Tag: Update
Zara’s Nikah Sunday Update 22 November 2020
Kabir and Zara comes to restaurant. Kabir orders food for Zara, she says you wont eat as you dont eat on table. Kabir says its not necessary. He says [...]
Zara’s Nikah Saturday Update 21 November 2020
Kabir beat goons. Police comes there so goons runaway. All gather around Kabir. Zara asks if he is fine? Kabir says yes. People praise Kabir for fight [...]
This is Fate Monday Update 23 November 2020
Shrishti inquires if Janki is alright than also goes to Sarla asking if her hand is alright.
Sherlin asks if they all; think that Preeta is true but [...]
This is Fate Sunday Update 22 November 2020
Karan is in his room remembering how Preeta was the one with him when he lifted the veil, he also thinks of how she was thrown out of the house, he ta [...]
This is Fate Saturday Update 21 November 2020
Prithvi in anger turns towards Sarla inquiring why did she slap him because he said all those things, but is not by choice and he only has informed he [...]
Twist of Fate Tuesday Update 17 November 2020
Pragya telling Dadi that Abhi refused to perform in the concert. She says she tried all means and even threatened Abhi, but he refused her. She asks D [...]
Twist of Fate Monday Update 16 November 2020
Pragya speaking to Sarla and says her strength breaks if she cries. She says I am your daughter and will not get scared if Abhi tries to scare her. Sh [...]
Twist of Fate Sunday Update 15 November 2020
Pragya waiting for Abhi at the dining table. Dadi asks where is Abhi and asks her to call him. Pragya says are you asking me? Dadi says no and asks Ta [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 20 November 2020
Zara says I dont know what to do. Kabir comes there. Zara says I am confused. Kabir says you have to decide if you want to be a good wife or woman wit [...]
Zara’s Nikah Thursday Update 19 November 2020
Ayesha says Suraiya agreed to send Rizwan to sharia board. Shahbaz says I hope I am wrong and Rizwan is actually nice. Kabir is miffed with Zara. She [...]