Tag: Update
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 6 November 2020
All come in lounge to see Amir there. Kabir is about to beat him. Zara says listen to him. Amir says I came here for Alina. Kabir grabs is collar. Zar [...]
Zara’s Nikah Thursday Update 5 November 2020
Zeenat calls Kashan, Kashan says our game will change, I have fooled Ayesha and now she is tensed. Kabir and Zara comes home. Zara says you can talk c [...]
Zara’s Nikah Wednesday Update 4 November 2020
Zeenat says to Kashan that why did you put your life in danger for your family? Kashan says I feel guilt, they are my people. Ayesha comes there. Kash [...]
Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update 3 November 2020
Zara's Nikah Tuesday Update 3 November 2020: Kabir gets call and says graveyard? I am coming. He leaves. Samir says to Irfan that I lost my love becau [...]
This is Fate Friday Update 6 November 2020
Sherlin asks Prithvi to go and get the papers signed, he explains that it is not so easy which makes her nervous and she asks why is he talking like t [...]
This is Fate Thursday Update 5 November 2020
This is Fate Thursday Update 5 November 2020: Prithvi enters the room where Sherlin says that he should not have kidnapped Karan as now the entire Lut [...]
This is Fate Wednesday Update 4 November 2020
This is Fate Wednesday Update 4 November 2020: Prithvi is in his car he thinks that he will force Rishab to sign the property papers as if he will not [...]
This is Fate Tuesday Update 3 November 2020
This is Fate Tuesday Update 3 November 2020: Shrishti Fails To Connect To Her Sister. Sherlyn Calls Rishabh. When He Doesn’t Answer, She Suspects That [...]
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 6 November 2020
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 6 November 2020: Rekha wish to speak to Sahil in loneliness. Vaidika goes to help Mina. Geet and Deepak go to selec [...]
Age is Just a Number Thursday Update 5 November 2020
Rekha comes downstairs. Mina brings her to help her with the arrangements. Geet also hugs Rekha. Vaidika brings tea for everyone. Rekha was annoyed, a [...]