Tag: Update
This is Fate Sunday Update 12 May 2019
Preeta thinks that why did she lie, and not tell everyone the truth that is in her heart.
Rishab says to Karan that if she was a member in their hous [...]
Mehek 10th May Friday Update
Shaurya is on his way. Mahek comes to her room. She is in tears. Shaurya recalls mahek asking him to leave. The song ‘jo bheji thi dua’played.
Shau [...]
Mehek 11th May Saturday Update
Mahek says i love you Shaurya, i will come down from jumping from here only, Shaurya says no i am coming, Mahek says Basanti and mummy both agree, thi [...]
10th May Friday Update on Twist of Fate
Abhi stood in the window of his room and recalls whatever Pragya said while he was unconscious. He wonders if she really said so, of if he was imagini [...]
11th May Saturday Update on Twist of Fate
Nikhil catches her and asks her to sit quietly. She calls Superman. Abhi hears her voice and gets worried.
Kiara biting Nikhil’s hand and runs out [...]
This is Fate Friday Update 10th May 2019
Manisha asks Karan what he is doping to her, he asks about what she means but then she says that he at first wanted to drug her but then he sent the w [...]
9th May Thursday Update on Twist Of Fate
Pragya crying in room. Abhi comes there and says I don’t listen to you as I don’t need your suggestion. He asks what happened? Pragya cries and says I [...]
Mehek 9th Thursday Update May 2019
Shaurya sits on Mahek’s bed, Mahek says this is my bed, Shaurya says all have come alone in world and will go alone, nothing in this world is yours. M [...]
Mehek 8th Wednesday Update May 2019
At night, Mahek is lying in bed and recalls Shaurya’s deeds and staying at her home. In porch, Shaurya is thinking about Mahek too, how she gets worri [...]