Tag: Teasers
The Evil Eye January Teasers 2021
The Rathods and the Sharmas look for Mohana's weak spots. Later, it is game on with Piya challenging Mohana! Coming up on The Evil Eye January 2021 Te [...]
Ring of Fire January Teasers 2021
Ragini's mother makes preperations for the prayers that is to begin and she asks Ragini to get ready as after the prayers, she will be going back to A [...]
Amma January Teasers 2021
Shekar allows his opposition, Haider, to have a brother and sister relationship with Zeenat. Lakshmi blames Amma for Saraswati's unhappiness and quest [...]
Gangaa 2 January Teasers 2021
Niranjan is in hospital and Madvhi finds out that her husband has 6 months to live. Going Further, Gangaa has a premonition of the future but no-one s [...]
True Love January Teasers 2021 Glow Tv
Meethi tells Chameli that she wants Rani to undergo DNA test to check her parentage. This worries Chameli and in a fit of rage, she reveals it to Ekad [...]
Brave and Beautiful January Teasers 2021 Starlife
Purshottam arrives along with Kunal and asks for Shraddha's hand in marriage. Given a lot of assurance, Amrit and Zorawar finally agrees to Shraddha a [...]
Made For Each Other December Teasers 2020
On the Season Finale episodes, Anurag and Prerna reunite at the temple while a major disaster strikes at the Basu mansion. Nonetheless, all ends well [...]
Antara December Teasers 2020
After seeing and hearing Antara's progress, Vikram refers Antara to a new different therapist and he also tells Aditya that she will be more expensive [...]
Family Affairs December Teasers 2020 Starlife
On the Season Finale episodes, Shivam beats up Chandra Prakash for trying to misbehave with Aarti. Shanti accepts Aarti as her daughter-in-law and dec [...]
The Evil Eye December Teasers 2020
Bobby learns that Ruby is a witch. To keep her identity safe, Ruby targets Bobby. Ansh is smitten by Piya. Later, Ruby casts a spell on Ansh in order [...]