Vikral asks Parag why did Ragini called Narad. Parag says he does not know. Vikral scolds what kind of brother he is, he does not know how his sister is, she must be in some trouble. Ragini enters and says she cannot be in trouble with what he taught, she knows to fight this world.
He gets happy seeing her and asks if damadji came. She says he is busy in his Patna project, so he sent her alone. Vani says let us go inside and speak.
Shekhar takes Shristi to Pooja’s house. Pooja says Shristi is her best friend and she can stay with her till she wants. Shekhar says Shristi did right by walking out, she should have done it long back.
Ragini prepares samosas and other snacks for Vikral and family. Vani serves it and says Ragini herself prepared it. Vikral gets very happy and praises her. Parag and Narad also taste samosas. Parag says it is tasty, but Ragini adds more spices when her mood is off. Vikral says she prepared it and it is a big thing. Ragini says marriage teaches everything. Vikral says credit goes to Anurag and he will call Anurag and thank him. Parag also insists. He calls Anurag. Ragini nervously says Anruag must be busy, so he so should call later and enjoy samosas. Anurag picks call and says hello.
Vikral calls Anurag to thank him for changing Ragini. Ragini gets tensed and says he must be busy in his Patna project. Anurag sees Vikral’s call and thinks why he is calling. He calls back. Ragini takes phone and says papa wants to talk to him, but she told him how busy he is. She goes aside and tells him to listen carefully, if papa calls him, just tell that he is very busy in his project. Anurag disconnects pone confused.
At night, Ragini looks at Anurag’s photo and feels sad. Anurag also reminisces Ragini while changing his clothes, looking at bed, etc. Shristi and Vishu also reminisce each other in and feel sad. In the morning, Ragini serves tea to Anurag in the morning. Anurag wakes up shocked and thinks if she really came back and bites her. Dulari shouts and he realizes it is
Dulari. She scolds him he should pinch himself to check reality and walks yelling he is acting weird since Ragini went away. Ragini also prepares tea for herself and Anurag and thinks she is habituated to serving tea to Anurag daily. She throws one cup in drain. Vani comes and asks why did she wake up so early. Ragini says she is habituated to wake up early in her sasural. Vani asks her to relax in her maika and says some girls love maika more than sasural.
At home, Brij tells Revati she should not have sent out Ragini, if Vikral will know, he will kill them. Revati says she wanted to kick out Shristi, but Ragini also walked out. Anura should should have stopped her. Vidhvan hears that and shouts at her what the hell she did, does ont she get tired with her conspiracies. She in her chirpy voice says they themselves walked out. H warns her to speak to him only if she gets back both bahus home.
Ragini picks sindhoor to apply on her forehead, but angrily throws it away Vani gets litti choka for Ragini. Ragini says she will eat till her tummy is full. Vani looks at her carefully. She gets tensed that Vani saw her back injury. Vani asks why she is not wearing sindhoor, yesterday she brushed off when asked about mangalasutra and today sindhoor. Ragini says she left her sindhoor at her sasural. After sometime, Ragini gets frustrated reminiscing all the recent evetns and changes back to her old avatar.
Daadi convinces Vishu and gets her down for breakfast. Revati tries to calm him and serves breakfast. Anurag finishes breakfast and says he is going to Harinagar for important work. Vishu thinks of meeting Shristi and convincing her, but thinks nobody will let him go, so he hides under car’s dickie. Anurag drives car.
Ragini reminisces all the incidents happened and fumes that she has lost her identity in Anurag’s love. She changes to her old dabang avatar with jeans and kurta and jacket over it with goggles. She walks down. Vikral praises her. She says she thought of getting back to normal until she is here. Vikral says then she should get his done like usual, gives gun and asks to go to VDO’s office and clear his cheque. Ragini drops gun reminiscing Anurag’s words, but picks
it back.
Shristi is with Shekhar discussing about some case. Shekhar praises her intelligence. Shristi asks why faan is not working. He says it needs repair. Shristi says Vishu can repair it easily and picks phone to call him, but stops. She says she left all old relationships back and is moving ahead towards better future. Purshotam enters and says one should not forget past for future. Vishu walks in. Purshotam says he had come to his house searching Shristi. Vishu says he new only her house in Harinagar and went there searching her. He insists Shristi to come with him, but then reminisces her words to earn how to protect his wife first before calling her back. He says he will learn it and asks to come along. Shristi says they are friends and will always be, if he does not want her to become lawyer and succeed in life. He says yes. She asks him to return home then. He leaves with Purshotam.
Revati eagerly waits for Vishu and scolds Dulari. Dulari warns her not to scold lie her saas and say Vishu must have gone in search of Shristi to her home. Revati yells to stop her black tongue. Dulari says she is telling truth. Vishu returns and says nobody has to go anywhere, he has returned.
Ragini reaches VDO’s office with her aides and leaves her gun in jeep. Aide reminds her. Another one says she has changed and forgot to use gun. She angrily points gun at him and asks if she should practice on him. He afraidly says no. She then walks into VDO’s office and sends everyone out. VDO gets afraid seeing gun. She orders him to clear her babuji’s file or else she will shoot him, then stops reminiscing promising Anurag that she will not shoot first. VDO says he is heart patient and underwent bypass. She says then he should sign first, asks to get file and sign it. He signs. She warns not to play trick after she leaves and walks away. Anurag reaches same office thinking of getting his project approved. VDO’s secretary tells girl was Vikral’s daughter and has changed, else she would have make him run. Anurag enters. VDO yells even he can point gun on him and get his filed signed. Anurag sees Ragini’s ogles there and thinks if it is hers.