Tanu waits for Aaliya. Aaliya comes and says she is tired. Tanu asks why you didn’t call me? Aaliya says you are behaving like a typical housewife, and says she don’t need to tell her everything. She shows the CD and tells she has stolen scratch music of Abhi’s album. Tanu gets happy and apologizes to her.
Pragya comes to office. Abhi thinks to make flop music. Pragya thinks she will make Abhi sings the best song so that his career stays on top. Abhi asks about his scratch music and looks for the CD. Pragya thinks Aaliya might have stolen CD yesterday and thinks to expose her. Aaliya comes to office. Abhi asks where is the CD? Tanu thinks she will be trapped with her. Pragya asks how can you be so careless? Aaliya says I am same and not pretend like you. She says to Abhi that I will not play with your career, and life. I always think about you. She says I kept that CD at a safest place. Pragya thinks she has not stolen this CD. Abhi apologizes to her. Aaliya says I wish I would have say that I am not hurt. Abhi asks manager to give CD to Lab. He says it is not possible for few days. Abhi asks Aaliya to keep CD with herself. Aaliya and Tanu are in the car. Aaliya tells her that she kept back the CD at its place, and says she got saved. Tanu says how will deal happen? Aaliya says they have to check the authencity of the producer. Abhi and Pragya are in the car. They argue. Abhi asks her to do as he does. He says my boss is rotten and shouts. Pragya asks him to get in the car and he falls on her lap. Allah Wariyan plays. Abhi asks driver to stop the car. Pragya refuses to give him money for the travelling. Abhi says he don’t need and have much money. He says he is going to Purab’s house.
Aaliya says let’s wait for that lady’s phone call. Ronnie comes and asks what they are doing here? He warns them and asks to cook food in the evening. Raj comes and says what they are planning? Aaliya says I am not planning anything. She says you are frustated as you can’t do anything to that Pragya. She asks him to concentrate on his work. Raj asks them to say what they are planning, and says as you sow so you reap. Tanu thinks everyone gives lectures to them. Purab asks Abhi not to drink. Abhi says you are saying as I don’t have money. Purab says no and brings the wine. Abhi asks him to drink, but he says he can’t drink as he has promised Bulbul. Abhi says you have to drink with me. He says I feel light, and says fuggi was someone else. He says Pragya has same face as fuggi, but she didn’t have same emotions. He tells fuggi made him understand love, and says first fuggi left him, then his money and now his smiling. Pragya meets Bulbul and Dadi, and tells that Aaliya is not trapped in the office. She says she didn’t steal scratch music. Bulbul says Aaliya is very smart, and asks Pragya to call her in the morning asking to give scratch music else they will get work done from other singer. Dadi says Bulbul is right and likes her idea.
Aaliya telling Tanu that she will steal the CD once she gets that lady’s call. She says she will make duplicate copy of the CD and give to producer. Pragya thinks she wanted to take care of Abhi, but is hurting him every moment. She thinks don’t know when he will come home. Abhi comes home drunk and says special friend has come with him who will take care of him. He asks her to come in and shows the little doll. Pragya looks on surprisingly. Abhi asks the doll not to see her, else she will get scared. Abhi asks the doll to sit and makes it wears Pragya’s specs. He says I can’t live without you fuggi. Pragya gets emotional. Abhi says this girl looks like you, but her heart is of stone. He says I will give you head massage and says I liked when you massage my head. Pragya makes him to get up. Abhi asks her not to touch him and asks what is your problem? He asks why is she disturbing him? He says two lovers are talking and asks why she is interfering? Pragya says it is a toy. Abhi says atleast it is with me and don’t hurt me. Pragya cries. Abhi talks to doll again and says Pragya is jealous of them as she can’t separate them. He says she is a lady villian. Pragya cries and thinks of Dadi’s words that she don’t want to see her tears asking her to be strong. Abhi sleeps on bed and is about to fall down, but Pragya holds him. Abhi opens his eyes and sees her wearing specs. He says you have come back fuggi, you were troubling me and asks her not to leave him. He hugs her and says I can’t stay without you. Pragya cries and says I will be your fuggi always, will stay with you. Abhi asks why you are crying? Is that lady Mogambo said you anything. Pragya cries. Abhi calls mogambo mogambo and says she might have ran away. He asks her not to cry. He tells fuggi, you are looking hot and asks her to kiss him. He asks if she is shying and asks her to kiss on his cheek. Pragya kisses on his cheek while the song Allah Wariyan plays………….He faints and falls asleep. She gets emotional.
Next morning Pragya wakes up and sees Abhi next to her on the bed. She smiles seeing him and remembers to call Aaliya. She calls Aaliya. Tanu wakes up Aaliya and asks her to attend the call. Aaliya takes the call and says I want to meet the producer. Pragya asks what you will do after meeting him? Aaliya insists to meet him else refuses to give her CD. Pragya says I will talk to boss and get back to you. She thinks Bulbul’s plan has trapped her. Aaliya tells Tanu that the lady was hesitant, but said she will talk to her boss. Raj comes and hears their conversation. He asks what they were talking about? Aaliya makes an excuse. Just then Raj sees two bundles of notes and asks Aaliya. Aaliya makes an excuse and says she begged infront of her friend for money. Raj says I feel like you are fooling me. Tanu says we are not hiding anything. Raj asks again. Tanu says we are hiding something and tells she has complications in her pregnancy. She asks will you take me to doctor. Pragya turns and sees Abhi standing. He says he has realized her nature. He asks about the specs which is kept aside. He tells Fuggi came in his dream and have kissed him on his cheek. Pragya blushes.
Abhi informing Pragya that fuggi came to meet him in the night and even kissed him. Pragya smiles. Abhi says you look good while being angry and calls her lady mogambo. Pragya asks him not to call her lady mogambo. Abhi says there should be no cost cutting for his fuggi and says she needs a news dress daily, a new doll house and specs cover. Pragya says she don’t have time for waste things and asks him to bring fuggi stuff by himself. Abhi thinks yesterday I thought you have come and have same emotions as my fuggi. He says may be my fuggi didn’t come. Pragya comes to Dadi and Bulbul, and tells Aaliya might know about them. She says they should stop their plan right here and says Aaliya wants to meet Producer. Dadi says we shall drop this idea. Bulbul says we will make her meet the producer. Pragya says from where we will bring the producer. Bulbul asks them to let her think and gets an idea. Pragya says I can’t do anything if you want me to do. Bulbul asks her to hear her plan. Pragya likes her idea.
Abhi thinks Ronnie is working with honesty and his secretary Payal is not like him. He thinks to bribe Ronnie to get him against Pragya. He gives him money. Ronnie takes the money and asks from where did you get the money. Abhi thinks Ronnie went away with his money and thinks not to leave him. He asks Payal to woo Ronnie and takes all his money. Payal says I am an expert and asks him not to worry. Abhi says all the best. Bulbul tries to convinces Mama ji ( Sarla’s brother). Mamaji says he can’t do. Bulbul tries to emotionally blackmail him and says lie is not lie when you tells for a good deed. She asks him to take inspiration from Pragya. Mama ji says I didn’t identify her when I saw her. Bulbul says I will change you. Pragya requests him to agree. Dadi also asks him to agree. Mama ji agrees to become producer.