Tag: Update
Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 11 July 2020
Jalal remembers how maham probed him to doubt jodha, he says my ammi played with my feelings and I doubted you jodha, how can I listen against you, ho [...]
Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 10 July 2020
Jalal ask that man to tell how muh truth is in this news that sujamal was seen outside of agra, he looks at maham, jalal puts sword on him and says ha [...]
Tuesday Update on Deception 28 April 2020
Pooja comes to ward. Bela gets away and covers Naren. She says I was picking glass pieces, so that no one gets hurt. Pooja says its fine, house keepin [...]
Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 9 July 2020
Jalal is leaving, jodha thinks that i was angry with you as you pointed on my character so how could i come with you, it was insult for my character b [...]
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 8 July 2020
Maham is in darkness, she sits and see some baby, she takes baby in her hand and says to get up and eat something, you have to eat one day, you have t [...]
Monday Update on Lies of the heart 27 April 2020
Samrat’s residence
Urmi returns back from the temple. Shashi tells urmi that she should have gone for more time, and should have completely enjoyed h [...]
Sunday Update on Lies of the heart 26 April 2020
In her room, urmi comes in asking if she needs any medicine, as she is experinecing some other problem, evidently. urmi then tells her that if you try [...]
Monday Update on Deception 27 April 2020
Pooja and Supriya coming at the accident spot. They get shocked seeing Naren. Pooja shouts Naren. Bela sits crying there. Pooja, Harish and Supriya ge [...]
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 7 July 2020
Jalal is very happy and says i knew it you will come, he is about to get down but sees jodha vanishes, he recalls jdha saying that she cant come with [...]
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 6 July 2020
she is running, jalal is running behind her, jodha recalls jalal’s bitter words about her character, she is crying and running, jalal stops her and sa [...]