Tag: Update
This Is Fate Wednesday Update 15 December 2021
Rakhi asks Preeta what Pammi said, Preeta reveals she doesnot know but can say that there is nothing going on between Sameer and Mahira, Rakhi is reli [...]
This Is Fate Monday Update 13 December 2021
Karan explains he is not taking anyone’s side but knows Mahira cannot be the murderer, he reveals that when he was at the hotel Mahira was with him so [...]
This Is Fate Sunday Update 12 December 2021
Mahira mentions she is feeling really bad but is angry that Preeta is sleeping on the bed while he is suffering in the cell, karan explains that he is [...]
This Is Fate Tuesday Update 7 December 2021
Prithvi is in the room, Kritika enters explaining she has a request and that she wants him to come with her to the police station as she was going to [...]
This Is Fate Monday Update 6 December 2021
Karan is standing in the jail cell, Preeta enters with a tiffin for him, he immediately starts smiling just after seeing her, she walks to him, he que [...]
This Is Fate Friday Update 3 December 2021
Rakhi mentions that Karina has realized that everything that has happened in their house, Preeta has nothing to do with it which is why she went to th [...]
This Is Fate Thursday Update 2 December 2021
Sameer calls Shristhi, she signals him to be quiet showing the shadow of the man, Sameer suggest that they should throw hot water on him just when the [...]
This Is Fate Wednesday Update 1 December 2021
Shristhi and Sameer hear Ruchika fighting with Megha in her house, they both get in a struggle and Megha pushes her away, Ruchika throws her out of th [...]
This Is Fate Tuesday Update 30 November 2021
Prithvi is walking, Mahira coming from behind exclaims that their mobiles might have been exchanged and he hands her his mobile, he is shocked to see [...]
This Is Fate Sunday Update 28 November 2021
Preeta is remembering when Karan brought the Faluda for her and she dinot know anything bwhen karan explained what it is and how there is a shop nearb [...]