Anurag sees Ragini’s gun holding pic aside and fixes it back. He goes for a bath and comes out draping only towel. She gets shy seeing him. He says he is not getting his clothes. She gives his clothes. He tries to wear T-shirt and writhes in pain. She helps him while stares her. She walks out shyly thinking how she will do all this daily. She clashes with Shristi in corridor.
Shristi asks what happened. Ragini says forget it. Shristi apologizes for misunderstanding her and thanks her for her help. Ragini says it was bad time and not mistake, even she misunderstood her many times, they should just pray for Anurag’s speedy recovery. Shristi says Anurag ji will get well soon and hugs her. Revathi watches that and thinks whatever she thinks will happen, let them do whatever they way.
Brij brings poojari home. Revathi thinks poojari is her puppet and will speak whatever she wants. Poojari acts and says this house has a bad atma and Shristi is a bad sign for this house, why did Revathi got Vishu married so soon. Revathi asks him to find some solution. Baba acgts again and says Vishu should stay away from his wife for 30 days. Shristi says she does not believe in superstition. Revati yells as usual. Daadi says this house went through a lot of hardship, if a mother feels peace with jadoo tona, let her do. Shristi walks away. Vishu tries to walk behind her, but Revathi stops her and says baba asked not to even see Shristi’s face. Brij takes away baba. Revati asks Vishu to follow baba’s advice if he wants to succeed in life. Vishu says he wants to be come competent. Revathi says he will.
Shristi thinks it must be Revathi’s plan for sure. Vishu walks in reverse. Shristi asks him to be careful. Vishu says baba asked not to see her face. Shristi says she does not believe in superstition. Vishu says baba knows his past and must be knowing his future also, so he decided to follow him and he is going to office now, she should take care of herself. Shristi thinks he loves her so much.
Ragini sees Anurag tensed and asks what happened now. He says whole family loves him, but he feels strange here. Shristi gives him files and he should get busy in work. He says she is right, he may regain memory once he starts working. He looks at files and says he cannot understand anything. Phone rings, a man congratulates him and says he got Om Sai Builder’s contract and congratulate him. Ragini says it is a big contract and many builders were behind it. He asks how does she know. She says he told her and used to work hard on his laptop for that project. She thinks Anurag lost project once because of her, she will not let it happen again.
Vishu sees Shristi and turns face. She gives him water and says he has to eat also. He takes glass with face turned and she helps him sit for dinner. Vishu says he cannot disobey baba, she can keep food and go. She says until he finishes food, she will not go.
Vishu asks Shristi to keep food and go. Shristi says until
he does not finish food. Vishu holds his hands in front of his face to stop seeing her. She asks how will have food and feeds him looking aside. She drops food on his shirt. He says she spoilt his shirt. She cleans it apologizing and feeds him food again. He silently looks and then turns. Shristi smiles. Vishu thinks Babaji’s solution is already working on 1st day and Shristi is laughing by heart.
Anurag sows construction site’s blue print to Ragini and says he fogot what he drew. Ragini thinks misterji does not know power is more important in construction business than blue print. Anurag feels headache. Ragini calls doc and informs, and doc suggests not to let him pressurize his brain much. She makes him sleep and
applies balm to his head. He asks to continue applying and sleeps holding her hand. Ragini thinks she will handle his construction work. Shristi sees Vishu asleep studying and makes him sleep in his tent. He also sleeps holding her hand. Tere bin…song…plays in the background. Ragini frees her hand and sleeps next to him emotionally. Shristi looks at Vishu’s book and thinks he is so talented, but his mother is not letting it come out, she has do something.
Ragini opens eyes and sees Anurag staring at her. She thinks she is dreaming. He wakes her up and asks what is she doing on his side of bed, she cannot sleep without curtain, pushes her and sleep. Ragini thinks his memory is back. He wakes up in the morning ad says 2 briaded woman came to call him for breakfast. Ragini thinks his memory is back and says she is his cousin Dulari didi. He says he was fighting with someone in dreams, does not remember who was it.
Anurag sits for breakfast with family. Shristi comes and asks Ragini if she saw Vishu. Revathi yells why she is troubling Vishu again. Shrisit says he did not have breakfast. Client comes and says he needs to speak to Anurag and wants to cancel contract as he does not think Anurag can handle it. Shristi checks contract and says according to it, if accident or natural calamity happens, contractor will get 30 day grace period. Anurag says bhabhi looks well educated.
Ragini says she is an advocate and he calls her as Shristi. Client asks how will Anurag finish contract being ill. Ragini says she will. Anurag says Ragini does not know anything, so Shristi will. Ragini signals Shristi to agree and scolds client to stop laughing. Anurag asks why she is misbehaving with client. Ragini changes tone. Shristi takes her to kitchen and asks she does not know anything about construction. Ragini says she will finish contract in her name. Revathi comes and yells. Shristi says Vishu can finish contract.
Vishu and Shristi walk in living room and clash with each other. They fall on ground and get engrasped into each other’s eyes. Dulari sees that and runs to call Revathi.