Category: UPDATE
Jodha Akbar Update Tuesday 3 November 2020
A dasi is being checked, doctor informs Ruks that her illness is contagious and it is existing in people outside palace, Ruks orders to send this Dasi [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Monday 2 November 2020
People starts chanting against Jalal, Jalal is shocked, they protest against Jalal, Hamida says i have never seen people so angry, what to do now, Jod [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Sunday 1 November 2020
Soul talk- Jalal’s soul says that with time everything was getting worse, people were not happy with me and otherside my loyal people were drifting aw [...]
Wednesday Update on Lies of the heart 20 May 2020
Samrat’s residence
Urmi cancels amrit’s phone, while he asks her to meet her once. samrat comes and asks who it was, and she lies that it was just a [...]
Tuesday Update on Lies of the heart 19 May 2020
Samrat’s residence and in the hotel room
Urmi finds shaurya and mandira fighting for something, and demands to see what it is. she finds that its a c [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Sunday 31 October 2020
Jalal is seeing kids, he says i have to find that kid(spiritual soul). he says no he is not here, he ask soldiers to bring him here, soldier says we d [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Saturday 30 October 2020
Announce is made that Maan singh has run away from Royal jail. Birbal says to Todar that Maan should have not done this, Todar says this will prove th [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Friday 29 October 2020
Anarkali enters jodha’s room. Anaraki says sorry to keep you waiting. Jodha says sit down. jodha says is this mang tika yours? Anarkali says yes, jodh [...]
Wednesday Update on Deception 20 May 2020
Pooja asks him to take her advice as a friendly enemy. Naren laughs. Kusum curses Naren. Pooja asks her not to curse Naren. Rachel stops Pooja and ask [...]
Jodha Akbar Update Thursday 28 October 2020
Jodha ask Moti abotu Anarkali, Moti tells her that Anarkali used to live in Amer, she was Mann’s friend and not Dancer, Mann can tell you about her, J [...]