Salim says I will not stay here, if Jalal cant come here to save me then I have to ru myself, he looks around, his hands and feet are tied by rope, Jalal finds on rock there and starts cutting his rope by rubbing with rock edge, goons says that now when Moin is freed we should take Salim to river bank, bring him, Salim cuts the rope and starts running from there, he comes out of place and runs, goons
comes in his room and are shocked to find him missing, one goon says that we cant run muc, lets find him, Salim is running in jungle, goons are finding him too. Salim listens goons coming and hide behind bushes, Goons are finding him, they leave from there, Salim says I have t go from here but where to go, I don’t even know way to palace, he thinks and says I know one place where I can go.
goons says what will we answer to Shairf now, one goon says that we should to jalal’s soldiers and free Moin then we will see what to do next.
Jalal in disguise of Moin comes to River bank. in palce, Hamida ask Desi where is Jodha? dasi says she has gone out of Palace, she was worried but don’t know where she went, Hamida thinks where Jodha’s must have been, I hope she controls her motherly love.
Jodha is going to river bank too with Moin.
Gonns comes to river bank, they look at Jalal’s force, Maan talks to Goons and says that as per announcement, we are here with Moin, where is Salim? goon says first you send Moin to us then we will send Salim to you. Maan comes to Jalal, Jalal says once we save Salim then attack them, Jalal starts walking towards goons, Jodha’s force come there too with Moin, Goons says that if that is moin then who is he? Jalal takes off his beard and says I am your death, Goons says we are being fooled, Goons starts the attack, Jodha is shocked to see Jalal. fight starts between goons and Jalal’s soldiers, Jodha takes out her sword too, Jalal is fighting with goons, Moin Khan runs stealthily in fight, Jodha ask Maan to stop Moin, Maan runs behind him, Goonsare killed, Rahim says to Jalal that we don’t know where is Salim, Jalal ask to search in jungle, Rahim and maan goes, Jalal comes to Jodha, he angrily looks at her, Jalal says to Jodha that how can you be so much foolish.
in palace, Jodha says to Jalal that I am mother, father can be strong but I cant, if son get little hurt then mother shivers, mother keeps child in womb for 9 months so she is most close to him, only mother knows that when child needs something, Jodha says I day passed and I was thnking that Salim must be in pain so I went there, Jalal says if you wouldn’t come there Salim would have been with us, Ruks says Jalal is right, if Jalal promised you then you should have trusted them, with your foolishness Salim can be in more danger, jodha says because of mother son cant be in danger, Jalal if you had freed Moin then Salim would have been with us, Jalal says this is problem you get emotional, you are Marium and you freed a betrayer, Jodha says I am Marium Zamani because of Salim only, no position is above than Salim, Jalal says you cant forget your responsibility, Hamida says enough, you both stop the fight, think where is salim, Jalal saus I am trying and I promise I will bring Salim back at any cost.
Salim comes to Fatima bi’s house, she opens gate and says prince you, Salim says someone kidnapped me, please save me, she takes him in her hut, she makes him sit and ask Wadir to get water for him, Salim says they will kill me, Jalal didn’t come to save so I ran from there, Fatima says don’t worry, I wont let anything happen to you, Qadir gives him water, Fatima wsays you are safe here, I will take you to palace, Salim says I will not go there, I will not go to Jalal, he is bad, he didn’t even come to save me, Fatima says don’t say like this, she says I will see outside if they are here or not.
Maan says to Jalal that I couldn’t find Salim, Jalal says where he could have been, I will go and see him myself, Dasi comes and says Fatima bi has come, Jalal ask to call her in, she comes in with Salim behind her back, she greets Jalal and says I have brought your asset, Salim comes out from behind, all are happy to see him, Salim angrily looks at Jalal, he recalls how Jalal punished him then how he made him stand under sun, then how Jalal didn’t come to save him, Jodha comes to Salim and caresses his face but Salim leaves from there and hugs Ruks, Ruks says you are fine my prince, she kisses him and hugs him and says I missed you a lot, Jodha thanks Fatima bi and kisses her hands, she says you have given me breaths back, I will be in your debt, Jalal says to Salim that you are strong, come hug me, Salim doesn’t move, Jodha ask him to forward, Salim hides behind Ruks and stares at Jalal, Ruks says Salim is in fearful state, I will make him eat something first, don’t know if he has eaten anything or not, Jalal yes yes go and make him eat, Ruks takes Salim from there, Jalal and Jodha are happy.
Scene 2
kids are playing, Haidar says I have got something very important, he shows them a drink (wine) and says I have seen King and his ministers drinking and becoming chill, it must be good, Murad looks at it, Salim comes there, Murad says heir is highness so he will drink first, Murad says this is drink and who drinks it, feels good, Salim says really, Murad and haidar nods, Salim drinks it and says this is very bitter, Haidar ask him to drink more and it will look nice, Salim drinks more, then he gives Qutub, then Daniyal drinks, then Murad drinks, then haidar too drinks, they are inebriated, Salim says its bitter but good, they all started laughing.
Salim is going in drunken state, he listens music and goes to room, some dasies are dancing, they stop seeing SAlim, Salim ask them to sing and dance and if you love your lives then follow my order, he sit and pushes them to dance, you are my servants, dance, dasies start dancing, Salim finds wine there and drinks it, he finds fruits there, and ask dasi to bring it, she brings, Jalal is going from that way, he is talking with Todar, he finds Salim’s voice and says what Salim is doing there and music is also playing there, Jalal goes In and is shocked to find dasies dancing and Salim enjoying it, Salim says keep dancing, I am heir, Salim drinks wine, Jalal gets angry, all dasies stops seeing Jalal, Salim ask why did you stop, keep dancing, Jalal looks at Salim and slaps him hard, he says did you drink wine? who gave you wine? Dasi says he took it himself, we tried to stop him but he.. Jalal ask them to leave, Jalal ask Salim to come, Salim says I want to see dance, Jalal slaps him again and says now I will show you something else.
Jalal brings Salim to weighing machine and says you know what it is? this is balance of justice, one side is humanity and other is faith, this qualities are needed for king, we all were great king and now you ruining our name, what was that, Salim says I was not wsrong, you find everything wrong in me, then you punishe me than you say it was learning, I am heri, jalal says you know the meaning of heir? he has powers but that doesn’t mean you will use it wrongly, power will be taken from you if you abuse it, Salim says you also used your powers to punish me, Jalal says yes because for king son and nations is equal, Jalal says king needs to learn how to help nation, he needs to know what justice means, Jalal says to Salim that you doesn’t even deserve to stand infront of weighing machine, you doesn’t deserve to be heir, Salim says you are bad, Jalal raises his hand to slap him, Jodha says what are you doing, Jalal says I would have done this before., jodha says look at him, he mistakenly drank wine but you deliberately raised your hand on him, Jalal ask dasi to take SAlim from there, Salim leaves, Jalal says to Jodha that come with me.
Salim in his room recalls how Jalal slapped him and how he gave lecture to him, Salim comes to weighing machine, he takes fire lamp in his hand.
Jalal says to Jodha that you are coming in my way, Jodha says its about my son, you are doing wrong see the results, Jalal says its because of your love that Salim has become stubborn, Jodha says what you think, if you will be biter with him then he will be more stubborn, love can be won by love only, Jalal says I have seen in his eyes, betrayal for me, hatred for me, he think he can do anything with power, jodha says but he is child only, he doent know how to use powers and your anger is destroying us, Jalal says I am just making him walk on right path, Jodha says I am worried if Salim lost the path.