Twist Of Fate April Teasers 2022


Twist Of Fate April Teasers 2022

Abhi and Pragya slip into a coma. Read Zeeworld Twist Of Fate April 2022 Teasers.

Zeeworld Twist Of Fate April 2022 Teasers 

Friday 1 April 2022

Episode 90

Gaurav tries to call Alia. When her plan fails, a relentless Rhea tries again. Pragya compels Abhi to sing for her. Meanwhile, Rhea and Ranbeer challenge to prove each other wrong. Tanu questions Abhi when she realises that he is falling for Pragya all over again.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Episode 91

Alia demands answers from Gaurav for preying on Abhi. Abhi’s bail appeal gets rejected, and Pragya tries to procure evidence using other means. She confronts the contractor, which leaves him flustered. When Pallavi praises Prachi, it perturbs Rhea.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Episode 92

Abhi refuses to be the cause of Pragya’s ruin. Mitali overhears Alia and Tanu. When Gaurav gives an ultimatum, Pragya signs the papers giving everything in her name to him and gets the proof. Soon after, she realises that she was tricked.

Monday 4 April 2022

Episode 93

Ranbeer looks after an ailing Prachi. Pallavi tells Ranbeer that she still dislikes Prachi. Rhea pesters Ranbeer, who states that he can never trust her over Prachi.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Episode 94

Sushma outsmarts Gaurav. Gaurav tells Tanu that he will kill Abhi when he arrives at his hotel. Later, Pragya learns about Gaurav’s intentions. Gaurav attacks Abhi and takes him out of the hotel before Pragya could see them.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Episode 95

Gaurav locks Abhi and Pragya in the cold storage. Prachi rushes to the hotel and takes the couple to the hospital. Later, Gaurav sends his recruit to the hospital to kill the couple. Abhi and Pragya slip into a coma. Rhea visits Abhi and Pragya at the hospital.

Thursday 7 April 2022

Episode 96

Later, Alia concocts a plan to create a misunderstanding between Ranbeer and Prachi and shares it with Rhea. Ranbeer tells Prachi to stay away from him. Ranbeer’s accusations hurt Prachi and she slaps him. The duo ends their relationship, while Alia and Rhea rejoice at the success of their plan.

Friday 8 April 2022

Episode 97

Later, Rhea instigates Pallavi. Siddharth examines the CCTV footage of the hotel while Alia spies on him. Pallavi cuts ties with Siddharth and ousts him from the house. Prachi prepares to leave the house as well.

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