Tag: Friday Update
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 12 March 2021
Zara asks the priest who are ghosts? The priest says we are made from mud and they are made from fire, they didn’t bow to Adam Prophet so God was angr [...]
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 5 March 2021
Shahana telling Prachi that she will do what her heart says and says you had enough of anger. She says we are just namesake sisters and nothing behind [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 5 March 2021
Zara comes back home and tells Irfan and Salma that Kabir is in the mosque praying. Zara says I don’t know how Shahbaz was able to get free. Shahbaz c [...]
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 26 February 2021
Prachi and Rhea are fighting in the hospital. Prachi asks her not to take her mum’s name else her father will repent to be her father. A reporter is t [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 26 February 2021
Qazi says to the DG Kabir isn’t any man. He’s the ex-deputy qazi of the city. I am still the Qazi of this city. This injustice against him is an insul [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 19 February 2021
Kabir comes to the kids and sees them sad. He says I am sorry, today we should pray to God and don’t dance. He makes them eat.
Zara's Nikah Thurs [...]
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 19 February 2021
Dadi greets Poorab in the party. Poorab says its Riya’s birthday. He asks Dadi not to take tension, Chilax. Dadi says Abhi is angry at him, when Poora [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 5 February 2021
Zara's Nikah Friday Update 5 February 2021: Zara cries and says I will take the kids away from here. That Abid will destroy everyone’s life. My parent [...]
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 12 February 2021
Twist Of Fate Friday Update 12 February 2021: Disha asking Pragya to have some rest. Sunny tells Pragya that Kiara is strong and nothing can happen to [...]
Zara’s Nikah Friday Update 1 January 2021
Kabir says to Zara so you came to the concert? SHe says it is my favorite singer’s concert. You should know. He says did you tell me? Zara says I am w [...]