Salim and Anarkali comes on wallside to tie thread on wall, Rabba is pyar mein plays, they are opposite sides, Anarkali starts leaving, she finds mughal soldiers gifting poor people clothes and giving them food too, she think why they are here? she ask soldier, soldier its Qutub’s marriage here today,
Jodha Akbar Monday Update 19 October 2020
Anrkali is shocked, she looks at Dargah again and says Qutub getting married here? should i see him lat time, then she think that i cant meet him, he didnt come to meet me so i will not come in his way now, she then contemplates and says that i am not coming in his way, God want me to meet him thats why he has sent me here, i will meet him, she comes to venue and finds priest asking for groom’s nod for nikaah, he says yes i accept her as wife, Anarkali is shocked to see him getting married infront of her eyes, nikaah is done, Qutub is wearing flower sehra so his face is not seen, Anarkali comes out of venue and cries loudly, she recalls how she met SAlim, how she saved his life, how spent time in jungle, she cries,
Rabba is pyar mein plays, she says to God that when i got away from Qutub then why did you make me see Qutub here agiain, Jodha comes there and sees Anarkali crying, she puts hand on her shoulder, Anarkali looks at her, and recalls she is Jodha, she greets her, Jodha ask her why you are crying? i dont know who are you but i can see you are pain, life has many things, happiness, sadness, etc so in pain we should not blame God for it, here many comes to pray to God, you also pray and your pain will vanish because when you pray from full heart then this Dargah doesnt disappoint you, i hope that whatever you wish, you will pray here and will get it, she caresses her face and gives her laddo, and leaves,
Anarkali starts to leave too but she is shocked to see Salim there, she says if Qutub is here then who is getting married, she is shocked to see real Qutub getting married and Salim is her Qutub but she again thinks that her Qutub didnt got married and it was Salim who got married, she says Marium Zamani was right, prayers get fulfilled here, she comes to Salim and hugs him, he is shocked and angered too, Rabba is pyar main plays, she says thank God i met you, i got sacred that you weer getting amrried but now i happy, Salim pushes her away and gets angry on her, she ask what happened Qutub? Salim ask her to behave, anarkali ask why you are rude to me? one soldier ask are you mad girl? he is heir, Salim, you dont know how to behave with him, she is shocked and says he is Qutub my friend, Salim says soldiers she is mad girl, calling me Qutub, Haidar comes there and says to her that you dont know how to behave, soldier throw her out, anrkali says Qutub you must be kidding, you remember we use to talk about royal people that they dont have manners, they are egoistic, i dont like them, i hate them, they are emotionless, Salim says enough, you are calling heir Salim egoistic person, Anarkali looks at Salim’s attire and is more stunned, she says this cant be possible, you cant be Salim, Salim says you have gone mad, he takes her from there, Haidar smirks. Salim brings Anarkali to corner and says yes i am heir Salim, i can punish you at this moment to kill you, but i am giving you one chance to leave from here, Anarkali is in shocked state, Haidar listens their convo, Anarkali says so you are Salim? Salim says yes the same salim who had to be away from his parents in childhood because of you, the same Salim who got attacked by goons because your father was betrayer, Anarkali says so you lied with me, Salim says you lied with me that you are Anarkali, i know why you lied, you knew that i dont like girls who take me as heir Salim so you changed your identity and posed that you dont like royal people so that i can like you, Anarkali says i didnt know that you were Salim, Salim says maybe, but truth is that i hate Nadira, you the most this world, she is shocked, he brings her closer and says you wounded me in childhood and injured me in young age too, i dont know how i loved you, i dont know why i liked you, i thought i got attracted to you as i love you but i hate you, you posed to not princes to attract me, Anarkali says i didnt know you were Salim, Salim says but nw you know, i hate you so much, i cant even spend my hatred for a cheap girl like you, he pushes her and ask her to go away, Anarkali says even my hatred is not so much cheap that i will spend it on low life person like you, you lied to me, you didnt tell me your real identity, i had to levae my house because of you, i couldnt become what i wanted to become, because of you first i had to change my name and now my dreams, Salim says enough, because of you my life got destroyed, from childhood i am suffering only because of you, but enough, now its your turn, i will punish you such that you will ask for death daily but you wont be able to die even, people say that i born for love but history will remember me for my hatred for you.
Shaguni bai says that sky is you bring down rain, it seems like rain of love or hatred, history will see two new names, Salim and Anarkali. in dargah, Salim and Anarkali starts leaving in opposite direction with anger on their face.
Salim comes in his room and recalls his meeting with Anarkalik and how in childhood she complained to Jalal about SAlim hurting Qadir and how Salim got punished, he starts seeing Anarkali in his mirror and says why cant you got out of my mind, i hate you, he breask the mirror and starts drinking wine, he recalls Anarkali’s words in Dargah and says no no, he shouts, haidar comes there and ask are you fine? he says i want to destroy her, Haidar says the same girl Nadira? i know you pain as brother, Salim says to haidar that i want to destroy that girl fully, Haidar says that much? what i am for then? Salim says i want to see her in same pain like i went through, Haidar says this will happen, he gives Salim drink and says i will destroy Nadira, dont worry, leave this on me, Salim drinks and says i dont want to see her face, neither she should remain like to show her face to anyone, Haidar says this wil happen.
Anarkali comes to Zil and ask how is Rashid? she says he is not fine, Anarkali says we shouldnt have come here, Zil says first you meet Qutub, Anrkali gets sad and says we will leave from here when Rashid gets fine, Zil ask what about Qutub? Anarkali says if god want then i will meet him too, she sits to make food and recalls how Salim said that he hates her the most, she gets tear in her eyes.
Jalal is discussing politics with ministers, Salim is lost and recalls how Anarkali said that she hates him too, Jalal ask Salim what you have to say about this matter? Salim says you are king, whatever you decide will be fine, what can i say, he leaves, Jalal thinks that still Salim is angry with me, he still think that i am responsible for Farhan’s death.
Salim is practicing archery, Jodha comes there and ask what happened Salim? you seem lost, what is bothering you? Salim says there is nothing, i just want to be alone but nobody let me be, he leaves, Jodha gets sad and thinks what happened to him.
Jalal is looking at swords he got as gift for his wedding anniversary, Jodha comes there and says i want to talk to you, Jalal ask to tell matter, Jodha says i think we should not celebrate this occasion, Jalal ask why? Jodha says Salim is still angry, he is sad, he still thinks that you are responsible for Farhan’s death, he is lost, Jalal says i feel same, i try to talk t him many times but he moves away from me, Jodha says you were right we have to give time to him so we should cancel the event as if son is sad then how can we celebrate, Jalal says i will cancel the event then.
in night, Ruks comes to Jalal and says you dont remember me so i came to you, she sit with him and gives him wine to drink, Jalal drinks, Ruks ask what happened why you are silent? dont you like to be in my company, Jalal says says i am sorry if i hurt you, Ruks says dont feel sorry, Jalal says you are my friend, my first wife and i couldnt give you child, Ruks says its me who should be sorry that i couldnt give you child, Jalal says its not your fault but its fate, which didnt allow it, i have always cared for you, i always thought about your happiness, i didnt let any harm come to you, and i am still thankful to God that you are not feeling the pain which i feel that my kid hates me, if the child who hates you then its better to have no child, i am happy that you are not feeling this pain, the pain when child misunderstand you, nothing matters if you are king or poor, he has tear in his eyes and says i have no solution to i, Ruks ask why you are so sad, Jalal says what wrong did i do? Salim doesnt even want to listen to me, the child for whom i had gone to miles, for whom i prayed in mandirs, dargahs, how can i think wrong for him? i love him so much, i was marrying bella to protect my son, he cries, Ruks says you cant break like this, you are king and you cant be weak like this, time is healing and let time pass, in meantime you will havew wedding function, there will happiness so Salim will forget everything too,
Jalal says there will be no function when your son is not happy for you then there is no function which can make parents happy, i and Jodha have decided to not celebrate anything, he leaves after kissing her forehead, Ruks says no Jalal, i cant see you sad, you will celebrate your wedding anniversary and it will be Salim who will commence it, its promise of your best friend.
Ruks comes to Salim, he is sleeping, she makes him get up, he ask what happened? she ask you take me as your mother? eh says yes, she says whatever i say you will do? Salim nods, Ruks says i want you to see every preparation of wedding anniversary of Jalal, Salim says you know i dont like Jalal and jodha and still want me to do it, Ruks says yes because you will do it for me, i know you hate them but you have to do this for me, and if you dont do it then i will understand that i have no value for you, Salim says for you i can take my life too, i will do it, Ruks says then go to Jalal now and tell him that you will handle this function, he leaves,
Ruks says that i can do anything to make my Jalal happy. she starts to leave, Hoshiyar stops her and says i didnt understand you today, you always made Salim away from Jalal and Jodha and now bringing him closer to them? why you are forgetting that its you who gave this pain to Jalal, you should be happy that Jalal comes to to share happiness, it all according to you then why changing dynamics now, Ruks says i wanted Jodha to get hurt by her son only, i wanted Jalal to understand that Jodha is not good mother, soon Salim will be king and he takes me as mother only so i will have all the power as marium Zamani, and i sent Salim to Jalal as i want same respect from Jalal like he do to Jodha, Jalal came to me for crying not to Jodha, it was me who wiped his tears, love is strange,
Jalal cant see tears in Jodha’s eyes and i cant see in his, i will make Jodha cry alot but i want Jalal to smile always, I want Salim to hate Jodha and love me, and i want Jalal to say that i am more good mother than Jodha, Hoshiyar laughs and says i am happy that God didnt make me love anyone, nor he made me man neither women, if i was wome then i would have fought whole life for position and love or against evil plans and if was man then i would have to fight for myself, this love war would not end, see yourself, you have so much high position, you rule people , you want to rule Jalal’s heart, this war is not between you and Jodba but between your heart and mind, you dont know who will win this, i am thankful that i dont have to do this war as i am eunuch.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 21 October 2020