Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 1 September 2021


Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 1 September 2021

jodha says resham came to me and said that maham is very ill so I went to see her, jalal says I know your heart is very big, you care for all but I care for you and my kids, I have to protect you and my kids so now when you are tensed regarding maham then I have to do something, he calls dasi and says tell todar to send maham to delhi. jalal says to jodha that I want to send maham away from agra as I know if she stays here, you will go to meet her and you cant neglect the fact that maham doesn’t have even a drop of humanity remaining in her so this is my decision to send her away,

ruks comes and says I agree with you jalal, maham doesn’t deserve to be here, she should be sent away, jalal and jodha are tensed. maham says to resham thatyou always got reward from me for being loyal to me and now you are getting punishment for it, maham coughs, doctor says you should not talk, your health is not good, maham says my health wont be so let me talk, she ask resham who beat you? resham says tells her that ruks did that, maham says this much happened but jalal didn’t say anything to rajvanshi wife, I

told jalal to always make rajvanshi women a dasi but jalal didn’t follow me, she is stupid women, I tell her, I cursed her kids even then she comes to meet me, all are stupid, she says to doctor to apply ointment to resham, doctor says jalal has decided to send you to delhi, maham says why? i was prime minister, jalal first took me away from adham and now he wants to send me away from him, how much far he will send me away from him, I am getting punished here only so why delhi, I am in jail, I lived in agra and will die in agra only, only my deadbody will go to delhi.
jalal says to todar that till Friday, maham should be send to delhi, maham says to doctor that I wont go to delhi at any cost. jalal says to todar that I will send her at any cost. I don’t want that her curse affect my kids, maan agrees.

Scene 2
salima says to jodha that I know you didn’t do wrong, jodha says I dint want to hurt jalal but you know maham’s health is not good, resham comes to meet moti, mtoi goes to meet her, moti says to resham that this is not the time to come here, resham says I don’t have any other way, resham comes to jodh and sits on ground, she says I am sorry for coming here but maham doesn’t want to go to delhi, she wants to die here only so why they are not giving her somedays here, jodha says jalal has decided it, I cant do anything, resham says you cant do it, just ask jalal, jodha says no I cant do anything, resham says you can or you don’t want to? salima says be in your limit, resham says only jodha can change jalal’s decision, he didn’t kill khaibar, he forgave zakira only on jodha’s insistence, what anybody cant do, only jodha can do, jodha ask resham to go from here, moti drags resahm from room, jodha says to salim that I have hurt jalal a lot, I want to help maham but how, salima says I know you wont sit quiet so I will help you, you cant talk to jalal but we can talk to hamida.

jodha talks to hamida, hamida says no, I cant do this, jalal is very hurt, he is broken, ruks says you are right when jalal have decided then why to go against him, I don’t understand jodha, she is least interested in her and kids safety, she is thinking about the women who tried to kill jalal, don’t forget, I have right on one of your kid so be careful, jodha says no mother can harm her children, ruks says then why are doing this, how can you forget her curse, jodha says I don’t accept maham’s curse, I think that I will give love and care to my children and nothing will happen to them, ruks says maham has tried to hurt jalal, jodha says many a times maham saved jalal putting her life in danger, she has done everything for jalal, it is written in biography too, if we put her good deeds and wrong deeds in balance then her good deed will be strong, jodha says to hamida that maham is dying cant we just let her stay here, hamida says I agree tih you but its jalal’s decision and we cant go against him, jalal has ordered that even maham’s shadow shouldn’t come on you, its better if you put this thing aside, ruks gives victorious expression, jodha is tensed and leaves from there.

Scene 4
resham is giving maham water, hamida comes there with jiji anga, maham greets her and says you shouldn’t come here, I have no strength to greet you standing on my feet, hamida says I wouldn’t have come here if jodha didn’t remind me about your good deeds, jalal called you mother before me, you did everything for jalal, he used to come to you for everything, he used to sleep with you, maham says what I did for jalal was for my son only but what I did to king, he didn’t forgive me for that, she says I reject jalal’s order for sending me to delhi, I wont go to delhi, hamida says I am not here to order you to go delhi, I have brought things that will be given to poor, you just touch these things, adham’s grave has been cleaned, for his soul’s peace, there is ceremony tomorrow and we will things to poor people, adham will feel good if you touch these things, maham is in tears and touches the things, she prays for adham’s soul, hamida says if you want to send anything to delhi then tell me, maham says I will go to delhi for my adham but its your responsibility to look after javeda’s child, jiji says what are you saying? maham says yes, she is expecting but I don’t want people to call adham’s child betrayer, hamida says I was not informed about this news, maham ask didn’t jodha tell you? hamida is confused, maham understands that jodha lied, she says so that rajvanshi took revenge from me, I cursed here child so she proved to me that I wont get happiness of grandchild too, that’s why she made me dream about my grandson and then murdered that dream, jodha you shouldn’t have don’t this, why did you curse me like this jodha, why, she cries.

Scene 5
jodha comes to hamida and ask how is maham? hamida says why you didn’t tell me that javeda is going to be mother? jodha says because this is not truth, hamida says why you lied? jodha says maham boycotted food, she wasn’t taking meds, she had no will to live so I lied to her, I didn’t had any other option, hamida says I know you lied for good but did you thought what will happen when jalal gets to know it? I don’t any separation between you and jalal, maham is ready to go to delhi, now you should concentrate on your children.
jalal is playing with his niece, bakshi says you don’t know how to take kids in hands, jalal says I want to make my niece strong like me, not delicate like you, jodha comes there, bakshi greets her, jodha says I want to.. jalal says you want to talk to me, tell, jodha says I want to talk about maham, jalal says I am not interested, bakshi says I have some work and leaves from there with baby, jalal says to jodha that I thought you will undertint my point that its important for maham to go to delhi but you are free to do anything, I know you wont agree to my point, jodha says I know she is leaving, I wont say anything about it, I just want you to permit me to meet maham last time, jalal says ok meet her, he leaves from there.
jodha is happily going to meet maham, ruks sees her going and ask where are you going? jodha says I am going to meet maham, I will return soon, ruks says never, she holds jodha’s hand to stop her.

jodha is going to met maham, ruks stops her and ask where are you going, jodha says I am going to meet maham, I will return soon, ruks says never, she holds jodha’s hand to stop her. ruks says that you don’t care about your children but don’t forget that my child is with you too, jodha says I know and I have given you my child with my wish but that doesn’t mean you will order me, let me go, she jerks off ruks hand, ruks says this is not right, jodha says its right and I will go to meet her, ruks holds her hand again and says I know you are stubborn but jalal has given me your responsibility so you have to take his permission first, jodha ask her to leave her hand, ruks leaves it, jodha leaves from there, ruks thinks how can jalal allow her to meet maham.
sharif is spending time with his baby, all wives sees him and thinks that they threw shoes on him, don’t know what will he do, sharif angrily looks at them but bears his anger, sharif says why are all you worried, you didn’t do anything wrong, you did what jalal said but mistake was mine, I was wrong to be bad with bakshi but I am regretting and I have no grudges against you all, he leaves, all wives gossip that he is changed for good, jalal’s spy is following sharif and thinks that wives may be right, sharif has changed.

Scene 2
jodha comes to meet maham, maham looks at her and ask why you came here again, jodha says please forgive me, maham says you know what my mother used to say, only that person ask forgiveness who doesn’t think from mind but from heart, you are not that clever to fool maham anga, you did a very cheap and low class thing to take revenge on me, jodha says I didn’t do it for revenge, I just wanted to see you healthy and I still want to do something for you, maham tries to get up, jodha helps her, maham sits on bed, jodha sits too, maham says if you want to do something for me then bring my adham back, I have two sons, one blood realted, one whome I loved more than my blood, I tried to love voth but I gave jalal more love, both were my strength, when I used to look at them, I used to think that I can win whole world with them, I made one son jalal a king but adham wanted to be a king too, adham’s thought were against jalal, he wanted throne so I helped him, what did I do wrong? it maybe wrong for you but for a mother it wasn’t wrong, I helped my son but jalal didn’t understand it either, you want to help me.. I had two sons but I have no one now at time of death, your husband jalal.. I know him from the time when used to walk holding my hand, I taught him how to walk, he doesn’t used to says anything but only elder mother to me and I used to feel content when he used to call me mother, I used to get to know what jalal wants just by seeing his face, he used to call bari ammi bari ammi whoke day but when jalal said that I am not his bari ammi(elder mother) anymore, it was the worst day of my life, you want to do something for me? can you bring my son jalal, remember I said son jalal not king jalal, they both are different, my son is very innocent, your husband jalal who is king is not my son, if you really want to do something then bring my son jalal here, you are a great rajvanshi, I have listened a lot about rajvanshies that once they do a promise, they stand by it till end of their life, I have nothing to do with your life now, if you really want to do something then please bring my jalal here, tell him that before sending me away from here, can he call me bari ammi, ask him to call me bari ammi, I know no one can bring jalal here or adham here, I know, jodha thinks and is tensed seeing maham’s condition, maham lies on her bed and is weeping for jalal.

Scene 3
jodha sees some things going out of palace, it is preparation for maham’s to send her to delhi, jodha thinks that what to do, maham has asked me something for 1st time and I cant fulfill her wish as jalal has promised to not see maham’s face ever, he wont listen to me, she recalls how jalal said that his bari ammi loves him a lot, his bari ammi has his toys too from which he used to paly, jodha said that mother’s heart is like this only that they not only protect her child but his things too. fb ends, jodha gets some idea.
jodha comes to maham’s room with dasies and ask them to clean the room and throw away old things, jalal comes there and ask why you called me here, why are you cleaning this room, jodha says maham is not going to be here in agra so I thoug to clean her room, jalal is stunned

Read Next: Jodha Akbar Thursday Update 2 September 2021