Raj looks at sarita, who is tensed herself, at the situation. He throws the broom away from her hand, and it lands on the fatso daughter, who instantly starts cursing her. But before she can continue, the arrival of sohan lal distracts all.
Sohan’s wife does the puja of Sohan, on his homecoming. Sohan begins to taunt his wife. Just then, there is an arrival of a lady, in their house, which surprises them. The sherbat that she had made for sohan, is given by sohan to the other lady. She takes it from his hand, touching him, and irritating Sarita. Sarita gets busy in her work. Granny and all watch this commotion. as the lady starts coughing, sohan starts taunting his wife, for this kind of a drink, that made her cough. Both the wives get into a scuffle about how much one dislikes the other, in the garb of Jethani- Devrani love. Granny asks sohan, to come and take her blessings, and says that he had instructed him to take her to haridwar, but he didnt as it would have been an interference in his fun. sohan asks her to stop talking like that. But the younger wife asks him to not be angry and instead give the gifts to the daughters, They excitedly take the gifts. When she gives it to shiela, she takes it with a sullen face and leaves. Then she gives a gift of earrings to sarita as well. Munni says that these are choti Bahu style, and wont look good on her.
As munni resignedly gives it to her, the younger wife tells sarita that she has got a watch for Raj too and asks her to give it to him. Seeing Raj, sohan asks him to take it, as its worth 5000. Raj says that he has an old habit, of buying expensive gifts and forcing them on people. raj says that he doesnt decide the worth by cost and face, and hence this cant buy him. after he leaves in anger, Sohan again curses his wife, for this too. He decides to give her a beating, but the younger wife asks him to relax and go home, so that he’s at peace. She asks him to go, while she comes. as sohan’s wife leaves, the younger wife calls out to her, and ask her to put in some rose petals in the bathtub for her.
Sohan’s wife sees the detergent lying on the floor, and slips it in the way of the lady, so that she trips and sohan’s wife can have her revenge. as she is hapily waiting for her devrani to fall, she remembers that her curry is buring in the kitchen, and starts walking in haste, and herself slips on the soap, but is held by the devrani, who asks her to be careful, as anything can happen in this age. Sohan’s wife then goes to taunt sarita for this, as she has to hear these taunts for her. sarita doesnt pay heed.
As sohan’s wife gets to work while doing what the younger ask her to do, she keeps cursing her for this condition of hers. Granny says that she shouldnt lament over spoilt milk now. Sohan’s wife comes to her saying that she must be thoroughly enjoying this. Granny says that when she said the truth, she didnt feel good. Granny says that she had forewarned her, about this fate of hers, when the younger one first came in as the servant, and she had been very happy. She says that she had extreme faith on her husband and his fidelity. Granny tells Sohan’s wife that old people dont say in vain, that beautiful girls shouldnt even be allowed to enter the house as a servant, as they are potentially a threat, which is what happened to her, as now she’s the servant, and the younger one rules. Sarita hears this and is tensed herself. As sohan’s wife goes, granny says that she feels sorry, as she’s her daughter in law after all, and it pains to see her like this, as no pain is worse than living under the same roof, with another woman in the husband’s life.
Sarita hopes that she doesnt also have the same fate as her mother in law, with divya’s entry into the house.
Gaurav says that maybe her intentions are pure, but this is foolishness. Div ya says that she felt this right from the heart. Gaurav says that what she’s saying is impossible and nonsensical. Divya says that she has to make this possible, and the raj that he left 10 years back, never forgot her, not married sarita in the true sense. Gaurav says that the reason back then, of her leaving were different, she had to fend out for her family, after her parents died. She went on to give settlement to her family, and now they are resultantly happy. Divya says that she cant be happy just because her family is happy. She also has to fend out for Raj and his family. Gaurav says what about raj, and one who hasnt been able to forget her for 10 years, how does she expect him to give up now. divya says that he shouldnt comment as he didnt know raj. Gaurav says that he doesnt know Raj, but if he was in his shoes, he would have gone mad in her love. He says that Raj loves her madly. Gaurav tells Divya that after seeing her with such a long gap in between, Raj would go mad. He wont go to Sarita, but would all the more be attached and drawn top her, and this time the intensity of his love shall make him break all bounds. Divya is tensed hearing this. Divya says that everything would be alright, amd maybe raj realises his mistake, and sarita’s wife is settled. She pleads him to understand. Gaurav says that he cant understand this. When Divya again says please, gaurav says that if she knows what she’s doing, then he wont stop her. After gaurav leaves, Divya hopes that Gaurav is not right, as it might be difficult but not impossible to bring this change in Sarita’s life. Gaurav comes down with Divya in tow. gaurav leaves, but divya says that she’s sure that her family is with her, in this descision, and says that she has to leave for Sarita’s help straightaway. Gaurav thinks that he wishes he could stop her, as he has faith on her, but not on Raj’s love.
Divya arrives in a Burqa, in the auto, and stands outside raj’s shop. She sees Raj working, and starts walking towards him. As he turns around, she looks away. He gets back into his work. As she progresses towards the shop, Divya thinks that what she is about to do, by controlling her feelings, is going to do what she came to do, and that is to get sarita the marital happiness that she deserves, and help her have a happy life with Raj. But she is stopped by Sarita, who says that she wont let her wander around her husband. The screen freezes on Divya’s face who is surprised to hear this.
Sarita takes divya away, while divya is worried why she didnt allow her to talk to Raj. Divya asks if she’s scared, that raj would go away if she come in Raj’s life again. sarita grees. divya says that its nothing like this, as she has taken a huge risk, by leaving her marriage, and getting insulted, and how she had managed to make the family understand that she wont get married without remarrying Sarita to raj. Divya says that she doesnt expect anything from Raj now, and her mate is waiting now. Only sarita’s promise is stopping her. She asks sarita if she doesnt believe her. sarita says that had she not believed her, she wouldnt have allowed her in Raj’s life, and seek her help. sarita says that she cant trust her heart, and what if it tells her to go back to Raj, as the heart doesnt listen to anything. Divya tries to make her understand, that she isnt after Raj. she tells her about sarits’s marriage that is authentic and bounded by the circles around fire, and vows taken alongwith. Sarita says that their arranged marriage is weak, as these vows have never been fulfilled. sarita asks her to forget that she came for help, and lead her own life, as after taking such a huge risk, she cant afford to lose raj. As she begins to go, divya’s eyes fall on a saying, that truth always triumphs, outside a temple. Divya says that she wants the vows taken during their marriage to be fulfilled, and she would take seven vows today, in the temple, that she would control her heart. she brings camphor, from the temple, and placing it on her hand, she asks sarita to light it up, and make her promise whatever she wants to. sarita asks if she has gone mad. divay asks her to go ahead and make her vow whatever she wants to. Hesitatingly, sarita takes the matchstick, and lights it up, and the camphor. divya asks her to ask whatever she wants. sarita asks her to never cook food for Raj, never attend to Raj when she’s sick, never help raj financially, never take Raj’s help in her troubles, never make Raj remember the past, never touch Raj ever, never marry raj even if she dies. Divya complies the first six, but not the last, ass he doesnt even imagine sarita’s death, and she has a long life ahead of her, and her only wish now is to make sarita live a happy life. Divya says that only coward people talk of death, and she’s a courageous girl. As Divya’s hand starts burning, she throws away the camphor, apologizing for what she demanded from her, and doubting her intentions. Divya says that these vows would give her strength to keep her heart in control.
Divya and sarita watch raj coming from the opposite side. Raj is talking o his helper, asking him to go home, and attend to his wife, who he has been meaning to take to the hospital. sarita tells divya that this is where raj parks his vehicles. divya tells sarita that raj loves to ride a bike, and that she would make sarita have her first bike ride with raj. Sarita tells that there are many things that she doesnt know and divya does. Divya suggests something to Sarita, and while sarita is unsure that she would be able to pull it off or not, divya shoves her in raj’s way, and herself hides behind the car. sarita pretends to have a sprain in her leg, whe n raj stands near his bike, the helper comes towards sarita and asks what happened. She says that she had come here for a mannat, and is going alone home. The helper says that Raj too is going home. Raj comes and says to the helper to take her to the doctor while he goes for the delivery of the goods. The helper tells him that he just now told him to go and look after jhumri. raj asks him to atke the bike and go. He leaves. Raj progresses towards the car, where divya is.
Getting in the car, while Divya is in the backseat, he begins to start the car. while Sarita hesitatingly tries to take the helmet off the pillion driver’s seat, longside Raj, seeing Raj’s stoical face, she steps down, and sits behind. divya, lodged even behind her, nudges sarita, while she is tensed. Divya starts giving hints to sarita to talk about love and related things. She asks about babloo and his jhumri, and what happened to her, and that they love each other a lot. raj looks at her, in surprise, while driving the car. Sarita is in in comfort, even when she is at discomfort. Both divya and sarita are lost in their own world about Raj, while he keeps driving stoically, oblivious of whats cooking.
While the younger wife puts on horrible makeup, on the youngest daughter, granny makes fun of that girl, that she’s just gone on her mother only. She is scared when she finds sohan’s wife watching all this from under her bed. She keeps cursing the time when she got her first daughter in law from Haryana.
Raj arrives at the mansion. he steps down the car and walks away. Sarita asks if divya had a god look, of their silent relationship. divya says that he’s turned to stone, and nothing would happen in haste, and she would have to come in the house, with a proper planning, as raj understands whats in the heart, and their plan would fail even before starting.
As the youngest daughter shows granny her spoilt makeup, granny teases her saying that she almost gave her a heart attck, and asks her to wash up the makeup, before she scares again. Raj and sarita together enter the house. Seeing them come home together, all are shocked out of their wits.Sohan says that today after a gap of 10 years, his son and daughter in law are together. He says that it looks as if some magic has happened behind his back. He tells sarita, that even after 10 years, she managed to bring out some manhood, in his impotent son, and rewards her with gold earrings. Raj gets angry at this, and throws away the bike keys. He leaves, while sarit says that she went for mannat, and tells everyone about her sprain. Sohan says that he was happy about one things, and now again his mood is off, as if he was in raj’s place he would have sired 4 kids by now. He leaves, saying that he’s going out for a walk.
As sarita is about to go, the younger wife stops her and asks if she felt bad about sohan’s talks. She tells her that he would be angry for not having seen grandkids for the past 10 years. The younger wife asks her to identify her own beauty and the art of seduction which managed to turn saints into sinners, just at the glance on the female body. granny tries to hear this intently. Sarita says that she understands iut, but she doesnt want to lure him, but win him over with her love, as only love makes life. granny compliments her, that this is the daughter in law, and not the second woman like her, as this is the result of a true and authentic marriage, not like hesr, the one that is just on alluring and has no strong basis. While the younger wife stands sullen, Sarita thinks that their relationship is true, and strong, and authentic, and this time Divya would ignite love in Raj’s heart, for Sarita. the screen freezes on her hopeful face.