Tag: Update
This is Fate Saturday Update 18 May 2019
Rishab brings Manisha to the room and hands her a glass of water, he says that she is fine but She is very angry and cannot be calmed down, he then sa [...]
This is Fate Sunday Update 19 May 2019
Shrishti and Rishab are in the room and trying to connect the cameras, they are able to succeed and see Prithvi, they are left shocked, Dadi is not le [...]
Mehek 17th May Friday Update 2019
Mahek and family comes to white chili restaurant, media tries to talk to Mahek and asks her what happened between hwe and Shaurya? family tries to pro [...]
This is Fate Friday Update 17 May 2019
Karan asks the waiter for a drink, Rishab starts to tease him, he says that he will make him drink so that he can tease him as it Is a happy day for t [...]
Mehek 16th May Thursday Update 2019
Vicky brings Shaurya to couch and asks if he is fine? need water? Shaurya says no, Vicky leaves. Shaurya sits on couch and drinks water but has headac [...]
16th May Thursday Update on Twist of Fate
King informs her that Abhishek Mehra came today, may be to thank you for last night help. He says Abhi was very upset and stressed. Pragya asks did he [...]
17th May Friday Update on Twist of Fate
King thinks if I shall talk to her regarding Abhi. King sees Abhi and asks him not to worry. He says I was worried for you. Abhi says I never thought [...]
This is Fate Thursday Update 16 May 2019
Kartika gets a call and it is Prithvi, he asks if he could talk with Sherlin, Kartika says that she met an accident and he phone is with her, she does [...]
Mehek 15th May Wednesday Update 2019
Vicky is sleeping and snoring, Shurti is irritated and cant sleep, door knocks. Vaitlana comes in her room and says to Shurti that if you sleep tonigh [...]
15th May Wednesday Update on Twist of Fate
Chachi asking King to do something else everything will be ruined. King shouts calling Pragya’s name. Pragya wakes up and thinks why Mr. Singh is angr [...]