maham in her room plans to snatch india from jalal, she chalks out plan, she says adham I promised you all these states and I will take all these states, we will win, she listens some noise and thinks its adham, she turns but its jodha, she says jodha, you came to see how I am mourning over my son’s death, so look and go, jodha says I didn’t come here to see how you mourn, I want one answer from you, why did you hurt jalal so much? your son, who called you ammi whole his life, who loved you a lot, maham says wow, 1st time you said right thing, I was wondering same that the same son killed my own son why? you always give lessons to all, you always fight for justice then why you didn’t save adham? look jalal accepted you but I don’t accept you,
you are rajvanshi and I am Mughal, jodha says I always respect you as you were mother of my husband, maham says so you came here to give me respect? oh I forgot you give respect to criminals in jail even if its kahibari or me.. she says you didn’t come here to give me respect but you came here because you are afraid of my curse, you wanna ask me to take back my curse but I will sit quietly when you lose your children, you wont be mother ever, my heart will get the peace when jalal will lose his child, he will also mourn over his children, jodha turns to leave, maham says all have evil in their heart, my evil came out in open but all have evil in them and they hide it, jodha turns to maham and says this wont happen, I will prove you wrong, you will see jalal playing with his kids, maham says no, you will see how he will mourn over his kids death, jodha challenges her that she wont let this happen, she wont let Mughal saltanat without its heir, she says she will will give birth to Mughal heir and he will rule india, she leaves, maham shouts no, my curse will not let that happen, Mughal slatant will be finished.
phuphi is with hamida and ruks, she says jalal is very tensed, he is not even talking with anyone and not showing interest in politics, this is not good, hamida says its all happening because of maham, she has filled hrs heart with hatred against jalal, I know she lost her son but her son was criminal and he cant be forgiven, dasi comes to hamida and says that todar, maan and ministers have come to meet you, hamida ask salima to go to jodha and ask her to talk to jalal.
hamida comes in court, she says to ministers that you all work for jalal so I have called you all for discussion, she ask todar is everything alright in country, todar says no, people are gossiping about incidents that happened, hamida says till jalal gets fine, I will look after the matters of country,
I don’t want that because of jalal’s weak state, saltant becomes weak, all work should be done like it used to be before, if anyone tries to spread rumor then stop hi, there shouldn’t be any problem for saltanat, hamida says that maan and todar, you both are jalal’s loyal and know how to run state, atgah was jalal’s most loyal person but he is gone, jalal’s bad state should not affect the state, todar says don’t worry, I will see the things.
hamida calls jodha and ask about her health, jodha says yes I am fine, hamida gives jodha a sacred thread for her safety. hamida blesses jodha.
bakshi’s dasi does some trick and predicts that bakshi will have baby girl, shairf comes there and slaps dasi, dasi leaves, bakshi says why you did this, she was just saying that it will be baby girl, sharif says I want power, states and it will happen when I will have baby boy, bakshi says lust for power is not good, didn’t you see adham’s end, shairf slaps bakshi and says I don’t want baby girl, girls bring shame to house, remember I want baby boy only, jodha sees all this and ask bakshi can I come in, bakshi wipes her tears and ask her to come in, jodha comes in room and is about to fall but shairf holds her bakshi sees this, jodha jerks him away, sharif be careful, what if fell down, jodha comes to bakshi and says hamida brought sacred thread for child safety, she gives it to bakshi, bakshi says thanks and don’t come here again, I mean I don’t want any problem on you and I don’t want what happened here, jodha says oh I will be careful from now on,bakshi thinks shairf has stooped so low. sharif says to jodha that I will drop you to your room as if you slip again then.. jodha says sternly says that I will leaves myself, she leaves.
todar comes to jalal and says I don’t want to disturb you but there is corruptions in many states, jalal says whatever you have to say, go to atgah and talk to him, jalal ask did you send things for burying atgah? todar says yes, jalal leaves.
jodha says to salima that I tried everything to up lift jalal’s mood but he is not good, he is very sad, I cant see him like this and on top of that maham said evil words, salima says I know jalal is tensed but only you can take him out that depression, you can bring him out from this situation.
Scene 2
jodha comes to jalal, jalal ask do you need anything, jodha says yes, he ask what, jodha holds jalal’s hand and ask him to come with her, a king cant be in depression, jalal says I don’t wanna go, jodha says cant you that for me, jalal goes with jodha. jodha brings jalal to room and shows him paintings of jalal’s ancestors, jodha ask do you know these peole, jalal says what? she says tell me, jalal shows him picture of his grandfather, his father, jodha says did they every run away from their duties, did they ever mourn, did people ever lost trust in them, never, they were great kings like you, jalal says to be true, I have decided to leaves kingship, jodha says you cant decide that, you did not chose to be king, you became king by destiny so cant leave kingship like this, you don’t have any right to do so. jalal says i was doing all the things with support of atgah and by your love, I did not do this alone, jodha says no, you can do this alone, only the person with strength can handle all this, think why khan baba decided that you will be the king when you were child, atgah and khan baba chose you, you want to run away from your duties, where is that jalal Uddin who wanted to win whole india, I am feeling pain to see this kind of jalal, tit isn’t that you don’t want throne but thing is that throne wants you, please rethink about your decision, jalal silently leaves from there.
Scene 3
jodha comes to ladies, ladies tells jodha that magic happened, after talking to you, jalal’s mood got better, he was smiling and was happy like before, one wife says to jodha that jalal listens to you and take care of you a lot so when kids will come in life then how much he will love you, other wife says to jodha that after becoming marium zamani don’t forget us, ruks listens all this and gets jealous of jodha.
ruks comes in her room and shouts no, she gets angry, ruks says why cant there be two marium zamani in saltant,
jalal comes to jodha, he sits beside her and greets her, jodha smiles shyly. jalal ask why you seem tensed? doctor told that you shouldn’t take tension in this state, its not good for children. jodha thinks to tell about what sharif thinks about his baby, no it is matter between husband and wife, jalal says I am here then why are you tensed, ok I will leave, jodha says no, I have one question. jodha says if I give birth to baby girls, will you be upset then? jalal stand up and says how can you say that, how told you that I don’t like baby girls, daugthers are blessing to fathers, aren’t you and salima daugthers who made their fathers proud, jalal ask how this stupid kind of question came in your mind? jodha says I thought you would need boy to be your heir, jalal says my daugthers will have my blood only and I will decide about their future, jalal says I will decide name of one child and you will decide name of other, jodha says no, we will together name our children, jalal says that’s better, jodha listens bakshi screaming and goes to check her.
bakshi is screaming in pain, sharif comes to her, bakshi ask what if I give birth to baby girl? he slaps her and says don’t curse your child that it will be daughter, daugthers are shame for fathers, don’t give birth to baby girl, bakshi says that’s all is in god’s hand, jalal and jodha comes there, jalal ask why are you crying, we all are here for you, sharif thinks what if she tell jalal about to me, bakshi says doctor told me that this kind of pain happens in pregnancy, jalal says nothing like that happens to jodha, bakshi says don’t worry, sharif takes care of me, jalal says that’s good, if you give birth to baby boy tyhen he will brave soldier like his father and if baby girl born then.. sharif says may you have baby girl, I will have baby boy, jalal says only god knows who will birth, doctor comes to check bakshi and says its her delivery time, I request you all to go out.
Scene 2
one lady is with ruks, she says to ruks that soon new generation of Mughals will come in world, ruks thinks that bakshi and jodha will have their children, salima already have Rahim, what will I have? lady says to ruks that husband give more importance to the wife who gives birth to his child, see how much jalal cares for jodha, if she gives birth to baby boy then she will become marium zamani, hoshiyar brings small baby cot, lady ask for whom it is? hoshiyar says don’t know, ruks asked me to bring it, maybe its for bakshi or jodha, ruks looks at cot and smirks, she murmurs marium zamani and giggles.
bakshi is crying in pain at delivery time, jalal is waiting outside and says don’t know how much pain bakshi is going through, jalal sees jodha and says don’t know how can you be so calm.
one soldier says to shairf that you are going to be father, congrats for that, sharif says it must be baby boy, soldier says children are blessing, it doesn’t matter if that’s a girl or boy, sharif slaps him and ask him to shut up.
jodha says to jalal that this moment comes in every women’s life, we have to be prepared for this pain, jalal says I will be with you that time, jodha says you cant be, jalal says I am going to be father so I can be with you, jodha says so I am also going to be mother, I wont allow you to come in at delivery time, jalal says now, I am worried for bakshi. inside doctor says congrats to bakshi and says you gave birth to baby girl, jalal outside says to jodha that I think the happiness has come, they go in to see.
bakshi recalls how sharif slapped her when she asked if its going to be baby girl? doctor gives her child to bakshi, she smiles, sharif comes in and says how is my boy? bakshi looks at him, sharif ask whether he became father of baby boy? bakshi gets afraid and says lies that its baby boy, sharif gets happy and goes out to tell everyone, doctor ask bakshi why she lied to sharif, bakshi says I became afraid, what if he does something to child in anger so I lied.
Scene 3
sharif comes to jalal and tells everyone that he has become father of baby boy, they all go in to see the child, inside bakshi ask doctor to keep this as secret, doctor says sharif will kill me, bakshi says I will talk to jalal, don’t worry.
all comes in to see the child, jalal takes the child in his hand, he is very much happy, he gives child to jodha, jodha smiles, one wife says child is same like bakshi, hamida says now you will get peaceful sleep bakhi, hamida takes the child in her hands, phuphi makes child taste honey as per ritual, salima says congrats to bakshi, ruks and all ladies are smiling, jalal says this prince has donr magic on all ladies, jodha sits beside bakshi, bakshi is tensed.
in court, jalal says I want to name my nephew as soon as possible, shairf says I have thought name for my boy, jalal says great, I have thought my children name too, he ask what name he suggest, sharif says my child name will be sarfaraz, jalal says its great, now I am paternal uncle(mamoon). moti says to jodha that jalal is very excited to listen the name of his nephew so think how much he will be happy to name his own children, jodha smiles.
Scene 4
sharif takes his child in his hand, he says you will make me proud my boy, you know who I am, I am your father, bakshi is tensed to see all this, she says why are talking to him like this, sharif says he is my blood, he understands it, bakshi says he is very young, let him take rest, sharif gives him to bakshi and says take rest my boy, he leaves.
jodha comes to bakshi and ask how are you, she says I have brought laddos for you, hamida has sent it, she ask how is the prince, she sees bakshi tensed and ask why? bakshi says I told you to not come here, jodha says I thought to meet the boy and you, bakshi says you need more rest than me, jodha says don’t worry about me, jodha sees that the boy does pee in clothes, she says I will change his clothes, bakshi gets tensed that she will know the truth, she tries to stop jodha but jodha doesn’t, bakshi thinks how much stubborn she is, jodha removes child’s clothes and gets to know the truth that she is a girl, she shockingly looks at bakshi.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Friday Update 27 August 2021