Friday Update on Begusarai Zee World
August 17 Episode
Lakhan says to Poonam that i will not like it that my wife’s heart secret is known to everyone, he gives diary to her, she thinks he didn’t read full diary, he doesn’t know about me and Priyom, Lakhan says i didn’t like one more thing, its our nuptial night, why are you tensed and standing here? sit down, she puts diary on table and sit on bed, he comes and sit beside her and smiles, he gets close to kiss her, she says i wanna say something, Lakhan says this night is our night, you can say whatever you want, a flower strand falls from wall, he says i don’t want anything missing, where is hammer? she says on table, he goes, takes hammer and ask why did you stop, i am listening, keep speaking, he takes nail to place stand back, Poonam says i wanted to say this before too but.. Lakhan says say it now, Poonam says i was 10 years old when our marriage got fixed, i didnt even know what marriage was at that time, mother told me that you are everything for me now and i have to keep you happy and i tried my best, Lakhan says i know, i have no complains from you, Poonam says then our marriage broke that day, Lakhan says for world only, in heart you were always my wife, thats why i fought with whole world and see you are infront of me same like before, Poonam says no i am not same, when our marriage got fixed i didnt know anything, you loved me but i didnt know the meaning of love, i never loved you, Lakhan stops putting nail in wall, he turns to her in shock, she looks down, Lakhan comes near here, Poonam says when our marriage broke, i felt free but a girl can never take decision for herself, its always father, brother or someone else take decisions for her, i didnt know where to go and then Priyom came, my good friend, he taught how to live, how to fly, till marriage was fixed, i used to live on your condition but after that i lived my life my way and heart never listen to anyone, it took decision and my marriage got fixed with Priyom, i thought fate also want it, i am not telling all this to hurt you, the thing i want to tell you, you may kill me after listening it, i am not afraid about my life but if i dont tell all this to you now then it will be wrong to start new relation thats why i want to say that.. in that phase when you were not around me, Poonam says i.. i fell in love with Priyom, Lakhan gets shocked, hammer falls from his hands, he pushes nail in his hand, it bleeds, Poonam is shocked and says Lakhan thakur.. Lakhan stops her, he pushes her, she falls on bed, he starts breaking things and says to Poonam that i have always thought about you, when i was 15, i used to go behind you to school so that no one caste eye on you and you cheated me, how can you, he break things and says i accept our marriage broke but for world not for my heart, i never looked at other girls, why? as from childhood, it was only you in my heart, and you cheated me.
Bhushan listens noise of breaking things, he says dont know what Lakhan is upto, he knocks door, Rekha thinks seems like Lakhan must have got to know the truth.
Lakhan grabs Poonam, Lakhan says the wound you have given to my heart is very much deep Thakurian, how can you do this with me? how? how can you love someone else? Poonam cries and says you were not in my life and Priyom.. Lakhan throws her on bed, he breaks more things, Poonam gets up and says my best friend, i dont know when i started loving him, i could have stayed without telling all this to you, you would have known it someday but i didnt like it, i didnt want to start this relation on lie basis, Lakhan grabs and pins her to wall, Lakhan says you are saying that you dont love me but i love you and you loved Priyom? he grabs her face and says you love me only and you can only love me, he is in tears, he says you love me only, what did you say that you love Priyom? he leaves her, breaks some more things, ask if you love him even now? do you love him or not? Poonam coughs and says please stop, he is my past but today you are my husband, i am married to you, i am fulfilling marriage, Lakhan breaks flower strands.
Bhushan is knocking door and says what this mad guy is doing with her, Rekha says she must have done something to make him mad.
Poonam ask Lakhan to listen to her once please, i am saying he is my past, i promise i will think about my past, please stop it, you are understanding what i am saying, i will fulfill this relation with my loyalty, Lakhan says you loved Priyom, you did bad, very bad, Lakhan brings gun, loads bullets and points at her, she closes her eyes, Poonam says i am saying truth, i did not want to start this relation on a lie, Lakhan says no matter it is past but Lakhan cant accept this past in his present, i will end this past, he triggers gun and is about to shoot.
Lakhan has put gun on Poonam’s forehead, he is about to shoot but goes and opens door, and leaves, Poonam thinks where is he going? is he going to Priyom, Poonam tries to stop Lakhan, she says you promised me that if i marry you then you will stop this bloodshed, Lakhan stops and looks at her, Bhushan is knocking door from outside, he calls Lakhan.
Lakhan says you also promised in pheras of loyalty, where is that loyalty now? Poonam says i am loyal thats why i said truth, i married you and you are my husband, there is no one in my life except you now, Lakhan says you loved Priyom right? he starts to leave, opens door, Rekha and Bhushan comes in, Bhushan ask what you did with Poonam? Lakhan says i didnt do anything but its she who did it, now i will do, he leaves, Rekha ask what you did to him? Poonam says first stop Lakhan, he has revolver full of bullets, Rekha says what you did? Bhushan goes behind him, Rekha ask Poonam whom you wanna kill now.
Lakhan sit in jeep and looks at his revolver, he puts it on seat and leaves, Bhushan tries to stop but in vein, he calls man and ask to bring car.
Rekha ask Poonam what you did that he went to kill someone, Poonam says.. Rekha ask her to not shed tears, whom he went to kill, Poonam says i dont know, i just said that i Priyom.. Rekha says you had love affair with him and you told him, Rekha thinks means she told him not diary, i got chance but she made herself great by telling truth, if he got to know about diary then he would have killed her, she says to Poonam that means Lakhan has gone to kill Priyom, Poonam says he will listen to you, Rekha says the time you have come here, you are creating problems, you will be responsible for everything, Rekha says if he reach Haveli then Mitlaish will kill him, you will become widow, Poonam says dont say bad things, call him, Rekha calls Lakhan’s mobile but he doesnt pick up, both are tensed for Lakhan, Rekha says i have to stop him going to Haveli, both leave for Haveli.
Rekha and Poonam reaches Haveli but doesnt find Lakhan’s car, Rekha says means he has not come here, they leave from there. Rekha and Poonam comes back home, Bhushan is there and ask did you find Lakhan? Rekha says no, did you find him? Bhushan says no, dont know what he will do today, Rekha says to Poonam that you are standing like statue, cant you see my situation, you cant even offer water, Poonam brings water for Rekha, she drinks and says now you are at peace? what was the need to tell all this to Lakhan, what you got, what if he kills Priyom, you used to love him, now Lakhan will kill him.
Lakhan points gun at someone and shoots.
Bhushan ask Rekha why are you getting angry on her, Rekha says this all is happening because of her, dont know who will be killed today, Poonam cries, they wait for Lakhan but he doesnt comeback, time passesby. Lakhan is shooting at something continuously. Rekha and Bhushan sleeps, Poonam is also sleepy.
Its morning, Rekha and Bhushan are sleeping, Poonam is pacing in lounge, Lakhan comes in and shows her gun, Poonam ask where were you whole night? Rekha and Bhushan wakes up, Lakhan goes in room, throws away gun, Bhushan and Rekha comes in and ask where were you? Rekha says we were worried for you, Lakhan starts packing his stuff, Poonam is confused, Lakhan ask everyone to pack their stuff, we are leaving, Bhushan ask where are we going? Bhushan checks gun and its empty, Lakhan takes it and says i am not running after killing anyone, pack your stuff, Rekha thinks if he killed Priyom? she ask Bhushan to pack stuff, i am sure he has murdered someone thats why running, they go to pack stuff, Poonam looks at Lakhan, he says should i write letter to you? dont you understand, pack your stuff, she nods, he leaves after packing his stuff.
Rekha is packing clothes and says i thought he will become king and he is running away, i thought to become queen of begusarai and see what is happening, she ask Bhushan to come else Lakhan will blast.
Dolt comes and ask Lakhan you have my stuff too, are we going on picnic, Lakhan ask everyone to sit in jeep, Lakhan stares at Poonam, Bhushan ask where are we going? Lakhan says its not necessary to tell, if you wanna come then you can but we all are going where this story will get new twist, Poonam looks on, Bhushan sit too, they leave.
Lakhan reaches Haveli with his family, all are confused, Lakhan takes his bag and gets down, he starts to go in but Phulan’s men points gun at him, Lakhan smirks, Rekha thinks is fight starting again, Lakhan says something to Phulan’s men which is muted, they puts gun down, Rekha thinks whats happening, she ask why did we come here? Lakhan ask her to get down with stuff, we have to go inside, Bhushan ask her to get down, they all go in Haveli, Poonam thinks i left everything here and today i am here again, what Lakhan wants?