Raj standing at door thinks my kids are doing janmashtami pooja together, this is best thing for me. Meet walking down thinks I’m leaving this house but please keep my family blessed. Raj walk behind Meet Ahlawat and Neelu to give blessings and he see Meet walking down with luggage, he thinks where is she going and who is with my son standing for pooja. Meet see Raj standing. Everyone turn and see Raj, whole family in shock. Divorce papers flew to Raj, He pick up read it and looks at Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat try to say something. Raj slaps him tightly says what were you going to tell me, how could you think that someone else can take Meet’s place. Meet says to Raj forget everything come with me to your room. Raj says no the second life I got is because of you so nothing sill happen to me but what he did to you he should be punished. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat sometimes you cannot forgive for few mistakes. Barfi says by shouting your reality won’t change Raj, you son is not kid anymore, if your son want’s to live his life with my daughter let him live and it’s good if you accept it early. Raj says in this life it’s not possible. Raj says to Meet I begged her to marry my son when I was being disrespected infront on everyone, then she became my daughter in law, I cannot forget what you did for me, nobody can take her position in this house. Ram says to Raj I went to hospital to get but you already took discharged, are you alright. Raj says if you think everything happening here is fine then I’m fine too. Babita says please don’t take stree Raj, please keep quiet. Raj says why should I go silent so that you can throw her out of house, this girl proved everytime she is our family how can you consider her outsider. Barfi says daughter in law is an outsider and family is son just think one time and tell who is your family son or daughter in law, say anything he is related to blood. Raj says I think you are right, today first time I’m thinking he is my blood, I feel like taking out all my blood inside, but he related to my blood so I cannot see him anymore in this house and ask him to move out of house. He grabs Meet Ahlawat walks towards door. Barfi come in between and stops him. Raj says before I cross my limits and harm you please shift aside, this boy has no right over this house. Barfi stops him says you will feel bad after knowing but reality is you have no right on this house and by the law it should be you who has to go out of this house. Raj in shock. Barfi did nobody told you no worries I’ll tell you, you elder son Tej faced so much loss that your house, your company, your office would have been sold but you younger child took the responsibility and he is the reason you are standing here that’s why you have no right to throw him out. Meet Ahlawat says to Barfi you won’t talk to dad in this manner. Barfi says I’m just telling him truth so that you get some respect, she says to raj this he paid for your operation because of him you are alive and you are throwing him out just because of an outsider, your son is your right hand, I heard you are businessman so think one time and then decide who is family son or daughter in law. Raj says I think you are right I have to listen to my mind too and my mind and heart is saying that I need my son. Barfi says I know when it come to choose you always choose family, that’s a right decision and he ask meet Ahlawat to take blessings of your dad and start the pooja again. Barfi says to Meet will you go by your own or should I throw you out, I’ll see you later and she ask Meet Ahlawat to take Raj’s blessings. Meet Ahlawat bend down to take blessings. Raj step back and give blessings to Meet he says it’s true I cannot live without my son so from now on I give you my son’s place. Meet says this is not possible that’s not right. Raj holds Meet hand take her infront of god he remove duppata from her head and tie a turban and says from now on you are my son.