Tag: Tuesday update
Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update 1st September 2020 Kabir Plans To Catch Killer
Man says to Hashmi that Kabir freed Zara from jail. Hashmi says Kabir have to leave Zara then we can tell people that a person who can leave his wife, [...]
This is Fate Tuesday Update 1st September 2020 The Police Finally Arrest The Terrorists
Karina asks Rishab to go and wait for her in the car as she has something to talk with the receptionist, Karina goes back and she sees that Sherlin an [...]
Made For Each Other Tuesday Update 25 August 2020 Prerna expose Komilika
Shivani saying I have seen Komolika doing Kajal rasam, we shall leave now. Prerna says no, I will bring her truth out, I have to confront her, we have [...]
Age is Just a Number Tuesday Update 1st September 2020 Sahil finally sees Bimla’s secret
Gauri was waiting for Vaidika on a road side. She shows Vaidika the CCTV video Manish had given to her. The goons spot Gauri, wear the masks and take [...]
Age is Just a Number Tuesday Update 25 August 2020 Vedika find out Nidhi is Nisha
Vaidika and Bhoomi had to carry water pots. All at once, Vaidika hears Ved calling them for help, he was hanging from the roof. Vaidika drops the pot [...]
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate 25 August 2020 Pragya frames herself to be a thief
Daasi and others helping Daadi get up and dropping her on bed. Rachna says she knows Tanu dropped oil as someone saw her doing this. Daadi asks who. S [...]
Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update 25 August 2020
Kashan comes and says what is kabir doing here? Kabir leaves. He comes in and gives waseem money. Waseem says tell Miraj I will do his work.
Zara [...]
This is Fate Tuesday Update 25 August 2020 Sarla heads to question Karan
Sarla is calling Karan when Preeta runs to take the phone from her, Sarla asks her to give back the phone as she wants to ask him why she came back, S [...]
Tuesday Update on Twist of Fate 18th August 2020
Pragya on the other side tells Aaliya that she did not know her words would affect Abhi so much. Aaliya asks what did she tell him that Abhi panicked [...]
Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update 18 August 2020 Kabir and Miraj fight
Miraj says Zara and Kabir didnt do nice, now they will have to pay for this. He gives a diamond to Nilofar and says say bye to Imran. She shakes her h [...]