Karona says i am a woman, i know you should calmly sit down with her and tell her gently about your mistakes, this way her family will have peace too, they will get to know that you realize your mistake. Shaurya says if i had to calm explain everything, if i had to be gentle in love then i wouldnt be Shaurya Khanna, he leaves, Karona looks on.
Kanta is unable to sleep and says this Shaurya Khanna is way worse then eclipse for moon, dont know how we will get free from this evil Shaurya. She recalls how Shaurya beat Rohit and Ajay and how he came at night to meet Mahek. She says i have to find someway.
In morning, Mahek is serving food to family. Sonal asks her to sit down, you are not totally fine. Jeevan asks Kanta to come and have breakfast. he asks Mohit to go and look for her, Mohit says let me eat, i should look like i am from good class family, he goes to see Kanta. Mansi asks Mahek to not do much movements. Ravi says if you dont sit down now then i wont allow you to come to food truck, Mahek says dont worry, i am fine. Mohit comes and says Kanta is not seen anywhere. Kanta comes there, Jeevan asks where she was? Kanta says i was here only, lets go to work.
Shaurya is at his restaurant, he is rehearsing what he will say to Mahek, he says i will ask her how she is, no i will ask how she is doing, no thats pathetic line, i will tell her that i want to talk to her, thats good. Vicky comes there with staff, Shaurya says you all are late, Vicky says why did you call us early morning is there any function? Shaurya says something like that, did you bring stuff? he says yes.
Mahek comes to food truck with her family. They see whole food truck decorated with flowers and board there saying ‘welcome back Mahek’. Nehal says wow what a love, this love is not easy but its going to sail. Shaurya comes there and says Mahek i want to talk to you, Kanta says dont even come near her, Shaurya says i just want to talk to her, i came last night too, i can talk to her infront of you all too. Kanta says she is not going to talk to you, leave her alone. Shaurya says i will talk to her and thats final, he grabs Mahek’s hand and says i want to talk.
Mahek says leave my hand, dont misbehave, Shaurya says if you are embarrassed to talk infront of all of them then lets go inside my restaurant and talk, i will see to it who dares to stop me, he glares at Kanta. Kanta jerks his hand away and says yes i can stop you and i will stop you. Kanta gives paper to Shaurya and says read it and leave otherwise i will kick you out of here. Shaurya reads some notice and is stunned, Mahek is confused. Shaurya says restraining order? Kanta says according to this, Shaurya Khanna will have 50feet distance from Mahek, even if fire broke out in world, you will not cross 50feets surrounding of Mahek and if you cross limits then you will be arrested.
Nehal says why we need this restraining order? Kanta says because he can hurt my Mahek and he is eclipse in her life, she asks Shaurya to leave away from Mahek, he is crossing 500feet limits, Shaurya says i will not go away from her, i will not move away even 1feet from her. Kanta calls police there. Policeman asks Shaurya to go away from Mahek otherwise they will have to drag him away. Shaurya gets angry and grabs policeman’s collar about to beat him but Mahek says no Shaurya please. Shaurya looks at her and releases collar of policeman, he huffs and leaves from there.
Shaurya calls three top lawyers. Lawyer says its written in restraining order that you can hurt Mahek so you have to stay away, Shaurya says i know that, tell me solution.
Mahek says to Kanta that why you had to take such big step against him? now he will rebel more, Jeevan says why you had to go all out to take this order, Nehal says yes, he welcomed her so lovingly, their love is pure, Kanta says shut up, you people want him to do anything he can and we keep sitting silently? you people call his obsession and hero like acts as his love.
Lawyer says to Shaurya that they have presented you as devil in this restraining order, we cant do much, Shaurya says find a solution to nullify this restraining order, find out how i can meet Mahek without breaking rules of this restraining order, they look clueless. Shaurya gets an idea, he says to vicky that you have to keep an eye on Mahek for me, you have to tell me about her every move, Vicky says yes bro.
Kanta says Shaurya will try everything to meet Mahek but I will fail all his plans, Mahek worriedly looks on,
Shaurya says to Vicky that measure the distance i should maintan from Mahek. Vicky measures distance between Mahek standing near food truck and shaurya standing in restaurant, Shaurya says there should 51feet distance, one feet extra for Kanta. vicky says its 51feet total. Shaurya takes mic and says hi Sharma family, Kanta chachi see i am listening to you, Kanta tries to answer him but Mahek says he wants reaction from you, dont do it. Shaurya says to customers that i will tell you people behind this amazing food truck, he says that is Jeevan who handles finance, say hi, all say hi. Shaurya says to one customer that please aloo dish that Mahek cooks,its so tasty that i over ate it and got ill, customer orders it. Shaurya sees Mahek wincing in pain, Shaurya says Mahek please sit down and have
water, you are not totally fine. Shaurya says to customers that see that is Kanta, she is always angry and ready to explode, becaus of her restraining order, i have to say all this live on mic. Mahek is in pain and asks Nehal to bring water, Nehal goes to bring it. Mahek goes in kitchen of food truck, she tries to lift cylinder, Shaaurya says take care of yourself Mahek, Jeevan look after your daughter, Mahek rolls his eyes. Shaurya thinks that i will see till when they can keep me away from her.
In evening, Shaurya asks Mahek if she took medicine? Kanta says what is this drama? Jeevan says this is happening because of your restraining order, he is saying everything on mic now. Customer says this is like hindi movie. Mohit says to Sonal we have sold a lot because of this drama. Mahek tries to message Shaurya to stop it but Kanta takes her phone and consticate it. Shaurya says on mic that Sharma family if you keep me away from my Mahek then you willget live Shaurya streaming for free. Kanta says to Mahek that come with me, you wont come to food truck from tomorrow, she drags Mahek, Mahek sadly looks at Shaurya and leaves. Jeevan says to Shaurya that are you good now? Mahek’s only dream was to work on this truck and you took that away too, what kind of love you have? he leaves, Shaurya looks on.
Kanta brings Mahek to home. Kanta says to PD that Shaurya has gone mad, he kept saying everything on mic whole day, PD says what has happened to him? Shaurya comes out of Mahek’s house and shouts Mahek come out. Ravi says i wont spare him today. Sharma family comes out and asks Shaurya to leave. Ravi calls police. Shaurya says i just want to talk to Mahek, Mahek says what are you doing? i am begging you to leave,dont do this, Kanta says why you are begging him? let police come, i will get him arrested today. Shaurya says i dont care, not even God can stop me from meeting my Mahek,you all can try too. Shaurya comes close to Mahek, Mahek says dont come near, police is going to arrest you. Police comes there, Kanta says he has broken restraining order, he has come near Mahek, arrest him. Mahek asks Shaurya to move back please. Policeman measures distance between Mahek and Shaurya and its more than 50feet because Mahek has stealthily moved away from him to save him. shaurya sees it and says Mahek you dont have to say anything, your footsteps have said your message, i havent told you what i wanted but i am going to say it soon, he leaves.
Sharma family is in house, PD says to Kanta that you will keep Mahek locked in house because of that Shaurya Khanna? Kanta says he will try everything to come near Mahek but i wont allow it, Pd says you are not stopping Shaurya but giving pain to Mahek. Kanta says then what should i do? let Shaurya do what he wants? Mahek comes there and says you are doing right Kanta chachi, what if i am not at food truck, i know you are doing all this for my safety, Kanta hugs her and says i trust you that you wont come in Shaurya’s trap.
Sharma family comes to food truck next day. Shaurya comes there and asks how they are? Jeevan says why you show your face in morning? go and look after your restaurant. Shaurya says to Kanta that i wont break restraining order, but i will do three things. First i will tell Mahek today only what i want to say,what is in my heart, second she will come tomorrow to work at food truck because its her dream and third She is going to come to me herself and will held my hand infront of you, i am not going to break this restraining limit but i promise you that this try of yours to separate me and Mahek is not going to work, you wont be able to separate us, this is Shaurya’s promise. Nehal looks at him proudly, Shaurya glares at Kanta and leaves. Nehal sings wada raha sanam hongy na juda hum.Kanta glares at her. Kanta calls Balwant andasks if Mahek is fine? i will call you in every hour, dont sleep. Balwant says dont worry, i wont sleep, Kanta ends call and looks on.
PD is watching Mughal-e-Azam movie on TV, Mahek is sitting there. PD sits beside Mahe and smirks. PD goes and does her make over, she has done makeup and wearing saree. Mahek says Kanta chachi wont spare us, PD says you cant stay home because of Shaurya’s fear, lets go and watch movie in theater, i want to see my favorite hero before i die, Mahek says what about Balwant? PD says Balwant is sleeping, Mahek says what if Shaurya comes there? PD says wait. Pd calls Jeevan and asks if he can see Shaurya in restaurant? Jeevan sees Shaurya near food truck and says yes he is here, PD says okay. She ends call and says to Mahek that Shaurya is at restaurant, are you coming or should i go alone? Mahek says no, no i am coming with you, Mahek and PD leaves to go to cinema.
Mahek and Kanta leaves their society, Vicky is there disguised as veggie seller, he sees Mahek and PD leaving, he calls Shaurya and says consignment,i mean Mahek has left, shaurya smirks.
Mahek and PD comes inside cinema and sees no one else in whole theater, Mahek says why its empty? PD says its good,i can concentrate on my hero. Mahek says it was written outside that all tickets were sold out but there is no one here, who bought those tickets? Shaurya says from somewhere that I bought them all. Mahek looks around to find him.