Tag: Twist of Fate
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate 29 September 2020
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate 29 September 2020: Purab and Bulbul arguing. Pragya asks them to come and take to room. She asks why they are fighting [...]
Monday Update on Twist of Fate 28 September 2020
Monday Update on Twist of Fate 28 September 2020: Tanu makes plan to buy a house. Aaliya says deal is not done till now, as we can’t get money until w [...]
Twist of Fate October Teasers 2020 on Zee World
Pragya finds Nekhil with Tanu and tries to get to the truth about their relationship, Bulbul looses her life in the process. Read Twist of Fate Octobe [...]
Sunday Update on Twist of Fate 27 September 2020
Tanu waits for Aaliya. Aaliya comes and says she is tired. Tanu asks why you didn’t call me? Aaliya says you are behaving like a typical housewife, an [...]
Saturday Update on Twist of Fate 26 September 2020
The head goon asks Abhi to come out as his Dadi is in their captivity. Abhi comes out and asks him to fire the bullet. The head goon says the man who [...]
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 25 September 2020
Raj asks the goon if the head goon didn’t come. The goon tells that head will not come and asks him to tell about the work. Raj shows Pragya and tells [...]
Thursday Update on Twist of Fate 24 September 2020
Tanu asking Aaliya to call that woman. Aaliya asks her to have patience. Tanu says one day she will become patient. She says we shall inform Raj. Aali [...]
Thursday Update on Twist of Fate 24 September 2020
Pragya and Dadi are shocked as someone heard their conversation. The woman turns out to be Bulbul. She applauds for Pragya’s sacrifice and love. Dadi [...]
Wednesday Update on Twist of Fate 23 September 2020
Abhi says I am her walking ATM and non ending bank account. She uses people for her advantage. If I would have get arrested, then people would not buy [...]
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate 22 September 2020
Tanu entered her house without her permission. Tanu asks Dadi to call Abhi. Dasi asks why did you slap her? Pragya says Tanu may not agree and that’s [...]