Tag: Monday update
Monday Update 26th August on King of hearts
King of hearts October Teasers Zee World tv
King of Hearts Season Story
Roshni gets up and feels dizzy. DD calls Shambu and asks him to brin [...]
Monday Update Mehek 26th August 2019
Mandhar says to mahek don’t cook today. We will go out today. Mahek says you and Neev go. he says why won’t you go? She says dad is not well. He says [...]
Monday Update The heir 26th August 2019
Mannu says why don’t you tell this to Amba, I love Bheeru a lot, now you are also mine, Amba will understand as I did, she will know you did not do th [...]
Monday Update The heir 19th August 2019
Amba saying you talk maturely, you look lovely, don’t know why I feel like you are like my family. She agrees to Mannu and says you can stay here. She [...]
Monday Update Kindred hearts 19th August
In morning, Jhanvi wakes up and suddenly flower petals are showered on her, she smiles and takes off card from table. She reads Adi’s note that you ha [...]
Monday Update 19th August on King of hearts
Sam coming to DD’s house. DD says it is your house too. Mona says she will talk to Sam as it is not good to come home after a fight at her house. DD s [...]
Monday Update on Mehek 19th August 2019
Shaurya comes to her room and says dont know if I really saw Mahek or it was my imagination, he recalls how he saw her face through mirror. He looks a [...]
Monday Update 12th August on King of hearts
Roshni and Sid’s romantic moments. Mai tenu samjhawaki…song…plays in the background. They hug each other and Sid says she does not know how much he lo [...]
Monday Update on Mehek 12th August
At Khanna house, Shaurya is using laptop and looking at pictures of Hrishikesh. Karona, Vicky and Dolly comes behind and looks at Shaurya’s laptop,Kar [...]
Monday Update on The heir 12th August
Mannu gets Raj’s letter in his bag. He reads Raj’s letter and gets shocked. He says Yuvraaj did not give me this letter, it means he is not a good per [...]