Tag: Update
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 24 May 2020
Benazir comes imtiaz, he is stunned and why are you here? She ask whether there is message for me? Imtiaz says that abul mali is dissappointed with yo [...]
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 21 May 2020
Jalal likes it. jodha comes behind him and gifts him a beautiful shawl … She smiles and says she was thinking of what to gift him and came up with thi [...]
Monday Update on Lies of the heart 13 April 2020
She shows samrat and others a phoen recording which clearly stated that Amrit professed his love for trisha, and how he had been romancing her, saying [...]
Deception Tuesday update 14 April 2020
Pooja acts to faint to hide the truth. Dada ji takes that couple inside. Naina has planted them and thinks now the truth will come out with fake paren [...]
Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 19 May 2020
jalal ask benazir to calm down and ask servant to take her inside. jalal ask jodha why she didnt help, jodha picks up the hot water, puts her hand in [...]
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 18 May 2020
Jodha says he made benazir sit beside him and also gave my bangle to her, moti says if he would have have asked permission from you then you would all [...]
Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 20 May 2020
Moti ask jodha what she is thinking? Jodha says nothing, i am just tired. Moti says hamida is best mother in law, jodha says but her son.. What you th [...]
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 17 May 2020
Jalal is in thoughts when jodha comes. Jalal ask why are you here, i didnt call you. she says i came to return a bracelet ..Saying that she was return [...]
Jodha Akbar Saturday Update 16 May 2020
In court adka informs jalal about political matters but jalal is in his thoughts, adka ask for suggestion, maham says i know why jalal is not saying a [...]
Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 12 April 2020
Samrat’s residence
While aditi sits sadly, kanchan advises her to move on, and get ahead with her life,and that she should distract her mind. Aditi i [...]