Tag: Update
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 26 July 2021
all ministers congrats jalal, jalal says this day is beutiful, i am feeling awesome, like i have wings to fly. maan says so you should celebrate this [...]
Twist Of Fate Sunday Update 25 July 2021
Prachi asking Pragya about the person who did the accident. Pragya goes out. Sarita comes. Prachi asks her the same. Sarita says the one who showed lo [...]
Twist Of Fate Saturday Update 24 July 2021
Aaliya thinking driver reached the hospital taking card but…Rhea’s phone rings and she looks at herself after the accident. Aaliya thinks if Pragya ca [...]
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 25 July 2021
jalal ask jodha to punishe him, jodha takes hunter and ask how much should I attack, jalal says as much as you want, till my fault is not removed from [...]
Jodha Akbar Saturday Update 24 July 2021
jodha’s caravan is on journey, they stop Rahim runs to jodha, jodha meets hamida and folds her hand, hamida hugs her, jodha hugs salima, jodha meets s [...]
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 23 July 2021
Ranbir telling Aryan and Nick that he is calling Prachi’s mummy as he has promised her that if he comes to know anything then he will inform her. He s [...]
Twist Of Fate Thursday Update 22 July 2021
The truck driver sends his assistant to park the truck on another side. He calls Rhea who warns the driver not to come here. The driver was stubborn. [...]
Twist Of Fate Wednesday Update 21 July 2021
Next morning, Pallavi comes to Abhi and asks him to come with her, as there is big problem. Abhi asks her to tell. Pallavi asks him to trust her. Abhi [...]
Jodha Akbar Friday Update 23 July 2021
In agra, Moti and some Hindu Servants wish to see Jalal; Jalal orders them in .. They sing praises of Jalal’s broadmindedness and thank him for removi [...]
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 22 July 2021
maham is going to secret place and jiji’s words rings in her ears to be a mother. She says to soldier that some people got to know about this place, t [...]