Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 2 June 2020


Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 2 June 2020

Jalal comes to mirza and says i will make you ready for war, he make him wear the dress and says to tear apart the villains. mirza says sure. Jalal says come after winning, mirza says i wil but whats the matter with you? I am going on fight to forget my love for shivani but why you are so worried and tensed for this war? whom do you love and want to forget?

Jodha Akbar Monday Update 1 June 2020

jalal ask waht? mirza says I always seen attitude in your eyes but today you had anger. jalal says to mirza to go to war, mirza says i will win the war but that will not lessen your your heart’s pain and inner disturbance, this will be done when you will win the one whom you love, tell me whom do you love. Jalal is highly tensed.. Jalal says to stop this rubbish I dont have heart and doesnt love anyone. He ask mirza to go for war, mirza thinks did you telling me or yourself that you don have heart.

adham is lamenting before Maham that he was not chosen to go to war Whereas the young Haakim was chosen who is injured from inside, how he will fight and Jalal was ignoring him.

Maham sas mirza has fire inside and he will lashes it out in war so dont take him lightly, Maham pacifies him saying that haakim and jalal were trying to forget their failed love stories, and jalal will not ignore how he won against imtiaz so just wait.

Scene 2
Jalal thinks of mirza’s words and comes where jodha is praying. Dasi ask should I tell jodha that you are present here, Jalal says no but tell ruks that i will spend night with her. Jalal comes to atgah and says i ignored and chose mirza because mirza was depressed, atga says mirza is a trained soldier and can win any war, he knows about victory. Jalal says Bahadur is again creating problems in malwa so i think we should send adham there. Atga says sure and he knows about malwa too, Jalal says i have told you another work, atga says i remember, jalal says do it, atga agrees.

Scene 3
Jodha says to moti that I dont know how to tell jalal about benazir and whether it was correct, i dont know. Rahim comes to jodha, jodha says you dont like learning he says I like asking puzzle questions. He ask a puzzle, jodha writes it and reads the first letters on all words but it doesnt get solved, rahim says you had to add the last letters of words and it becomes “rahim” .

jodha remembers how he had earlier ask the puzzle from mirza, she suddenly reminded of the letter which was written by benazir and how mirza told that it was in avdi language. She writes down the letter and combines the 1st letters and it becomes “WORK HAS NOT BEEN DONE” . jodha says it means sharif was right, she came here to kill jalal and wrote this letter to mali. I will not let her do anything.

Scene 4
jodha comes to benazir who is striving hard for poison, jodha ask what work has not been done yet? benazir says i am not fine i cant do any work, there are many dasiz.

Jodha says i am asking about letter which you wrote to your mom, benazir says my work is to please jalal, jodha says i will tell about it to jalal. Benazir says you can but jalal already know about it and will not listen to you. Jodha goes away. benazir says she is nagging too much, i have to bite her before jalal.

Scene 5
Outside at gate of palace, abul mali is being captured by mughal forces, he is angry. Jodha also sees it and says to moti that he is not ashamed. Jalal comes to mali and says i was letting you go everytime because you were my brother in law but what you thought that i am weak. Jalal says i knew about your every move in agra. He ask atga to present him in court. Benazir get to know about mali’s arrest and is tensed.

Scene 6
In court, mali is being presented while all mughals are present. jalal says what you thought that you can run by backstabbing, but see now you are in my custody. jalal ask who is your agent here, mali says you captured me now capture him too. jalal says you are calling your death, mali says i came here with death cloth tied on my head, i dont have any fear, jalal say good now it will be easy to kill you. Jalal says some people think i have danger from you but now they will be satisfied and he looks at jodha. Jalal says i will find your agent, mali says you are mistaken, you have captured me but not my weapon, you are not save and if you dont take any safety then you will leave the world, jalal says i will answer you soon. Jalal says to send mali to jail and nobody can meet him, mali is taken away. jodha thinks jalal is very angry should i talk or not? ruks stops jalal to talk but jalal stops her and says i dont wanna listen anything,

jodha thinks he didnt listen to ruks then how he will listen to me, joha stops him, jalal says didnt you see i stopped ruks from any talk, jodha says i wanna tell about benazir. Jalal says i know she is from mali’s palace, i have an eye on every bandi of his palace and i spend much time with so i know her, jodha is lil jealous.

Moti says to jodha that mali is arrested then whats tension now, jodha says benazir i dont know what happens to jalal when he listens jalal’s name, she is dangerous and as his wife its my duty to protect him. Moti says that she takes command from mali but now he is inn arrest so she might run away too. She says that dasiz has prepared for shubratri puja and you should do Fast(vrat) as it strong hubby wifey relation , jodha is happy and comes out. moti says to tell jalal about your fast, jodha says he doesnt listen to me. Jalal comes there, jodha stops him and says today is puja and i am doing fast, jalal says after what happened to my brother there remains no need for all this, jodha says i have said sorry many times. Jodha says i promised masa that i will do vrat for you. Jalal says 1st i dont need vrat for my safety, 2ndly i dont believe in vrat and all for safety and third when you dont accept me as husband then why this vrat for me? jodha is speechless. jalal leaves. Jodha says i know i didnt accept you as husband but i am not doing this fast as per masa’s order but i am doing this for your safety.

jalal comes to ruks and says you know that when i am solving political matters i dont listen to anyone. i am her after many days, ruks says why are you here? go to jodha as always or did she threw you out like before so you are here. jalal ask her not to be angry, ruks says i am. This much happened and you freed them easily, i know jodha was innocent but why bharmal and company? jalal says it was mirza’s request, ruks says what about mughal respect that was damaged. Thing is you did all this for jodha, is there a heart beating in you? jalal says again same thing i dont have heart how to tell you. Ruks says i dont know whats in her, she is trapping you, why dont you let her go if she in not important, what you are trying to achieve but fails everytime, jalal looks at her and is about to go but ruks stops him and says sorry for talking rudely, she orders dasi that tonight jalal is with me and nobody should disturb him. She says to jalal that i will try take your tension away, come i will massage your head.

Read Next: Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 3 June 2020
