Nisha and Jhanvi come to Nisha’s house. She says why are we here? he says I want her to be arrested before we go. Otherwise we will tensed there as well. jhanvi says I think they are not home.
ADi looks behind he says window is open. He says lets look in. They come in.
On TV nisha says this window was opened for yoou to come in. Welcome back home. You think I am a fool that I would leave a clue for you. Jhanvi I asked you to stay away from my adi. You ruined my life. Now I see what I do. I will ruin your life. Adi keep this gift for me what I am sending. Adi says you get ready for being arrested.
Adi hears someone crying. Jhanvu says lets go from here. He opens the door. Her parents are locked inside a closet and crying. Jahanvi says who did this? Thank you informed us about her plan. But we don’t know where she is. Her mom says she came here to take her stuff. She is out of her mind. She locked here and left. She says I am sorry because of my daughter you have to suffer from this. Jhanvi says this is not your fault.
Jhaniv says I think we should cancel our trip. Adi says nothing would happen. She needs to be in jail.
Inspector calls Adi adn tells him that he has arrested Nisha. He says we traced her from her new number. She was running in a cab. Nisha screams Jhanvi should go to jail not me. Adi says thank you so much. Police takes nisha with them. Adi and Jhanvi heave a sigh of relief.
Adi says I am very happy. Jhanvi says so am I. She packs for Paris. he says I brought something for you. Its a ring. He makes her wear it. He says I love you. Jhanvi says I love you too. Adi says I will always keep you happy and be there for you. Kaki comes and says Jhanvi wear these sari to Kuldevi temple. Jhavni says yes I will. She says go to both temples. I will give you the list of pooja. She says to Adi come with me. Adi goes with her.
Jhanvi gets ready. Adi and Nisha are leaving. Adi says Raj
take care of everything. Adi says to chini mini we will come back soon with your gifts. Jhanvi hugs them and they leave.
Adi and Jhanvi are on their way. She rests her head on his shoulder. Adi sings for her. They both sing different songs together.
Adi and Jhanvi come the temple. Adi says the shops are closed. I hope temple is open. She says it would be.
They come to temple and pray. Jhanvi says because of you God i have this happy life with Adi. Thanks for taking Nisha out of our life. Adi prays for their safety too.
Jhanvi says that sword of idol where is she? Adi says maybe pandit took it for cleaning. Adi says lets go Jhanvi says I feel like someone is here. He says Devi ma is here. Don’t worry God is protecting us.. They leave.
Adi and Jhanvi come to upper side of the temple. She says no one is here then who lit the candle? Adi says stop worrying so much. Lets go in. They come inside the temple.
Jhanvi says in heart I hope Adi is never in trouble. Adi prays for them as well. He says I hope she is with me always. They open eyes and Nisha is there with a sword. Adi and Jhanvi are dazed.
Adi says you.. She says I faced so many troubles to be here with you. But see Devi ma brought me to you. He says police arrested you. She says God couldn’t stop me then how would police.
Samar bribed a constable to get Nisha out of jail. They all drank tea and fainted. The man got nisha out of jail.
Jhanvi says be ashamed of yourself. This is temple. You don’t even deserve a place in hell. Lets go Adi. Nisha shouts stop. She throws the knife and it hits Jhanvi’s legs. She falls. Adi says are you okay? Adi throttles her and says how dare you. Jhanvi says leave her and lets go. Nisha says i wont let you go.
my love will win over your fake love. Go from here. She shoves him. Adi says are you okay? Nisha says let her die Adi you are mine. Jhanvi says I am fine. Adi shoves Nisha. Nisha says you cant be of anyone else.
Nisha says your last breaths are only mine adi. Someone shoots adi. Jhanvi is dazed. Its Nisha. Jhanvi screams Adi’s name. Jhanvi says I wont let anything happen to you open your eyes. Nisha says no one is here to help you. Beg me. Because of you my adi died. I was stupid. I thought you were the hindrance. but the real root of this feud was Adi so I had to kill him. you took his life. He died because of you.
Jhanvi says adi please open your eyes. Nisha says is your love not working out? not even listening to you? You ate my adi. His life is only mine. His last breaths are mine. Adi.. Adi gets up and throttles Nisha. he says even if I die I don’t care because Jhanvi si with me. I will love her forever. I feel pity for you. you can’t get anything. Nisha says I love you. He says you only love yourself. I so want to kill you but there is a difference between you and me. Jhanvi takes Adi from there. nisha picks her gun.
Jahnvi throws her gun away. She says we have learned how to answer you attacks. Nisha says no.. They are leaving. Samar grasps Jhanvi’s hand and shoves her away. He hits adi on head. They both scream. Jhanvi sees his face and is shocked.