Twinkle is sitting in park, she sees a father feeding ice-cream to child, she thinks that Kunj our baby will play with us too. One boy says to mother that you cant play cricket, i want father, mother says sorry, boy says i want father, where is he? mother says i am with you then why you need father? boy gets miffed with her. Twinkle comes to mother and says your son is cute but he seems miffed, mother says i cant become father, his father last year.. Twinkle says i am sorry to hear but you are strong, mother says i try to be nice to him but he miss his father alot, baby needs father and mother both. She goes to her son and says mother is with you, boy says i need father. Twinkle gets sad seeing this, Yuvi comes there and sees this, he says to Twinkle that why you are wasting time here? lets go home, its time for your medicines, he leaves with her from there.
Nurse is taking off Kunj’s face bandage, Pallavi and doctor waits. Kunj’s bandage is taken off, Kunj thinks that Twinkle wait is over, i am going to comeback to you and this no one will be able to separate us, we are going to be one forever, Pallavi says Kunj are you ready to see your face? he nods. Kunj opens his eyes and looks at his face in mirror, he is shocked, his face is changed, Kunj(Actor is Naman Shaw) is stunned.
Babee says to Usha that how i cant take tension? i talked about Twinkle’s second marriage and she felt so bad that she left house, i am so hurt because i have hurt Twinkle, i was thinking about her future but i forgot that she wont be able to forget Kunj’s memories, its not easy for her but you know this society, they are stone hearted people, many people will taunt us, how many people will be shut by us? i accept that Yuvi said good words and stood by Twinkle’s side when woman was talking against her, i accept that Twinkle and Yuvi are good friends now, Yuvi have changed and he is like son to us now but we cant change thinking of society, its weird, these people can start seeing their relation in a wrong way, you tell me Usha that what will happen in future when Twinkle will have child? these people will name Yuvi and Twinkle’s relation in any way, what will we do now? Usha is tensed.
Doctor says to Kunj that your face is reconstructed, you can go home now, Kunj says this is not my face, this is not me, its someone else, Pallavi says your face was damaged, we had to reconstruct it, relax, Kunj says i am not able to recognize myself then how will my family recognize me? Pallavi says we will talk about it later, he says my whole life is at stack, i want my face back, take this surgery back, Pallavi says we cant give your face back, Kunj says i dont know, i want my face back, he screams, Nurse gives him injection, Kunj is hysteric, he becomes unconscious.
Yuvi brings Twinkle to home and gives her medicine, he says now you get ready for Yuvi’s made fruit salad, he goes to bring it. Twinkle gets call from client and says i will take out file from rack then i will call you.
Twinkle comes in room and says file is on rack, she is its on height and stands on stool to get file from rack’s roof, Yuvi comes there and says have you gone mad? get down, she says i need file, Yuvi says you dont have to do stunts in this condition, Usha sees Yuvi talking to Twinkle, Twinkle says i am not ill, i am fine, Yuvi says i know you are fine but you dont have to act like Twinkle tigress, even tigress becomes conscious when they are pregnant, you have to be careful, get down, Twinkle says you are becoming bossy, let me do work, Yuvi says are you coming down or should I.. Twinkle says what will you do? Yuvi gets file from rack and says i can give you file, get down carefully, Twinkle gets down and smiles, she takes file from him, he gives her fruit salad and says leave now or will you feed me too? Yuvi starts leaving but turns to see if Twinkle is eating or not, she sees him and starts eating salad to show him, he leaves, Usha sees all this and thinks.
Kunj gets down from his bed and comes out of his ward, he says Twinkle.. Pallavi says you cant go out of room like this. Kunj strikes with Twinkle who is passingby from there, he gets happy and says Twinkle? he hugs her and says i knew that you will come, i missed you so much, Twinkle pushes him off and says who are you? why you are calling me Twinkle? she leaves, it was Kunj’s imagination that Twinkle was there, Kunj gets dejected, Pallavi comes there and says you need rest, if infections happens then it will be bad for you, Kunj says i need Twinkle, i want to meet her, Pallavi says we will meet her when you will become fine, Kunj says no i want to meet her rightnow, i have some weird feeling, i feel something is wrong, as if Twinkle is going away from me, she cant go away from me, just make me meet her once then i will do what you say, its a request, Pallavi thinks.
Yuvi says to himself that how can i sort Twinkle’s life, i am afraid that you might think that i am crossing my limits, i just wish i knew what i can do. Usha comes there, he says you? usha says i never thought that i will come to your house, you and your mother always was a bad news for my family, you and your mother destroyed my son’s life and your mother killed my son, Yuvi says i am sorry, i can say it many times, i am very guilty, forgive me, Usha says no use of getting guilty, Twinkle is at crossroad, our heir is coming but i am afraid what will be his life without his father, i have made myself strong as i have to think about Twinkle and her child, i want you to marry Twinkle, Yuvi is stunned, i want you to give name to Kunj’s baby, i never thought that i would say this but in last some days i have seen how much you care for Twinkle, you have been helping our family, you sent your mother to jail, this is huge thing, nobody can take Kunj’s place but i am giving you Kunj’s position, i want you to become our son and accept Twinkle, i maybe selfish as i dont want Twinkle and my grandson to stay away from me, and i know after Kunj only you can keep Twinkle happy so tell me will you hold Twinkle’s hand? will you accept my daughter in law? Yuvi is silent, he looks down and thinks then he looks at Usha.
Leela comes to Babee and asks why did Usha called us? Babee says i dont know. Usha comes there , Leela asks if everything is fine? Twinkle comes there too with Kunj’s picture which has garland on it, she says i have brought this picture for living room so that our Kunj remains with us all the time, Usha starts crying seeing this, Twinkle smiles at Kunj’s picture. Yuvi comes there, Usha looks at him, Usha says Twinkle you take me as your mother? Twinkle says yes, Usha says you know i will take every decision for your and Kunj’s baby’s happiness? Twinkle says yes, Usha says i have come today from Yuvi’s side, i went to Yuvi with my daughter in law’s proposal, all are shocked to hear this, Usha says he respected me and his family and he said yes for marriage, she gives Twinkle’s hand in Yuvi’s hand and says i am happy today, Yuvi have agreed to give name to our heir, he will live with us as our son so that Twinkle and baby Kunj remains with us, he has done such a huge thing for us, Twinkle i want you to say yes for marriage too, Twinkle looks at Yuvi in shock.
Usha says to Twinkle that i want you to say for this relation too, Twinkle says how can you think like this maa? i am of Kunj only, i can never be of someone else than Kunj, Usha says its difficult to live life alone, Twinkle says i am not alone, you all are with me, and Yuvi is with me too as my friend but i can never be of someone else, nobody can separate me from Kunj, Kunj is my life, dont separate me from him, please, Usha says i understand your pain, its not easy to ask your daughter in law to marry someone else, i am doing this for my family, Yuvi ash changed, he is like our son now, he is always with us, always help us, sameway he will always stand by your side, i want you to start afresh, think about your baby, Yuvi will take care of you, he cares about you alot, say yes for marriage, Babee says Usha is right, say yes for this marriage, Leela agrees, Babee says we will die one day too, Twinkle says how you people can think that i cant take care of my baby? i am not that weak, i can not think about anyone than Kunj, i can never marry anyone, my Kunj is always with me and till then not me neither my baby is alone, nobody can separate me from him, she cries and leaves, Yuvi goes to talk to her, Leela says to Usha that Twinkle will take time but you understood mother’s pain and accepted everything, i have to say that Twinkle is lucky to get mother in law like you, Usha is emotional.
Yuvi comes to Twinkle and says we have talked alot, we have fought alot but today i dont know what to say, i have destroyed everything, i tried to break every relation, i tried to kill every emotion but today for first time i have got chance to rectify all this, Usha came to me with so much possession, so much right she asked me about marriage, trust me it was difficult for me too but when i saw you in this situation then i remembered your and my mother’s situation, my mother and your mother have raised us alone but we always missed our dads, we used to discuss and miss our dads, you were lucky to get your dad back, i got on wrong path maybe because i didnt have dad, he would have beat me but would have never allowed me to go on wrong path, father become friends for kids, i dont want your baby to miss his dad, i will always be there on your side, you cannot give me position of your husband but can be my friend for life,
i have taken this decision for my family’s happiness and for this baby, i wont be able to love anyone else than Kunj, i will remain of Kunj till death, dont have any hopes from my side, Yuvi says thats why i respect you so much, Twinkle says this is all because of my family and my baby, Yuvi thinks that fate has again brought us together, i know you are only Kunj’s and i just hope to keep you happy.
Kunj says to himself that tomorrow i will meet Twinkle, everything will become fine. Twinkle in room thinks that i never thought i would move on but you will remain in my heart forever. Yuvi in his room thinks that tomorrow my life is going to change but i will make sure to keep Twinkle and her family happy, i will fulfill my duties.
Its morning, Kunj comes out of hospital and prays that i know Twinkle might not recognize me but make everything fine. Pallavi sees him and thinks how to tell him that Yuvi and Twinkle are coming closer, Pallavi says i hope you get everything you prayed for but even if you dont get it then never lose hope, always be strong, Kunj nods, he sits in car and leaves.
Kunj is in car and going to his house. Otherside Twinkle and Yuvi are dressed as bride and groom, they exchange garlands and sits in mandap. Pundit starts mantras, all are happy except Twinkle, she is lifeless and sad. In car kunj smiles and thinks that i will meet my sayappa queen, i am dying to see happiness of your face. Kunj comes to Sarna house, he gets down from car and looks at his house from outside, he says see Twinkle, your Kunj has comeback, he sees gate locked and says where did everyone go? he sees Leela’s house all decorated and says there is some function in Leela maa’s house, Twinkle must be there.
Yuvi and Twinkle gets up for pheras, they start taking pheras, Kunj is coming there. Kunj comes in Leela’s house, one guest says Twinkle is looking nice, Kunj smiles listening this and comes forward to see Twinkle, he sees Twinkle taking pheras with Yuvi, he is shocked, Sajna ve’s sad version plays, Pundit says take last phera then you both will be married, Twinkle walks forward and takes phera, Kunj is stunned. Pundit asks Yuvi to put sindoor in her forehead, Twinkle recalls how Kunj had applied it to her on their marriage, Yuvi applies sindoor on Twinkle’s forehead, Twinkle closes her eyes, Kunj is hurt seeing all this. Yuvi makes Twinkle wear mangalsutra, Kunj is distort, Twinkle is sad too, Pundit says this marriage is done, you both can take elders blessing, Babee, Usha everyone smiles at Twinkle and Yuvi, Kunj cant believe this, he takes step backwards and goes out.