Nisha says to Jia that I buried Arjun here. Jia says you are lying.
Otherside Arjun tries to runaway from goons but goons catches him and beats him badly. They put him in coffin and buries him underground.
Nisha says to Jia that I got Arjun beaten and then buried him here in jungle, you can find him here, I wont stop you. Jia takes spade and starts digging surface, she sees a fresh mud and starts digging it, Nisha says he might be there. Jia starts digging. Nisha says you are blind in love that you are believing me? dont know where is buried? Jia digs more and finds a wood piece, she digs deeper but Arjun is not there, she cries and screams Arjun… where are you? Nisha please.. God please save Arjun, I will believe in your like Kaki, Jia starts digging again, Nisha smirks
when she doesnt find him. Nisha says tears and sweaty, people do so much in love. Jia looks around for Arjun, she says where are you Arjun? She hears Arjun’s voice and looks at surface, she thinks he might be buried here, she starts digging surface and finds Arjun’s coffin, Arjun is calling out for her. Jia opens coffin and sees Arjun lying inside tied and unconscious.. she is hurt seeing him like that, she opens his ties. Nisha looks on. Jia asks Arjun to wake up, she checks his pulse. Arjun opens his eyes and says Jia? she asks him to wake up, he smiles. Jia brings him out of coffin and hugs him tightly, Janam.. Janam plays, they are both in peace in each others arms. Nisha looks on. Jia cries in Arjun’s arms. Arjun hugs her tightly. Nisha says what a love of lovers. They break hug. Nisha says you both will be together but after dying, I planned a surprise for you both, death surprise, which will take you from this world. Jia is about to slap her but someone hits Jia and Arjun on head with stick, they both faint. Nisha smirks.
Jia wakes up, she is tied and in a car, she recalls how she was hit by Nisha’s man. She looks around and calls out for Arjun.. she is locked in a car and sees Nisha approaching it. Nisha opens door and says Jhanvi used to cry for her Adi like this, I can take you to your love and to your family too but.. Jia says but what? Nisha says you have to play my game as per my rules, Jia nods.
Nisha brings Jia, Arjun and all family members to a large luddo board. Nisha says to Jia that you will play this game to save your family. Arjun says what is this drama? Nisha says its my game, Jia wont play alone, Nisha will play with her. Goons tie Arjun, Kaki and Chirag and ties bomb on their bodies. Nisha says to Jia that if I reach ladder in snake-ladder game first then I will activate bomb on one family member. Arjun says what rubbish is this? Jia says what if I reach ladder first? Nisha says then they will be saved from my next attack and if you reach snake then one of them will get electric shock. Kaki is terrified. Nisha says if Jia is saved from snake then bomb wont activate, if Jia reaches 100 first then all three of them will be free to go and if reach 100 first then Jia will see her family dying in pain, I feel that this game is simple. Jia says you cant change rules. Nisha says this is my game, I will decide everything, this game is boring so lets make it interesting. Nisha brings syringes and says to Jia that I will give these injections to Arjun, Kaki and Chirag so they will be paralyzed till 30 minutes of game.Jia says but I am playing your game. Nisha says I can give you this injection and cheat to win but I will give you chance to play. Arjun says God is seeing everything, you will win Jia. Nisha says the bomb tied to Arjun, Chirag and Kaki will be activated soon and if two bombs are activated then third will be activated and all will die in blast. Jia says if two people get shock then third shouldnt get shock otherwise bombs will be activated. Nisha says my good days are going, Jia says you cant paralyze them, Nisha says dont miff me otherwise I can activate bombs right now, Jia says let me meet them once. Nisha aww you might be seeing them for first time, have your last wish. Jia comes to Kaki. Kaki says I know this is war between good and bad and good will win. Jia says everything will be fine. Chirag says to Jia that I want you to win over my mom, she didnt spare her daughter and my sister so I am nothing to her, all the best. Jia looks at Arjun and thinks he wanted to spend life in jail for me, Arjun thinks I could spend lives in pain for you, Jia thinks you are crazy, Arjun thinks I wanted to pacify you, Jia thinks I thought I would talk so much when I find you but I cant seem to talk now, Arjun thinks you dont have to say anything, I can hear you.. they read each others eyes, hearing each others heart talk. Jia hugs Arjun. Nisha says enough of this love drama, looking in each others eyes, we have to end this game today, you will have to see your family dying infront of your eyes. Goons give paralyzing injections to Arjun, Kaki and Chirag. Nisha says to Jia that you will see your family dying, you can bow down without playing this game. Jia glares at her.
Arjun says to Jia that will you spend your whole life with me? Jia says I will not spare you any minute, yes. Arjun makes her wear gold bracelet with letter A written on it and says I will be with you like this, Jia says is this Gold? Arjun laughs and says you can melt it, Jia says you say such cheesy lines. Arjun pulls her closer and says its because of your love, you will have to bear me as I am, they both lovingly look in each others eyes, Kaun tujhe yun pyaar karega plays.. Arjun leans in to kiss her but Jia smiles and pushes him away, she runs away from him, he runs behind her. Jia goes in room and locks it. Arjun is outside and says we need one kiss atleast. Jia says I want traditional marriage, we are not married, Arjun says you dont like coming from London. Jia says I dated but
you are my first and last love, I have never felt like this. Arjun says so you can show it too, we can kiss like London people, Jia says go find London girl, Arjun says leave it, I will kiss you in dreams, Good night, he leaves. Jia smiles and lies on bed, she looks at bracelet and cant stop smiling, she takes off bracelet and puts it on sidetable, she leaves from there.
At night, Jia is sleeping on her bed. She feels uneasy and wakes up, she closes window and says I will get water. She opens her room door and feels someone’s presence in lounge, she hears anklet noise and looks around, she sees a shadow in kitchen and says thief in house? She grabs person and it turns out to be Arjun. She says why you are roaming like thief? Arjun hugs her and says I am not thief. Jia says why you were wearing anklet? he says I am not wearing it, Jia says okay and drinks water.
Someone enters in Jia’s room and takes gold bracelet which Arjun gifted Jia.
Arjun tries to hug Jia, Jia pours water on him and leaves from there. Jia comes to her room and closes door.
In morning, priest checks Arjun and Jia’s kundlis and says they match perfectly, they should get married soon, Arjun smiles. Priest says first we will find good date for their weeding.
Jia is getting ready in her room, she looks around and says where is my bracelet? She comes to Arjun and asks if he saw her bracelet? he says no. Kaki says it will be somewhere, find later. Kaki says to priest that Jia is our daughter in law, she says I want everything to be done as per rituals, Arjun says you can write everything in diary and I will bring it. Kaki says where did I forget my diary? There is so much to be done in wedding, how we will do it? there is so much work and I am alone. Priest says dont worry, there are so many works to be done in marriage thats why I brought Jhumki, she will help in working. Jhumki comes there, she is wearing veil. Jhumki says I will cook and decorate, I will do all work, I am from village but its not that small. She asks Kaki to bless her. Chirag says how she will work in veil? she says I wear veil in respect, priest says she can work in veil, its their family tradition, he asks her to look around house, she turns to leave and her anklet makes noise. Jia recalls how she heard it last night, she says this anklet? Jhumki says this is my anklet, if you dont like it then I will take it off, you are going to be queen of house now, she takes off anklet and says its fine, she leaves. Kaki says she will be great help. Jia looks on.
Jhumki comes to Jia’s room and takes out her bracelet from her pocket which she stole last night, she throws it behind her door and leaves.
Jia comes to her room and finds her bracelet near door, she says I searched it everywhere and its here. She wears it and suddenly her hand starts bleeding, she screams for Kaki.
Jhumki hears Jia’s scream and says I will make it more louder. All family members rush to Jia, Arjun asks why her hand is bleeding? Arjun wipes her wound and bandages it. Arjun looks at bracelet and says how could it cut her hand? Kaki asks Jia to be more careful, Arjun says there is nothing sharp on it, this is cheap, I will return it, Jia says no this is your love identity. Kaki says there is less time in marriage and this is happening. Jia says dont worry about it, all problems left with Nisha.
In lounge, Jhumki takes garland and puts it on Nisha’s photo. Jhumki corners priest and says give them wedding date or should I take out date for your destruction? flashback shows Jhumki putting knife on priest’s neck and said that you have to get me entered in house otherwise I will tear my blouse and blame that you did it, priest got scared and said he will get her married, flashback ends. Jhumki asks priest to do her work, she doesnt like to wait, he gets scared and leaves.
Priest says to Kaki and family, he asks if Jia is fine? she nods. Priest says that after 2 days, its very good to get married. Kaki says but thats too soon, Jia says how we will manage in two days? Priest says next date will be in six months, Jhumki will handle everything, lets do the wedding after two days, do haldi in evening today, he leaves. Jia smiles. Kaki says we have to do work, they all leave. Jia says I am hungry, she is about to leave to get food but Arjun comes there with food and juice, he moves towards her, she moves back and falls on bed, he says breakfast in bed, Jia says will I get it after marriage too? he says yes but jat one cost? he takes one side of chocolate in his mouth and offers otherside to Jia, she blushes.