Samrat gets injured Shanti into his car. Shanti stops Nayan from accompanying them and takes Malati along instead. Malati feels guilty for getting Shanti injured trying to get Mansi out of Sam’s house. Shanti says she is absolutely fine. Sam asks her to lie down back as doctor told she needs spinal surgery. Shanti says she is absolutely fine and goes into flashback where Chintu notices Mansi dropping oil on floor to make Shanti slip and fall down. He cleans the floor before Shanti gbets out of bathroom. Shanti gets out of bathroom and asks what is he doing there. Chintu says he saw Mansi dropping oil on floor to make her fall down, so he was cleaning oil from floor. Shanti says she will act as falling down and severely injuring herself and make Mansi think that her plan worked well.
Out of flashback, she describes how she convinced doctor to help her. Samrat praises Shanti’s drama.
Aaliya asks Mansi if she stole money from locker. Mansi refuses and says she’s sure its Nayan and her family’s plan to make her fall down in front of Samrat. Nayan with Ishani walks in and warns her to dare not accuse her family as they are not greedy like her. Ishani says Raghav did right with Mansi who used her and threw her out like a tissue paper. Mansi angrily tires to slap Ishani. Nayan stops her and warns her to dare not touch her sister. Sam calls Nayan. Nayan leaves with Ishani. Mansi determines to take revenge from Nayan. Nayan and Ishani walk down and notice Shanti on a wheelchair writhing in pain. She asks Sam why did he bring back Paati home without surgery. Sam says he doesn’t have 10 lakhs and they have to wait for a day till he arranges money from different accounts. Nayan asks if Shanti will have to writhe in pain whole night.
Ishani says paati is not that old to fall herself, who who must have made her fall. Malati enters with police and says Mansi dropped oil on floor and made amma fall down. Mansi refuses allegations and asks if she has an proof. Malati says Chintu saw Mansi dropping oil outside amma’s bathroom. Mansi says Chintu is lying. Chintu says he never lies and saw her what she did. Malati says Mansi even stole money from locker and asks inspector to arrest her. Inspector arrests Mansi. Mansi pleads Malati to spare her and asks Sam to save her. Sam says he will do something. Police take Mansi away. From police station, Mansi calls Sam and asks him to get her out soon. Sam says no lawyer is ready to take her case as Chintu is an evidence for her crime. He disconnects call saying he is getting another call. Mansi makes another call to someone else.
Samrat and his team celebrate their victory. Nayan walks in. Shanti acts as having severe pain. Nayan asks why are they shouting. They lie that doctor informed that Shanti doesn’t need surgery now after seeing her MRI. Prem asks Nayan to celebrate with them. Nayan leaves. Sam stops her and asks her why she is ignoring him. Nayan says he chose Mansi over her and is acting as worried for her family, they are getting divorced in 4 months and doesn’t want any of them to depend on him, he should care for his son and not her family.