Tag: king of hearts
28th June Friday Update on King of hearts
Roshni reminisces Sid’s words and thinks why did he come back to her life. Yash calls her and asks if she will miss even lunch. Roshni says [...]
June 23rd Sunday Update on King of hearts
Sid telling Simran (dumb agony aunt) that he is going back to DD’s house to stay with Roshni. Simran says he is her son and cannot leave her alone. He [...]
June 24th Monday Update on King of hearts
Sid rushing in his car in search of Roshni. Raj calls him and asks if he found Roshni. Sid says no and says because of his mistake he will lose Roshni [...]
June 25th Tuesday Update on King of hearts
Simran angrily walking into Sid’s cabin and asking what is he doing. Sid says she is his mother and should first sit and relax and then question him. [...]
King of hearts Thursday Update June 20th,2019
Roshni reminisces Sid taking Krutika’s side and asks Simran why did she hide this secret and asks if she knows how Krutika crashed Phatka and her unde [...]
King of hearts Friday Update June 21st 2019
Roshni slapping Sid and asks how many lies will he say. She asks where was he when his mom threw them out of their own house and says her mom gave him [...]
King of hearts Saturday Update June 22nd 2019
Kritika (ugly, filthy vamp) and Rajveer (greedy, crook) taking Simran’s (dumb agony aunt) blessings. They try to take Raj’s blessings when he stops th [...]
King of hearts Tuesday Update June 18th,2019
Ghafoor meeting Rajveer and asking why did he call him from Dubai so urgently. Rajveer says he did not. Ghafoor says someone is playing game with them [...]
King of hearts Monday Update June 17th
Roshni asks Sid to come and stop Mona. He says he will not and says he is collecting evidence against Rajveer. Roshni says why he wants to k [...]
King of hearts Saturday Update June 15th
Raj says Krutika crushed 2 lives under influence of alcohol. Simran says she just wants her daughter back, else he will see her dead face in the morni [...]