Tag: Friday Update
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 16 October 2020
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 16 October 2020: Finally Purab sees Vijay and gets down his car to follow him. Vijay sits on a tea stall to have tea. P [...]
This is Fate Friday Update 16 October 2020
This is Fate Friday Update 16 October 2020: Ramona is walking in the hall when Karina asks what she is thinking as Maira is coming from the other side [...]
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 9 October 2020
Dadi consoling Pragya and asks her not to cry. She says you kept this fast for Abhi’s long life and asks her to have faith on her love. She asks her n [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 9 October 2020
Zara's Nikah Friday Update 9 October 2020: Zara is washing dishes in kitchen and recalls her words that her husband doesnt earn. Zara says sorry Kabir [...]
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 9 October 2020
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 9 October 2020: Vaidika watch Sahil and Pankti in a hug. Pankti asks Sahil not to leave her ever. Pankti replies sh [...]
This is Fate Friday Update 9 October 2020
This is Fate Friday Update 9 October 2020: Karan is wondering what Maria confessed regarding Preeta that she will never leave karan so Maira must back [...]
Age is Just a Number Saturday Update 3rd October 2020
Vaidika and Aarya come to their old house. Aarya takes the baby from Vaidika. Vaidika was distorted. Aarya assures Vaidika that she isn’t alone, they [...]
Age is Just a Number Friday Update 2nd October 2020
Vaidika walked on the road by foot, while in severe pain. Sahil looked for Vaidika on the streets of Kanpur. Vaidika cries badly while remembering the [...]
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 2nd October 2020
Friday Update on Twist of Fate 2nd October 2020: Aaliya comes to Dadi and apologizes to her repeatedly. Dadi says okay, I forgive you. Aaliya says you [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 2nd October 2020
Ruksaar is walking along window plank. All are scared, she loses balance. Kabir asks her to not leave it. Ruksaar says I am going to Zara’s room. Zara [...]