Tag: Update
This is Fate Tuesday Update 1st September 2020 The Police Finally Arrest The Terrorists
Karina asks Rishab to go and wait for her in the car as she has something to talk with the receptionist, Karina goes back and she sees that Sherlin an [...]
This is Fate Monday Update 31 August 2020 Karan calls Police
The hostages ask Harshwardan if he really has diamonds worth millions, he exclaims that he has to which they say that his money will ruin them all, th [...]
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 4th September 2020 Sahil And Bhoomi’s Car Accident
All at once, the new neighbour shouts at Nani for getting into her house. She was rude and screams discourteously.
Age is Just a Number Thursday [...]
Age is Just a Number Thursday Update 3rd September 2020
Bhoomi runs to peek into the house with Puneesh. Puneesh says once Bhoomi sang for Vaidika, and today she holds great enmity for her.
Age is Just [...]
Age is Just a Number Wednesday Update 2nd September 2020
Bari Amma apologizes Sahil but Sahil asks how he can forget her for murdering his mother. Sahil announces he is leaving Agarwal house along with Vaidi [...]
Made For Each Other Thursday Update 27 August 2020
Ronit saying enough is enough, if you really love me, ask your sister to get out of Komolika’s way, I will accept you. Prerna says Shivani will reject [...]
Made For Each Other Wednesday Update 26 August 2020
Anurag saying Prerna will stay here, Komolika its enough. Mohini says she is Sonalika. Anurag says enough, she is my Prerna and I m her Anurag, I trus [...]
Made For Each Other Tuesday Update 25 August 2020 Prerna expose Komilika
Shivani saying I have seen Komolika doing Kajal rasam, we shall leave now. Prerna says no, I will bring her truth out, I have to confront her, we have [...]
Zara’s Nikah Sunday Update 30 August 2020 Zara is arrested
Zeenat refuses to greet eid mubarak as she was mourning… all the rest family members greet one another Eid mubarak
As they sit down for their meal, [...]
Zara’s Nikah Saturday Update 29 August 2020
Kabir’s mum sees Nilofer’s pic on news and informs Zara and Zeenat. Zara says to herself, how could she forget about nilofer in all of this, Zeenat ov [...]