Tag: Update
Monday Update on Kindred hearts 12th August
Samar brings flowers for Jhanvi, she says whats the need for these? he says they will make you feel better and they are desperate to meet you, Jhanvi [...]
Tuesday Update on Kindred hearts 13th August
Jhanvi calls her Maa and says yes I am leaving to come here,she ends call. Jhanvi doesnt see Samar’s letter and starts leaving. Kaki asks her to smile [...]
Wednesday Update on Kindred hearts 14th August
Adi comes to restaurant. He sees a sardar sitting on a table, she calls out to him. Its Jhanvi dressed as Sardar. Adi says hi and he doesnt recognize [...]
Friday Update on king of Hearts 9th August
Sam’s mobile goes missing. Yash finds it in dustbin. Sam yells that children must have thrown it in dustbin. Yash says they cannot. She goes and twist [...]
Saturday Update on king of Hearts 10th August
Sid singing mai koyi aisa geet gaawun…song… and trying to convince her. She fumes and he roams around her singing. Finally, she agrees and smiles. He [...]
Sunday Update on king of Hearts 11th August
Roshni and Meesha finding DD’s property papers in Simran’s cupboard. They see Simran coming and Meesha starts coughing to divert her attention. Roshni [...]
Saturday update on Mehek 10th August
Harish says to family that we have arranged papers, we will give everything to Ajay but just want Mahek back. All family members come to mandir, Karon [...]
Sunday Update on Mehek 11th August
Play is going on in playland. Sharma family is passing through security gates. Shaurya passes it. Policeman asks Karona to show her bag. shaurya think [...]
Friday Update on The heir 9th August
He asks Yuvraaj will he leave from here or die. Mannu comes to save Yuvraaj and pushes Jagan. Jagan says Yuvraaj is Charan’s son. Mannu gets [...]
Saturday Update on The heir 10th August
Simran asks Yuvraaj by what right did you take food for Bebe. He asks can I call you Didi, I was worried for Bebe and took food. Mannu stops Simran. Y [...]