Shreya says to her mom i have told bhsuhan that i am going to meet you. And then i will call him and tell him that you are not well so i have to stay at your place. Shreya sees the gate is locked.
She says how to open it. sanjana shows her keys and says with this. shreya says give me keys i want to go to meet my mom. You can’t stop me. Sanjana says i just wanna see whats in your bag. Just let me see. sanjana opens her bag. Shreya says you are crossing your limits.
Sanjana opens shreya’s bag. Shreya says you are crossing you limits. Sanjana says so you are running from here? Shreya says i dont have to run from here. Sanjana says i know you so well. I knew you would make a plan. shreya says who are you to stop me? Sanjana says i am that one whom you have been so cruel to. you step out and cops get the photos. Then 3 years in jail. Shreya says i will look you out.
Amar is leaving. Vinati says you are leaving because of raksha bandhan? mishri wont be bidning you rakhi this year. he says i am that brother who couldn’t save her. I will never be able to forgive myself?
Avni recalls how rishap treated her. He calls her over and over again but she doesn’t pick up. Avni is in tears. Kirlok comes and sees her. He says avni i know what you are thinking? Wont you bind rakhi? avni says no. he says because of that stupid girl? Avni says no. He says what is it avni? She says i have 5 brothers and i bound all of them every year. I would either bind all of them or not to any of them.
He says mishri is there for two. She says please don’t force me. Rishap calls on his number. Kirlok picks the call. He says can i talk to avni? kirlok gives her the phone. Avni says hello. He says hi avni. He says i know you are mad at me. I shouldn’t have behaved this way. Not like i dont like your family but i like you more. I am your fiance. I just wanted you at that time. I am really sorry. Avni is silent. He says can you go out with me this evening? She says okay i will. now don’t say sorry. He says okay i will see you in the evening.
Sanjana says on call to her friend you know a handicapped girl suicided. He says mishri you can know her pain? Ajay says mami should allow mishri to dance. We all know how important it is for her. Ajay says to elaichi why are you doing this let mishri dance.
Elaichi slaps him and says mishri is my daughter i know what to decide for her. Ajay says mishri is my daughter i will take anymore slaps for her. I wont ask for anything i just beg you let her dance. I promise i will take care of her. i will take her wherever she wants. Please say yes. Ajay says mishri sit here and take ashiwad from her. Mishri hugs elaichi and says thank you maa. Elaichi says i didn’t give you blessings because of dance.its for your health. you are still not permitted to dance. If you don’t listen to me i wont ever talk to you.
Mishri goes crying in her room.
Sanjana says mishri you have no hope. Look what i brought for you. Poison. there is no point of life like this. Drink once and everything over. Ayush comes and says sanjana are you out of your mind. I thought you are a nice girl. He says sanjana will dance. Mishri says but maa wont ever talk to me. Ajay says you can’t give up on the dream. You can make a video sample here we will record and send it here. Sanjana says mishri i am a much better dancer than you. so you better sit home. Mishir says i can dance. You get that. This is my passion. Sanjana says your family doesn’t know passion. Sanjana says lets do a challenge dance
Sanjana dances around Mishri. Mishri starts dancing too. Ayush records it. Sanjana breaks a vase. Ayush puts his hand on the glass to save mishri. Mishri says what you did? he says i couldn’t let you injured. Mishri binds her dupatta on his bruise.
Ajay says we will celebrate raksha bandhan. Mishri binds a part of her dupatta on ajay’a hand too.
Mishri binds rakhi to ajay and ayush. Ajay says this video is the gift from our side. Mishri says what if maa knows. Ayush says till the time come we will convince her. Ajay says to sanjana i won. sanjana says in heart your victory is mine as well.
Rishap gifts Avni a set. He makes her wear thye necklace. Avni says this is beautiful. He says do you feel weird here because you have never been here. She says i don’t feel weird with you anywhere. He says can i dance with you. She holds his hand. The dance on ‘sun saathiya’.
Rishap meets his business partner at the cafe. He shakes hand with avni and kisses her hand. Avni feels weird. He says rishap your wife is more beautiful than this locket. Can i dance with you for a while. Rishap sits on the bar sees them. Avni feels awkward. He says you are lucky rishap loves you.
Rishap comes to avni and grabs her by arm. He says we are getting late. He takes her out. He says you were dancing we happily with him. You were so easy. She says you should have stopped him. He says why didn’t you say no to him.
She says you are getting me wrong. He says there is nothing eft I have seen everything. She says please listen to me once. He slaps her and says you are accussing me. He makes her sit in the car and says driver drop her home. Avni is crying.
Elaichi sees ayush with mishri. Elaichi says why are you talking to people who were never there for you in your difficult times. Ayush says mami mishri means everything to us. sHe is out sister. Ayush says i am going to germeny wont you give me your blessings? Elaichi says i wont. From now on i will only think about my kids. she goes in her room and cries. Ayush knocks the door and says mami ji please. Kirlok comes and says elaichi is hurt the wounds will take time to heal. we will always be praying for you. Vinati does her arti. Bhsuhan comes and sees elaichi crying in her room and he sees everyone seeing ayush off. Ayush says where is avni? Kirlok says i will ask her to call you when she comes. Ayush hugs and meets everyone. Vinati says call me when you reach there. Ayush looks at bhushan and leaves.
sanajan says to her friend on call so plan is fixed ask me if there is anything. Avni says I couldn’t even say bye to ayush. She is crying. Sanjana comes and asks what happened avni? What is this on your face? She says it happened while i was threading. Sanjana says you are lying. Well anyway i don’t care. Take care, go to doctor. Sanjana leaves.
Dadi says kids are coming late these days. Shreya says yes work is work. I get the food ready before they come. Power cuts, dadi says lets go out and see. when they go in lounge there are so many girls there. Vinati says who are you and what are you people doing here? Sanjana says they are my friends and I have arranged a party here. I will tell you what real parties are like. Dadi says what is this for. Sanjana says i will single very soon. So I have to celebrate. Elaichi says sanjana.. She turns on the music. Shreya says sanjana mummy is saying something.Sanjana says don’t disturb me now.
Sanjana says there are no waiters so shreya and vinati have to help me. Sanjana gives them waitress uniforms and says go dress up. My dad has ordered food from the 5v star hotel you have to serve it. Elaichi says sanjana.. dadi says no let her do this.
Vianti is on skates to serve the guests in party. Sanjana says in heart I am sorry vinati bhabhi. Shreya is on skates as well. Sanjana says to shreya why are you still here? Serve colddrinks to my pals. sanjana says on call i guess he is here. Ajay comes in and is shocked. He asks shreya and vinati to go in. He says thank God mama ji is on shop. Sanjana syas you are not invited here. He says your main entertainer wont come. I will be it. He shoves Sanjana.
Rishab says to Avni that i was waiting for you, Avni says a problem happened in house, Rishab says i dont care what is happening in your house, when i call you then you have to reply to me, i was waiting for you and you are not answering me, he is about to hit Avni but stops.
Nani says to Sanjana that i hope our family is united, Sanjaana says soon Shrya’s truth will come out, you dont worry, Shrya listens this and says thinks that Nanji know about my reality, what if she tells everyone, i will be thrown out of house, she starts to leave from there, Sanjana sees someone going and tell this to Nani, Nani goes behing silhuttee, its Avni who is going in house stealthly, Nani stops her and finds wound on her head, she ask Avni how this happened? Avni says i fell down, Nani gives her swear to tell truth, Avni says Rishab, Nani is shocked to know that Rishab has hit Avni.
Shrya is sitting in room, Bhushan comes there and says to Shrya that how can you cheat my family? you have stoop so low, Krilok says to Bhushan that she is against our family just throw her out, Bhushan says i will send her to right place that is police station, i wanna slap her first, Shrya starts shouting that dont touch me, it turns out to be her dream, Bhushan comes and ask what happened? Shrya hugs him being afraid, Bhushan ask what happened? Shrya says i am afraid that Sanjana will our family, she will separate me from you, Bhushan says dont worry, Sanjana will be thrown out soon, he leaves, Shrya says i have to think some way to stop Nani, and i keep my image intact too.
Read Next:Snatched Sunday update 15 March 2020