Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 16 October 2020:Zara’s kidnappers car passesby Kabir’s car. Zara tries to knock on window to get Kabir’s attention but he doesnt see her. Kabir calls Ayesha and says dont worry. Kabir says to Kabir that I will bring Zara back at any cost. He ends call. Ayesha says I have money but still I cant help them. Goon calls Kabir and says you have only half an hour left. Zara thinks that Shahbaz might not be giving money to Kabir, how will he get money?
Kabir says I will free Kabir at any cost Kabir brings his car to sell, seller says I will buy it for 2.5 lacs only. Kabir says its market value is more, seller says I will pay this much only. Kabir says okay pay 2.5lacs.
Kabir calls goon and says I sold my car for 2.5lacs, I dont have 5 lacs, if you want 2.5lacs then I will come and give you that, otherwise I will go to police. Zara hears it on loudspeaker and says to goon that please agree, he doesnt have more money. Goon says okay, bring money and come to dargah, get your wife from there. Kabir thanks God.
Kabir comes to dargah and looks around for Zara. Shahbaz calls him, Kabir says I cant hear you and ends call. Shahbaz thinks why dargah noise was heard? is Kabir there for Zara?
Kabir recalls how he made Zara beg in dargah and says I crossed my line, God forgive me, help me to free her.
Goons come to dargah with Zara. Boss goon comes to Kabir. Kabir recalls how he saw him in maidan. Kabir asks where is Zara? Goon points at Zara in veil still captured by goons. Kabir tries to go to her but goon stops him. Kabir gives him money, he checks it. Kabir and Zara are stressed. Goons leave Zara. She runs and hugs Kabir. He hugs her tightly and cries. Mere sang plays. Kabir looks at her and moves back, he asks if she is fine? She nods and takes off her veil, she prays and says God you showed me that my husband loves me a lot, I have some wishes, I am hungry, atleast today I can eat with my husband in one plate. Kabir looks on and says lets go.
Kabir hires taxi and asks Zara to sit inside otherwise you will be kidnapped again. Zara says you kidnapped me for life.
Zara and Kabir sits in car. Driver’s wife calls, he says sorry and will come later. Kabir says wives cant let you be in peace anywhere. Driver says your wife doesnt look irritating type. Zara says yes, stop at any cheap place for food.
Zara and Kabir gets out from taxi. Zara gives her fare, Kabir gives his. Zara says we can eat together. He says I dont want to eat. Kabir and Zara sits in hotel, Zara eats and says food is tasty, she offers him salad, he eats it. Zara laughs and says you love me but dont show it, sameway you are hungry but I will make you eat. She feeds him from her hands. Kabir says all are looking. Zara says let it be, we have few moments like these so lets live. She feeds food to him and shares it with him.
Kabir holds Zara’s hand and walks on road. Zara smiles at him, jaan nisaar hai plays.
Scene 2
Kabir brings Zara home. Ayesha hugs her and says thank God Kabir brought you home. Zara says to Kabir that today my husband fulfilled his responsibility. Kabir says it was my duty not responsibility. Zara wipes her tears and leaves. Kabir recalls Shahbaz’s words that he wont give him money. Zeenat asks Kabir why he is angry? Kabir says to Ayesha that Shahbaz didnt do right today, what is this? he gives me money when he wants and doesnt when he doesnt want to. Zara comes there and offers money to Kabir. He looks on. Zara gives him 2.50Lacs and says if it was your duty then I have to give money. She writes on board that her balance is 90K now. Ayesha says he sold his car to free you and you are bragging about money? Zara says then he shouldnt have dont that. Kabir leaves.
Kabir recalls Zara’s words and thinks how harsh can she be? Shahbaz comes there. Kabir says Zara was right, I dont have anything of my own, I have to request you for small sum of money. Shahbaz says you spent sometime with her and you listened to her? why spend on her drama? He shows him clip of goon talking to a person and says Zara asked me to pretend to kidnap her and ask Kabir 5lacs then he will ask his father and he will deny and Kabir will get angry and leave his father. Kabir is stunned to see the clip. Shahbaz says I sent my people and goons told them everything, this is Zara’s reality. Kabir hugs him and says I am sorry, forgive me. Flashback shows that Shahbaz’s man stopped goon, gave him 1 lac to lie and recorded a fake video.
Kabir is crying. Ayesha comes to him. Kabir says Zara broke me today.
Shahbaz shows video to Zara and says I snatched Kabir back, what will you do now? Zara smiles and says you did what I wanted.
Kabir says to Ayesha that they say husband and wife’s relation is pure but what Zara have done today made me leave my faith, I wanted forget everything, I repented in dargah but she broke my faith today.
Zara says to Shahbaz that you did a mistake and I will use it, Kabir sold car for me which you gave him, you might show him fake videos but what about the day when I bring your truth you? Zara says Shahbaz bought goons but I will bring them to Kabir soon. Ayesha recalls Kabir’s words and comes to Zara. She says I stood by you a lot but when I saw Kabir broken today, heard what cheating you did, I was shocked to not see your real face before.
Kabir looks at Zara’s photo angrily and tears it. She recalls drama of kidnapping as Shahbaz showed and thinks that her mistake is too big now.
Ayesha says to Zara that daughter in laws make homes but you are using Kabir so he cant work for nation, hiring goons? Salma and Irfan gave you this upbringing? Zara says what is shown might not be real, if you are hurt then I am sorry. She makes her sit down and says about my upbringing, my parents used to fight over what I will become. My father saw me taking care of others so he wanted me to become a doctor but then he made me study to help people. Ayesha says lie, this is your Islam? lying to your husband and breaking house? you are a cheap woman who can go to any extent to put your husband down. Zara says if you think your son is great and working for nation then I think my husband is useless and on wrong path, I will do anything to bring him on path, I will not let anything happen to this house’s respect but I will do everything to make my husband work for nation and world both. Ayesha look on.
In morning, Zara says its difficult to make Kabir get affected and start seeing reality. Kabir comes there angrily. Zara asks what happened? Kabir drags her to main house. All family members are there. Kabir pushes Zara in middle and glares at her. Shahbaz says why you brought her here? Kabir says to make you all witnesses, I promise to not see Zara’s anymore. He turns Zara away. Shahbaz says what? you will meet in sharia board. Kabir says after her betrayal, I will stay away from her shadow even. Ayesha says I know her behavior is wrong but she is your wife. Kabir says I am helpless to not break relation with her because of our respect but you did a mistake by making her your daughter, you cried for her and what she did? I will not see her face anymore, he turns to leave but Zara stops him and says I challenge you that you will see my face till night. Kabir says you have stooped so low. Zara says I will do anything to make Kabir look at me, I will break his promise by tonight. All look on. Shahbaz thinks if she knows about goons?
Shahbaz calls his goon and says that Chando who kidnapped Zara left city? His goon says yes. Shahbaz thinks then what Zara is upto?
Zara is in her room and says I have do it, its dangerous but I have to. Zara sees Ruksaar coming here. Ruksaar says you called me here? Zara makes her eat halwa and puts diary near her. Ruksaar sees her photos in diary and sees her marriage photos. Flashback shows how Zara got it from home. Ruksaar says I became bride? who was my groom? Zara asks her to see. Ruksaar sees her marriage photos with Kabir. Ruksaar says I was Kabir’s bride too? you are his bride too? So we are elder and younger daughter in laws? Zara says yes but we are different, I live here alone, play and nobody scolds me here. Ruksaar says I will live with you here. Zara smiles and says I will keep you here but they wont let you stay here. Ruksaar says I want to stay here. Zara tells her a plan.
Scene 2
Ruksaar is packing. Zeenat asks why she is angry? Ruksaar says why didnt you tell me that I got married to Kabir? Zeenat says who told you that? Ruksaar says Zara. Zeenat is stunned.
Ruksaar tells family that I am Kabir’s wife so I will live with Zara. Ayesha says I didnt know Zara would do this. Zara comes there and says why? Ruksaar can live with me. Zeenat says dont provoke my sister and take her with you? Zara says I am cheap daughter in law so I will do anything. Kabir stops Ruksaar and says you are my duty so you have to listen to me, dont go there. Zara eyes her. Ruksaar says Kabir you married me right? Kabir says yes you are right. Ruksaar says so Zara is your wife too, I will live with her. Kabir says you have to listen to me, dont go. Ruksaar says I will go.. I will go. Kabir says you are my wife, you will not go. Zara looks on.
Read Next: Zara’s Nikah Saturday Update 17 October 2020