True Love April Teasers 2020


True Love April Teasers 2020

Meethi reveals to Mukta what situations had compelled her to get married to Vishnu.Read True Love April Teasers 2020.

Glow Tv True Love April Teasers 2020


Wednesday 1 April 2020


Police arrests Raghuvendra for killing Nirbhay. Ekadashi warns everyone that she will ruin Meethi’s life. Damini says that Meethi has broken all ties with Akash and is set to marry Vishnu.


Raghuvendra and Mukta are at the police station. Tapasya asks Meethi to get dressed as it is time for wedding. Vishnu thinks that he is getting married to Mukta but is shocked to see Meethi at the altar.

Thursday 2 April 2020


Vishnu leaves Meethi at the altar in between the ceremony. Sumitra makes Vishnu realise that he is indebted to Ichha and so he cannot leave Meethi. Meethi and Vishnu get married.


Raghuvendra is put behind bars. Mukta tells Meethi that she loves Vishnu and that she wanted to marry him. Mukta makes Meethi read the letter which she wrote for her. Meethi regrets marrying Vishnu.

Friday 3 April 2020


Mukta tells Meethi that she will never forgive her for separating her from Vishnu. Vishnu tells Meethi that he has been duped. Meethi explains to Mukta that she had to get married because of Damini.

Episode 1216

Raghuvendra finds out that Vishnu got married to Meethi instead of Mukta. Tapasya learns from Raghuvendra that Mukta love Vishnu. Meethi asks Vishnu for a divorce, but Vishnu refuses.

Monday 30 March 2020


Tapasya comforts Mukta by saying that it was destined to happen and that even she has gone through such a phase in her life. Sumitra tries to provoke Mukta and turns her against Meethi.


Tapasya calls the entire family to welcome Meethi and Vishnu into the house. Mukta and Sumitra are reluctant. Jogi consoles Raghuvendra that the former will get him bailed out.

Tuesday 31 March 2020


As Sumitra criticises Meethi for looking down upon Mukta, Tapasya informs them that Mukta is missing. Tapasya and Meethi head out in search for Mukta, and find her lying unconscious on the road.


Mukta says mean things about Meethi, which upsets Meethi very much. Mukta says that she loves Vishnu, and mocks Meethi for being with Vishnu. Meethi decided to break her marriage with Vishnu.

Wednesday 1 April  2020


Vishnu refuses to break the marriage with Meethi just because he loves Mukta, citing that it would be against his ideals. Umed wants Vishnu to take charge of the house in the absence of Veer and Yuvraj.


As Mukta mocks Meethi, Meethi reveals to Mukta what situations had compelled her to get married to Vishnu. Jogi informs everyone that he has arranged for Raghuvendra to be bailed out.