Abhi telling Aaliya that she would have asked him money, and he would have given her. He tells Dadi that he gets love from his fans and betrayal from family. Aaliya says this is your cheque. Someone offered him money about the music deal. Raj says Aaliya is lying and didn’t tell him anything. Abhi asks then where is that CD? Aaliya says when she kept the CD, many people have seen her keeping it. Pragya says she has stolen it and says it might be recorded in CCTV footage.
She asks Ronnie to go and bring 3 days CCTV footage. Tanu tells dadi that she is hungry and says can she have food. Dadi asks her to go. Tanu comes to kitchen and gets tensed thinking about Aaliya. Mitali comes and asks if she came to bring water for everyone. Tanu says no. Mitali tells Geeta Maa’s sayings are coming true, and tells that Aaliya is being punished for her sins. Tanu stares her. Mitali asks her to do good work for getting good results.
Ronnie brings the CD. Pragya asks him to put it on TV. She says you did right by bringing staff here. Everyone watches CD carefully. Aaliya says everyone is clear. Pragya says thief steals in night only. Pragya asks Ronnie to rewind the CD. They see manager getting in the room and stealing the CD. Abhi asks Manager, why did he steal his CD? Aaliya signs him something. Abhi asks why did you steal my music? Manager says he was offered much money? Abhi slaps him and asks to get out. Aaliya tells I didn’t steal and told you.
Abhi says I am happy that I was wrong. He apologizes for slapping her and says you was careless. He says you did a mistake and you will not come to office from now on. Raj says you did right, Abhi….He says you should kick her out of home. Abhi says this punishment is enough. Pragya says I have suffered much because of her, and asks Abhi to give demand draft to her. Abhi gives DD to her. Pragya tears the DD and throws on Aaliya’s face. Tanu is shocked and thinks money went from their hands. Pragya says scores are settled now. Dadi tells Bulbul that Aaliya made manager steal CD. Bulbul says she thought that she will be trapped. Pragya is sad, and says we have to find out about the person who is helping her. She asks Bulbul to make plan to expose about Tanu’s pregnany secret. Bulbul says that day is not far. Dadi gets emotional and thinks that day Abhi and Pragya will unite. Tanu asks Aaliya, how she convinced Manager to steal the CD. Aaliya says she gave 2 Lakhs rupees to manager and convinced him. She gets angry at Raj, as he asked Abhi to throw her out of house. Aaliya and Tanu meet Raj. Raj gets angry with them for not informing about the 10 crore deal. Tanu says they were not sure about the producer and that’s why didn’t tell them. Raj warns not to do anything without him else he will show the proofs to Abhi. Mitali comes and sees them talking. They leave. Raj tells that they were asking partnership from him. Mitali asks him to make her partner instead. Pragya feels sad and wishes to share his pain.
Pragya thinking she can’t see Abhi sad and can see him fighting. She tries to cheer his mood and asks if he saw her phone. Abhi says no. She asks him to give his phone and says she needs to make an important call. Abhi says it is on sofa and leaves. Pragya calls Purab and tells Abhi asked Aaliya not to come to office. She asks him to be with Abhi and tells he has just left. Purab asks her not to take any tension. Tanu asks Aaliya to listen to her. Aaliya says I asked you to ask money from your parents, but you didn’t ask. Tanu says if my parents come to know that Abhi is dependent on Pragya that they will not let me marry Abhi. Aaliya asks her to ask money from her boyfriend Nikhil. Tanu asks her to talk in low tone. Aaliya says she will go somewhere and get money, and asks her to celebrate with her money. Tanu tries to stop Aaliya and falls on floor. She calls Ronnie and asks him to take car out as they need to take her to hospital. Mitali comes and tells she is pregnant. She calls everyone.
Bulbul tells Purab that she wants to talk him on date. Purab says actually Pragya asked me to spend time with Abhi, as he is very stressed. Bulbul asks him to be with Abhi and says I will also come with you. Purab says my mind will be diverted if you come there. Bulbul asks if he is making excuses and want to drink. Purab says I don’t drink. She asks him to call Abhi. Mitali calls everyone. Dadi asks what happened? Mitali hugs her and cries. She says I can’t tell. Dasi asks her to write down. Mitali says I can’t tell as you might get a heart attack. Dadi fears if anything happened to Pragya. Mitali asks Dadi to take responsibility. She says your dream has broken, and your waris is in danger. Dadi is relieved that Pragya is fine. Mitali says Tanu got unconscious and Pragya took her to hospital. Dasi asks Dadi to call Pragya. Dadi goes to room. Mitali thinks Dadi is very strong hearted and will not die so soon.
Pragya takes Tanu to hospital. The nurse asks them to wait for her. Bulbul gets Pragya’s call informing her that Tanu has fainted and she brought her to hospital. Bulbul tells Purab that she has to go. Purab says I will also come with you. Bulbul says we can’t stand with Pragya, else Tanu might suspect us.
Pragya calls Dadi and says she is worried for Tanu. Dadi says nothing will happen to Tanu and asks her not to worry. She asks her to inform Abhi. Dadi says she has to inform Abhi and call him. She informs him that Tanu is in hospital after she slipped at home. She says nothing should happen to baby or Tanu. Doctor informs Pragya that Tanu and her baby is fine. Bulbul and Purab reach there. Bulbul says this is the good chance to catch Tanu’s child father. Pragya says they shall not take advantage of the unborn baby. Bulbul says this is a good chance. She posts the news on Abhi’s fan page.
Mitali attends the call. Someone asks about Tanu. Aaliya comes and asks about Tanu. Dasi tells Tanu fell down and Pragya took her to hospital. Aaliya thinks she might have fell down because of her. She sees Tanu’s accident news on social networking site. Nikhil sees the news on the site. Aaliya thinks she shall give news to Nikhil and also alert him not to go to hospital. She calls Nikhil. Nikhil says he is going to hospital to meet Tanu. Aaliya asks him not to go. Nikhil says no one can stop me from meeting her, even she can’t stop me. Aaliya gets tensed.
Read Next: Thursday Update on Twist of Fate 1st October 2020