Tag: Thursday Update
King of Hearts Thursday Update 12 September, 2019
Sid and Roshni dance on the song Dil Kare Chun Chaa………DD tells that she wants to share her sweet memories and asks to play the DVD. Everyone is shocke [...]
Mehek Thursday Update 12 September 2019
Priest says to family that husband and wife should be present in pooja otherwise Pooja will not complete. Mahek says Shaurya is in pain, I will apolog [...]
The heir Thursday Update 12 September 2019
Amba asking Jagan why did he do this. He says I thought well, Aman asked not to hurt Gunjan, it means he loves Gunjan, Mannu broke this proposal, wher [...]
Kindred Hearts Thursday Update 12 September, 2019
Jia is sadly sitting in her room, she remembers her moment with Arjun, kabira plays as she recalls Arjun marrying Nisha, she is in tears. Jia says wha [...]
Fire and Ice Thursday Update 12 September 2019
Twinkle comes and meets Raman and Pinni, she asks Babee whats special? Babee says i got to know that one ritual of your marriage was not done and ever [...]
Kulfi the Singing Star Thursday Update 12 September 2019
Kulfi studying in class,her teachers arrive,she says your study time is over its time for your test,and these two maams will also accompany so that yo [...]
Game of Love Update Thursday 12 September 2019
Dadi asks did Shivaye get conscious. Tej says no. Priyanka says you are misunderstanding Anika. Dadi says if he doesn’t get conscious in an hour, we w [...]
Fire and Ice Thursday Update 5 September 2019
Read: Fire and ice September Teasers 2019
All family members get video of Twinkle giving pictures of Manohar to editor, all are shocked and looks a [...]
Mehek Thursday Update 5 September 2019
Mahek wipes her her tears. Julie says are you fine? Mandhar is calling, lets go, she takes her hand but Shaurya comes there and says Mahek.. Julie say [...]
The heir Thursday Update 5 September 2019
Raj is on the way. Mohini says we did not find them, don’t worry, once Nihaal comes out, he will manage your burden, he is from my first husband, but [...]