Priyanka says Shivaye would be coming now, how do I tell him that Jai refused to come. Shivaye comes and hugs her. He asks how are you. She says fine, I m very happy, come and sit, I will get some water for you. He asks is Jai taking good care of you. She says he is taking good care of me, he has gone for some work. He asks did you tell him that I m coming to pick you two. She says yes. He asks is everything fine. Jai comes and says everything is fine, everything will be great after you have these laddoos. Shivaye hugs him. Jai says you felt I won’t come, I have a lot of work as we are shifting to a hotel, but we are shifting to US after a month. Shivaye says you didn’t tell me, why are you shifting to a hotel, stay with me till you are in India, Priyanka is my sister, we will be happy that she stays
with us for some more days, its decided, you both are coming along, go and better pack things. Jai smiles.
Surya says Prithvi used to say that its more fun to steal, he was the same when he grew up. Bhavya says I think he has stolen something from you too. Surya says yes, something very dear to me. Rudra says it would be your GF. Dadi coughs. Surya holds her hand and gives water. Dadi says weather has changed, winter is here. Surya says yes, its a romantic season. Omru feel this weird. Surya says you didn’t answer me Kalyani. Rudra says we want to know what is it. Surya says Prithvi likes Qawwali, I was thinking to organize Qawwali night. Rudra jokes. Om corrects him. He says its a great idea. Surya says we will organize it tonight. Gauri asks shall we wear shararas today. Anika says you are always concerned for outfits. Surya says I will express my feelings in front of everyone. Dadi worries. Shivaye gets Jai and Priyanka home. Priyanka hugs Dadi. Dadi does their aarti.
Shivaye introduces Surya to them. Surya says don’t touch my feet, don’t make me old, I m not married. Shivaye says there is a good news. Rudra asks so fast? Shivaye says not that good news, Jai has sold his house, Jai and Priyanka will stay with us, they are going to US next month. Dadi says its great news. Jai hugs Dadi and thinks its great news just for me, its part of my plan. Om says I m not happy, Priyanka’s wedding was the last one and we didn’t enjoy. Surya says who told this, what about my and Kalyani…. Dadi gets dizzy.
They hold Dadi and feed her water. Nani says it happens, don’t worry, its natural to happen when something unexpected happens. Bhavya says why do I feel you guys are talking in code language. Dadi says don’t use your police brain, go and take care of Priyanka and Jai. Khanna says you asked for accounts book. Shivaye checks and asks what’s this, why are there so many mistakes, who did this. Khanna says Sahil. Shivaye asks when did he start maintaining accounts, by whose permission. Khanna tells him everything. Shivaye says I gave him audit books so that he gets help in college projects, how did you give accounts book to him. Khanna says sorry. Shivaye goes to Sahil. Dadi gives shagun to Priyanka. Dadi sees Surya at the window and worries. Anika turns to see. She says I thought you are looking at someone. Dadi says no, I m quite sleepy, you all go, take Priyanka to your room, come on, go fast, I have taken medicines, I feel sleepy. They all leave. Dadi goes to Surya and asks are you crazy, how did you come upstairs.
He says I can come anywhere for you. She says you are not young now, if you fall down, you will get your bones broken, it won’t look good if my grandsons see you. He says fine, I will go, accept this flower first. She takes the rose and says go now, use the door. He says it won’t look good if they see me leaving from your room, there is no way. She says your bones will get broken if you jump. He says I m glad to see your concern. He jumps down. Rudra sees him and asks from where did you land. Surya says I was practicing rock climbing, I just jumped. He goes. Rudra asks where are the rocks, tell me. Shivaye asks Sahil, how did you check company accounts book, you should learn the work if you don’t know. Sahil says sorry, I thought I will learn it.
Shivaye says there is an age for understanding everything, you are too young for this work, don’t repeat this act, never misbehave with Khanna again, he may be working for me, but he is like family. He goes. Sahil says what does he think of himself, I will have to do something. Shivaye says wow, Qawwali sounds interesting. Gauri says we decided the clothes. Rudra comes and says Surya jumps from the walls. Gauri says I find his talks weird. Anika says I feel Dadi’s behavior is weird, she made us leave from the room. Om says she behaves normal and then suddenly happens to her. Shivaye says maybe she is just missing her ashram. They go to get ready. Nani says Surya jumped from the window, Dadi made the children leave the room, it means Surya went to Dadi’s room. Shivaye talks to Khana about work. Jai comes and asks for wi fi password.
Shivaye says sure. Jai says even we have bid for this contract. Shivaye says so you will be big against me using my wifi, I don’t mind, I like competition. He goes. Jai thinks you won’t get this tender Shivaye. Dadi smiles holding the rose. Nani comes smiling. She says Surya said you aren’t talking to him well. Dadi asks didn’t you see, he was acting weird. Nani says I forgot, he has sent a message for you, tonight is the Qawwali night, if you don’t adorn the rose on your hair, he will leave with his broken heart again, lets wait and watch what you do, it was my duty to tell you. She sings badi mushkil mein hoon… and goes.
Nani sees Surya and says he is waiting, lets see what happens. Everyone sees Dadi coming. Dadi shows off the rose to Surya. He smiles. Anika says Dadi is wearing a rose. Shivaye says so what. She says I haven’t seen this before, there is something wrong. He asks when did you wear a flower for the first time. She says I have worn it many times, I don’t remember the first time. He asks did anything wrong happen. She says no. He says exactly my point, what shall we do. Surya says girls and boys will be on either sides. Nani says we accept, fine then, come girls.
Surya does shayari for Dadi. Nani asks Dadi to answer him. Anika says we can’t do shayari, think of something, what do we do. Dadi does shayari. They look on surprised. Ye ishq ishq hai….plays…. The girls sing and dance. The guys sing Tum se milke…. They all dance. Surya takes Dadi aside. He gives a gift. He says its my love for you, I haven’t seen you in this saree, wear this saree and come to meet me at the pool side. She says I won’t come. He says I will still wait for you. Jai sees everyone dancing. He goes to room. He gets some files from the cupboard. He smiles recalling Shivaye’s words. He thinks my bid will be a rupee less than Shivaye’s bid, he will lose just by a rupee difference. He laughs and keeps the file back. He says for the first time in history, someone will
bear loss of crores because of a rupee, Shivaye get ready, your destruction is close.
Shivaye sees Anika sleeping. He goes out to the pool side. He sees Om there and asks you aren’t sleepy too? Om says no. Rudra says me neither. Shivaye asks shall we have hot chocolate. Dadi comes there. Rudr says I have a condition, I need less sugar. Dadi says I feel scared. Shivaye says I want you both to represent the company in an imp bid, I won’t be able to come, I have an imp meeting with Swiss clients. Dadi says they are still awake, what if they see me. Surya holds her. He sings Ye raat…. Shivaye asks what’s this song. Om says someone is singing. Shivaye says who is it. They go to see. Rudra says it would be a ghost. Om asks him to shut up. Om says maybe sound is coming from out. Shivaye says someone was singing.
Surya sings again. Dadi asks him to be quiet. Shivomru try to see. Surya and Dadi hide. Dadi says I was crazy to come here. Surya says don’t be scared, I m here with you. He throws a stone in the pool. Shivomru run to see. Surya and Dadi go. Shivomru turn to look behind. Shivaye says someone has thrown a stone to divert us, we came here and they left. Om says lets find them. Dadi asks Surya to just go, there is no love. He says one who is in love doesn’t get scared. She sends him. Om stops Dadi. She sees Omru and worries. She asks didn’t you sleep. Om asks what’s all this, why are you dressed in saree at this time of night. Surya signs her. Om asks what are you seeing there. Dadi stops him. She says what’s this, can I wear saree at this hour.
He asks where are you going. She says I was coming from Jagrata, Tandons hosted the Jagrata, go now, I m sleeping. She goes. She sings ye raat…… Omru shout Dadi…. She stops and asks what happened now. Om asks why were you singing this song. She says do you expect me to rap. Rudra says why did you choose just this song, there were many songs in old times. Dadi says they were singing it in Jagrata. Rudra says this old romantic song was playing in Jagrata. She says they have changed the lyrics and made it a bhajan, if you are done investigating, then go and sleep. Rudra says fine, we are going. Omru leave. She says you have come again. Surya says I forgot to tell you something, you are looking pretty in this saree. She says just go, else I will go. He says you like being with me, you won’t go. She says I have worn this, as I didn’t wish to hurt your heart, go and sleep. She goes. Surya sings ye raat and goes. Shivaye hears him and stops him. She says you were at pool side some time back. Surya says no, I have just come from club. Shivaye says this song? Surya says it was playing in club, its lovely song. Shivaye says such an old song. Surya says they played the remixed version. He goes. Shivaye says something is wrong.
Priyanka waits for Jai. He comes. She asks where did you go, at least inform me before going, I will have some answer to give them. He says I m not your servant to give you accounts. She says I agreed to marry you on the basis of your claims that you made before marriage, we are in Oberoi mansion, its not about me and you, but of my family, I can’t see them in tension, this is my house, rules are different here, improve your tone first, and behave like a normal husband at least when my family is around, its quite late, you should sleep too.
Its morning, Rudra asks Om to come. Shivaye says stop, its not an audition, but a bid, its final bid to submit. He gives the file. Om asks did you work on this all night. Shivaye says yes. Rudra says we were busy investigating all night. Shivaye asks what. Om says finally, we have found out where that song was playing. Rudra says Dadi had come from Tandons house. Om says she had gone to attend Jagrata. Rudra says Dadi was humming that tune as they played it in Jagrata. Shivaye says strange, Surya uncle was humming the same tune. Om asks did he also go there. Shivaye says no, he was at the club. Rudra laughs and says if it were a young boy and girl instead of Surya and Dadi, we would have thought that they are having an affair. Shivaye and Om ask are you thinking the same. Shivaye says how is this possible. Om says we are definitely mistaken.
Rudra asks what, tell me. Shivaye says focus on the bid. Jai comes and says I think Shivaye is very nervous about the bid, so he is checking the file again and again. Shivaye says whether Oberois get the deal or Kotharis, we are one family. Jai says you are right, all the best. Shivaye says to you too Jai. Jai says see you guys at the bid. He thinks Kotharis will get the deal and Oberois’ destruction will begin. Dadi thinks I was crazy to come in Surya’s words. She gets leg pain. Nani comes to call her. She asks what’s this. Dadi says its for Priyanka. Nani says you know I can catch lies, Priyanka just got married, tell the truth, whose is it, fine, don’t tell me, come to the garden if you want to have tea with me. Surya hides. Nani sees him and says the next time when you gift her a saree, gift her a blue saree, not a red one, blue is her fav color. She goes. He smiles.
Read Next: Game of love Tuesday Update 29 October 2019