Tag: Saturday Update

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Twist of Fate Season Finale Saturday June 7th 2019

Abhi talks to Kiara. Disha comes there. King says Daddy is gifting bracelet to Mamma and Dada is also coming to party. Abhi says it is a surprise. I c [...]

Mehek 1st June Saturday Update

Sheetal asks everyone to gather their stuff and leave, she leaves. Mahek wipes her tears and looks on. Shaurya is sitting in room and says to Karon [...]

Saturday Update 1st June Twist Of Fate

Abhi telling Pragya that he got Kiara and his DNA test and it matched. He says it is clearly written that Kiara is my daughter, our daughter. He says [...]

Saturday Update on This is Fate 1st June 2019

Prithvi is wondering that the driver must remain safe, he gets really angry and thinks of calling the driver, when it rings Shrishti wonders and is ab [...]

Mehek 25th May Saturday Update 2019

Mohit is packing stuff. Jeevan asks what are you doing? you are not father if you wear same size of shoes as mine, he asks works to put things back fr [...]

This is Fate Saturday Update 25th May 2019

Karan opens his fist to reveal a mangal sooter design he had selected. Preeta looks stunned and asks why he brought it? Karan claims to be her choice, [...]

25th May on Twist Of Fate Saturday Update

Abhi thinks it is difficult to confess feelings and says he will sing, but he forgot the lines. He says I will give the tune, and you shall give the w [...]

Mehek 18th May Saturday Update 2019

Mahek is leaving Shaurya’s house when Karona calls her name. Mahek hugs Karona and says how are you maa? Karona folds her hands and says forgive me. S [...]

18th May on Twist Of Fate Saturday Update

Abhi comes to Pragya and asks her if she was worried about her husband drinking or worrying about Kiara’s truth. He says it was all drama so that I do [...]

This is Fate Saturday Update 18 May 2019

Rishab brings Manisha to the room and hands her a glass of water, he says that she is fine but She is very angry and cannot be calmed down, he then sa [...]
1 50 51 52 53 54 63 520 / 630 POSTS