Tag: Tuesday update
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv November 20th
November 20th
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv
Dasi makes Abhi sit infront of mirror and tries to make Safa. He asks what you are doing [...]
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv Nov 13th
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv
Nov 13th
Aaliya asks him to do as she says and asks him to bring any girl and be prepared. Nikhil as [...]
Tuesday Update on Twist Of Fate Zee World Tv Nov 6th
Tuesday Update on Twist Of Fate Zee World Tv
Nov 6th
Abhi makes her see her back. Pragya says so you was trying to hide this and covering it up. [...]
Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World Tv November 6th
Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World Tv
November 6th
Indira doing her drawing on the wall and Rishi asking her what it is,
She tries to hit Ris [...]
30 Oct Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World Tv
Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World Tv
30 Oct Episode
Police come and tells vanraj to search Sharma Niwas for proofs. Zara says that she is insp [...]
30 Oct Tuesday Update on The Promise Zee World Tv
30 Oct Tuesday Update on The Promise Zee World Tv
Ganga saying that she knows Meera's plans and that Meera will take her out of jail soon. Pronita sa [...]
30 Oct Tuesday Update on Twist Of Fate Zee World Tv
30 Oct Tuesday Update on Twist Of Fate Zee World Tv
Pragya wakes up. Abhi asks how you are feeling now? He makes her sit? Allah Wariyan plays…………..Th [...]
Tuesday Update on The Promise Zee World Tv
Tuesday Update on The Promise Zee Tv
October 23 Episode
Pronita says Jai is completely broken, he thinks he is a failure, but Jai Walia isn't, he ju [...]
Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World
Tuesday Update on Iron Lady Zee World
Oct 23 Episode
Indu in a critical state and the doc says now it is all in the almighty hands.Rishi gets angry. [...]
Wednesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv
October 24 Episode
Wednesday Update on Twist of Fate Zee World Tv
Abhi bringing Pragya to room and make her sit. Tanu comes and asks him to come out [...]