi lied to us. Shivaye says Dadi was humming the same song as Surya uncle. Om says this mean… Rudra says this means Dadi and Surya were together last night. Shivaye says no, we are thinking wrong. Maid takes tea for Dadi.
Shivaye says we will take it to her. He says we will go and ask her. Rudra sits crying aloud. He says I m in shock, Dadi is having an affair in this age, why didn’t you die before hearing this Om. Shivaye says there is some confusion, she isn’t having an affair. Rudra says I will sue Su. Shivaye gets the letter and says its for Dadi. Rudra says Dadi has an affair with our maid as well. Shivaye asks have you gone mad. He reads. I know you won’t meet me in the house, after our pool side date got spoiled, so we will meet in the park tomorrow morning, tell children that you are going for a morning walk, love Surya…. Shivaye says no, they could meet for any reason, maybe he wants to discuss with Dadi before telling us about Dada ji. Rudra jokes. Om corrects him. Rudra says how will you justify, ‘Love, Surya’, Dadi is surely having an affair. Gauri comes and asks what are you guys talking. Shivaye says we were congratulating each other for the deal. Gauri says fine, we are going shopping and then we will go for Jagrata.
Shivaye says what’s going on, I m thinking to have a full chapter written on Dada and Dadi’s love story in Dada ji’s biography, and …. Rudra says and Dadi is having an affair with his friend. Shivaye says yes, I got depressed. Om says whatever happens, our wives shouldn’t know this matter, we have to promise this. Rudra says yes, if we tell them, they will suspect us. Shivaye asks why, its about Dadi. Rudra says because grandsons will be like Dadi. Shivaye says Dadi is different, we are different. Om says focus on the big problem. Shivaye says maybe Surya and Dadi had a past, its possible. Om says yes. Shivaye says our doubt would get cleared when someone tells us. Rudra says Dadi can tell us. Om says Dadi created this confusion. Shivaye says Nani. Om says just imagine, how can a grandson ask this to Nani, its awkward. Shivaye says but we have to talk. Om says fine, what about this letter, shall we give this to Dadi. Shivaye says we will first talk to Dadi and then think of this letter. Shivomru come to Nani. Shivaye says we need to ask you something. Rudra says about Surya. She asks what do you want to know about him.
Shivaye asks why didn’t he get married. She asks why do you want to know this. Shivaye says its a big decision. Om says Surya is young, dashing, he sings and wears stylish clothes, he is a bachelor. She says he didn’t get married, because the girl who he wanted to marry, she got married to someone else, he was heartbroken, he shifted to Canada. Shivaye asks what happened to that girl. She says she has a happy family, she is very happy, she has grandchildren, but something remains missing in everyone’s life. Shivaye asks what. Rudra says we have a lot of money. Nani laughs and says I know why you want to ask about Surya and that girl, your guess is right, that girl is your Dadi, Kalyani. They get shocked and faint. She laughs.
ShivOmru think. Shivaye says I think we are being selfish and coming between Dadi’s happiness. Om says at this age. Shivaye says exactly, she has thought just for us and this house, isn’t it our turn to think about her, Surya’s wishes are mentioned in this letter. Om says but we don’t know what she wants. Rudra asks what would Dadi want. Shivaye says Nani told me that you miss a life partner’s presence more in old age. Surya comes singing Abhi to mai jawaan hoon…. Rudra says he is here. They greet Surya. Om says you look very happy today. Surya says I m very happy, I have fallen in love. Rudra asks what. Surya says with life. Rudra says I know who is it. Shivaye says great. Surya says I have to sleep early. Rudra asks why. Surya says because I have to wake up early in the morning. Om asks why. Surya says I have to go for a morning walk. Rudra says morning walk is just an excuse, he wants to flirt. Om says the parks aren’t good here. Surya says maybe, but my walk would be good. He goes.
Rudra says yes, since its with our Dadi. Om says we have to stop this meeting. Shivaye says no, Ishqbaaz never cross the path of the lovers. They hear some sound. Rudra says bet with me, Dadi is coming. Om says I hope you lose this bet. Rudra says I want to lose. Sahil comes. Shivaye asks from where are you returning at this time. Sahil says no, I m going out with friends, I have grown up, I can take care of myself. Shivaye says just be careful. Sahil thinks I had to ask him for the car, forget it. Om says Surya must be thinking that letter reached Dadi, if Dadi isn’t there, he will ask Dadi. Shivaye says something we should do now. He passes the letter to Dadi. Dadi picks it and reads. They look on. Rudra says I thought she will come out and shout on Surya, she is out of control. Shivaye says Surya is a good guy, what’s the problem. Rudra says he is not our Dada ji. Shivaye says I know, what will happen if bahus know, let them meet in the park, lets see what happens next, nobody will go to the park.
Anika says I heard you didn’t take dinner. Shivaye says Dadi. She asks what happened to Dadi, I m worried for her, she is not the same Dadi since Surya has arrived. He gets a call. She asks what happened. He says Sahil. She asks what happened to Sahil. Jai comes to Priyanka. She asks why are you late. He says stop behaving like a typical wife, Shivaye has insulted me. She asks what did he do. He says he has snatched tender from me. She says everyone knows he is a good businessman. He says you can’t see your husband’s loss, you can see your brother’s achievement. She says you decide what I should do now, what do I do, I understand the business rivalry, don’t let it affect personal rivalry, I m sure if you got this tender, Shivaye would be happy for you, you go and change, you must be tired. He gets angry.
Sahil is at police station. He says Shivaye is my brother in law, when he learns this, he will get you all fired. He scolds the police. Shivaye and Anika come there. Sahil says now you all will bear the consequences of messing with me. Inspector says I had called you up, he was drunk driving. Sahil says they have forgotten their status, they are arresting me. Shivaye asks whose car was it. Sahil says yours. Anika says how dare you drive Shivaye’s car, whom did you ask before taking it. She slaps him. Sahil says its between Shivaye and me. Shivaye says I forgave your mistakes, you have crossed all limits today, I told you to ask me if you want anything. Anika says look at yourself, you are drunk, you should be ashamed. Sahil says sorry, I made a mistake. Shivaye says inspector keep him in lock up all
night, I will come to arrange bail tomorrow.
Anika says you will be punished, you will lose all the attitude if you stay in lock up for a night. They go. Sahil apologizes. He is put in lockup. Shivaye says I don’t know if I did right or not by punishing him. Anika says you did right. He says he wasn’t like this, children make mistakes, I m pretty sure he will understand when we explain, lets go and bring him. She says no, let him be there, he can’t break laws. He stops the car and calls inspector. He says I asked you to keep Sahil in lock up tonight to make him realize mistake, make sure that he is comfortable, he is a kid, he doesn’t differentiate between right and wrong. Anika says you are my Sweet Singh Oberoi, what were you tell me about Dadi. He says we shall go home and talk.
Its morning, Dadi waters the plants. Rudra hides. Surya comes there. Om is also hiding. He sees Rudra. He signs to ask what are you doing here. Rudra says I was worried about Dadi. Om says me too. They see Shivaye and recall his words. They ask what are you doing here. Shivaye says she is my Dadi too, I was worried about her, what are you doing here. Omru say we do worry for her. Surya sings Phoolon ki rani…. Dadi says no need to go to the park. He asks what do you mean. She says I won’t come, its not right. He asks what, life has given us another chance. Water falls over Shivomru. Shivaye says the real soldier is the one who doesn’t budge ever. Rudra jokes. Dadi says you have got heartbroken once, I don’t want to do it again, I don’t want to keep you in the dark, I know you have always loved me, since I got to know about love, I have just loved my Prithvi, I have taught my grandsons that love happens only once, and with only one person.
Shivomru get up. She asks what are you three doing here. Rudra says we were finding something. Shivaye says our Dadi… They hug Dadi and smile. Surya smiles. He thanks everyone for their hospitality, love and respect. Shivaye asks Khanna to drop Surya at the airport. He says it was great to meet you. Surya hugs him and says you remind me of Prithvi, he was also similar, courageous, hard working and loved his family a lot, I have an old diary, I used to write what I couldn’t express, I have written a lot about your Dada ji, don’t worry, it contains the memories of our times and friendship, I haven’t written bitter memories, the most beautiful memories of Prithvi is this family. Anika and Gauri ask him to stay back for more days. He says no, I want to live a lot in short period of time. He says I will try in next birth, this time, I will be your groom.
Dadi laughs. Dadi says do invite Aruna, she likes to dance. Nani says if there is anything written against me in this diary, I will come to Canada and beat you. Surya says I knew this, so I haven’t written anything about you. She says good boy, take care. He says you too take care of yourself and Kalyani. Surya asks them to just say Su, not Surya. He leaves. Jai comes and asks did Surya go, I couldn’t meet him. Shivaye says he just left. Rudra asks where were you yesterday. Jai says I had a meeting, congrats. Shivaye says I told you that contract will stay in our family. Jai says I have to leave. Priyanka asks him to have something. He says no, I don’t want to eat. He goes. She says he was in a rush. Gauri asks where is Sahil. Anika sees Shivaye.
Inspector gets Shivaye’s call and asks constable to release Sahil. Sahil goes. Inspector says don’t humiliate Shivaye by doing such things. Sahil thinks Rudra used to bet illegally, Priyanka eloped to marry, Shivaye didn’t scold them, but he got me locked up in jail for my small mistake, I will never forget this insult. He comes home. Anika says you have insulted me. Sahil says sorry. Anika says Shivaye’s reputation was at stake. Shivaye says its okay, how will he learn then, I promise, Sahil is my responsibility, I will take him to office, so that he gets busy in good things. Sahil agrees. Shivaye hugs him. Sahil says sorry, I promise this won’t happen again. Anika hugs him. Shivaye asks him to go and relax in his room. Sahil thinks I will relax when I take revenge for my insult. Omru argue to do everything all alone. Gauri asks what are you going to do. Priyanka says you have to tell me too. Rudra says fine, it won’t be my responsibility now. Om says you will spoil things. Rudra says we will share the secret. He tells them the secret. They smile. Om says its my plan. They all join hands.
Shivaye holds Anika romantically. She asks what’s the reason. He says you are so lovely, close eyes. He makes her wear a bracelet. She sees the moon and smiles. She says people just talk but you have really brought a moon for me. He says I have got a fake moon to adorn the real moon. He kisses her hand. She says let me see, its so beautiful. He says its a symbol of our love, it has both moon and moonlight, like they can’t get separated, same way we can never get separated. He holds her face and says I didn’t say this to make you cry, always remember this, we will together find the light, no matter how dark it gets. She says when you talk such sweet things, then I become happier. They hug. He says Anika I love you. She says I love you more. He says no, I love you more, don’t fight. She says I love you more. He says I challenge you, one day I will prove that I love you the most, more than yourself, more than myself. Rudra comes and says you should have at least closed the door. Shivaye asks him to close his eyes. Rudra says you can’t close a small door, you had a meeting with client, come. Shivaye says I don’t want to go. Rudra says Anika can be responsible if we lose this deal. Rudra pulls Shivaye. Shivaye says I don’t want to go. Anika says go, come back soon in the evening, I have work. Shivaye gives her a flying kiss.